Transcript for:
Brawlers Progression Guide

today we're going to go through the Star Road and I'm going to tell you which Brawlers are best to choose at every single point of progression I did this video a couple of years ago but since then I've started two new accounts so I have a lot more experience with what Brawlers are actually good early on also the meta has changed and we've got a ton of new Brawlers to talk about this video is for anybody who does not have experience playing every brawler in the game like I do and if you are experienced feel free to let me know which points you disagree with a lot of this is personal preference and you just might help a new player so like the comments you agree with as well first up we got Nita you don't get a choice here next is El Primo once again no choice next is Jesse also no choice here you also don't get a choice for Poco uh you're just going to unlock him and the same goes for Jackie as well your first choice is between Brock and barley it really doesn't matter which one you're going to get you're going to get all of the rares very early on personally I think Brock is the better one to choose right off the bat but like I said doesn't really matter that much also keep in mind that even if you progress exactly like I am in this video right here there's going to be some variance because you will unlock different Brawlers from stard drops and you don't have a control over that okay next you get your first epic choice and this is between bow and M both of these are just fine options I think m is a little bit easier for new players to start off and you'll get a 25% credit off just because it's your first one and we got more to talk about but first you have got to check out is a hyper Battle Royale available on mobile and PC and you can download it for free by clicking below they're also sponsor this video which makes them extra awesome choose from several different Champions each with their own unique abilities and jump into a 16 player free-for-all to beat be the last man standing you can play by yourself in solos or play with a friend in Duos Pro tip is start collecting resources as soon as you jump into the match so you can build structure as well as get ammo and shields to make your Champion stronger a storm will slowly close in on the center of the map dealing damage to any player inside it so all players are constantly pushed towards each other resulting in an epic battle near the end of each match there's also a 1V one mode where you can spawn inside a very small map with one other player and play a best two out of three and while you can play this game on PC I actually prefer the mobile version because you can play it anywhere matchmaking super fast and you're almost immediately thrown into intense fun games seriously what are you waiting for click that link in the description below to download today you can also find it for Mobile in the App Stores you don't want to miss out on any of the events or challenges that literally change every single day once again a huge thank you to for sponsoring this video okay next is barley and Colt and really either one of these are going to be just fine I'm going to go with Colt just because because he deals more damage he's actually a lot of fun starting out next is a choice between dynamite and 8bit and while 8bit is probably the better option overall he's really slow and takes a little bit of getting used to whereas Dynamite can deal insane damage and uh yeah I'd go with dynamite he'll be your first thrower next is between B and bow this could really be either option I'm going to go with bow even though I actually would prefer to play with be a little bit more B is just bit a bit easier to use next is the choice between barley and bull and I'm going to go with bull here he just does a lot of damage he's very similar to Shelly and he's going to be be some easy trophies early on against new players and Bots when you're first starting out it's important to have easy Brawlers that are good against noobs and uh bull is one of those okay next we have 8 bit ticking Carl this is really anybody's choice you could go with any one of them personal preference if you want a high damage dealer go with 8bit if you want a thrower go with tick but if you want an allrounder I would go with Carl personally if I was choosing this for my own account I would go with Carl and get him up to power seven and get a gadget as soon as possible next is an epic brawler choice between B Frank and Stu and I know that most people with experience in the game would tell you to pick Stu or B but I'm actually going to recommend Frank for new players Frank is terrible later on when everybody knows how to counter him but he's incredibly oppressive against new players that don't know how to deal with him and if you pick Frank like seriously you're just going to just destroy people who do don't understand how to counter him okay next we have our first Mythic brawler choice this is between mortise terara and Jean and while Pro players and experienced players are going to tell you to pick Tera or Jean I'm going to go with mortise at this point in your progression people don't know how to counter mortise they just don't and he is a lot of fun to play with even though he's not very good later on when people do know how to play against him he's so fun I highly recommend him as your first Mythic brawler okay next is a choice between barley and Rosa this just depends on whether you want a thrower if you do go with barley and if you want a tank or like kind of damage there you could go with Rosa I think most new players I would recommend going with Rosa but there's no shame in going Barley if you'd like I'm going to select for you guys though next super rare brawler is between apit tick and Daryl and I'm 100% going to go with Daryl Daryl is super easy to play at newer lower trophies he's really strong and he's a fun one to get used to if you're an experienced player then TI in uh eight bit or solid choices but Daryl is seriously the best for newer players next we have an epic brawler choice and I'm going to go with Stu he's a lot of fun to play with and he does have a very high skill cap but even at lower trophies he's actually really good and most importantly he's actually a lot of fun as well so Ste is a solid Choice up next is a Mythic choice between Tera Jean and Max and you could go with any one of them I'm going to recommend Max Max is going to be your very first option when it comes to choosing a very fast moving brawler and with her super she's even faster she's a lot of fun you can spam ammo like crazy she's good at close range and at a medium range as well but then you have your first legendary brawler choice and I thought about this a lot I used to recommend people select Spike first because Spike has consistently been in the S tier almost every single season and I do think that spike is a great second choice the thing with Spike though is that he's not the most fun to play not out of the first three legendary Brawlers Crow can be fun as well but he he's not as fun of an assassin as Leon is my first legendary recommend recommendation is going to be Leon the more I play new accounts the more I think that like you should just have fun with your first legendary brawler and Leon is genuinely more fun than the other two legendary Brawlers I don't think that anybody can really like argue with that right they might have you choose the the stronger option at the moment but fun Leon's the way to go finally I have your last rare brawler which is going to be barley and uh I'm just going to gem him like that uh by the way this is a developer build these are not real gems it would cost me $1,000 to buy enough gems to be able to just buy every brawler out right so we're not doing that here next is eight bit tick or Penny and my recommendation is Penny I don't have anything against eight bit or tick I just think that penny is a lot more fun to play especially as a new character when you get some Splash shots in there she can actually be quite a bit of fun and her mortar gets in insane value against new players okay next is B Pam and Griff and this is an unfair choice because Griff is one of my favorite Brawlers in the game to play he's incredibly strong in a lot of different situations and especially once you upgrade him to get his piggy bank Gadget he can just shut down entire team comp sometimes he's he's really good he takes a little bit of getting used to but he's easy to use I I don't know I like him a lot I I can't recommend another brawler before Griff next we have a Mythic brawler Choice Tera Jean and Byron and for this one I'm go with terara okay Byron is actually one of my most favorite to play out of these three but tera's going to be easier to use and is actually really good against new players next we have eight bit ticket Rico your first time seeing Rico is right here and I recommend going with Rico he's your first brother that you can like bounce shots off of walls and that's really fun to experiment with even as a new player and if you get good at it as a newer player you're going to absolutely dominate some people on certain Maps so he's a lot of fun okay next is a choice between B Pam and Edgar and I'm absolutely going to recommend Edgar in fact you're going to be given a choice between Edgar and Griff when you have the new player rewards and as much as I love Griff I would recommend you picking Edgar because he's so fun to play especially in lower trophies like he's absurd like he genuinely feels op to new players and you'll feel op when you're playing with them at first too okay next we have our second legendary brawler choice and this is an easy pick for Spike very consistent very easy to hit your shots easy to do some damage and uh not as like niche as Sandy and Crow and with that you will have your second legendary brawler unlocked and you'll have 27 out of the 80 Brawlers in fact by this point you'll likely have a few more just because of unlocking them in Star drops by this point in the game you're going to have a little bit more experience I don't think that I can any longer call you a noob or a new player and so the brawler choices are going to change a little bit specifically to give you some better long-term skilled Brawlers next choice is your first time seeing bb or Piper this is the point where you should probably choose between either be or Piper because they are long range damage dealers you want a sniper at this point in your progression personally I think B is the easier option out of the two especially because her super can slow enemies and when you slow those enemies down you can just auto aim your attacks and it's pretty much kills every single time so that's why I recommend B next next is your first time seeing Gus and my recommendation here is going to be Gus he is a support brawler not a damage dealer you could go with eight bit if you'd rather have a damage dealer but Gus is really easy to use and he's even a high skill cap brawler like really good option later on as well next is your first time seeing Mr P or squeak and there's no clear answer right here honestly you could go with any one of them I really do like squeak and I think he's probably the choice that you should go with but if you've seen people play with Mr P or Bon or Jee then you want to play them go ahead and go um but I think squeak's the best option at least at that point obviously that can change as The Meta progresses but that's why you watch my tier lists next is our first time seeing Grom and I don't recommend choosing Grom I recommend going with B she's not a very difficult brawler to master but you're going to get some good value Adder even when you have about 30 Brawlers unlocked okay next is a legendary brawler choice and you get to choose between Amber and Meg and my recommendation is going to be Amber very easy to use you pretty much just hold auto aim the whole time but also even at this point in your progression people are not going to be very good at staying away from Amber she is going to be some very easy kills and some easy trophies early on like that next are two options for your super rare either one is you could go with uh I would recommend apit um I don't like tick that much mostly because I hate playing against tick although tick does have its places next is your first time seeing nonan and you could go with either Piper or nonan in my opinion they're both really good I think that Nani takes requires a little bit more skill so probably go with Piper but uh yeah you can go with Nan if you'd rather also you're going to have a lot of fun with Piper she's a really good Marksman next to your first time seeing Chester and you know this time I'm actually going to recommend going with Crow Sandy or Meg could be better overall at the time but uh Crow's quite a a bit of fun to play seriously you could go without any one of them at that point but I like Crow he's really cool and finally you're forced to unlock tick and that means you will have all 10 out of 10 super rares next to your first time being able to choose Bonnie and at this point I would recommend going with Bonnie she's kind of like a long range damage dealer mixed with an assassin and she gets a lot of value next is your first time being able to pick Sprout this is a tough call this really is going to come down to your personal play preference in this situation I personally would select Byron because I really like playing him but I I don't think I can recommend Byron he he does require Personal Taste if you want to throw though definitely go with Sprout if you want to be kind of obnoxious and annoying you can play with Mr P and if you want to be the most competitive and you're a really skilled player I'd go with jean this is what I would select at least I would recommend for most people even though I would pick Byron this is your first time seeing Hank and he sucks don't pick him for a long time unless he gets reworked or rebalanced or something like that at this point I would select Nan her super is really fun to use you can fly around in a little like robot and deal lots of damage next is your first time seeing gray and what you choose here is going to depend on how you play if you've got friends that you play with very consistently absolutely go with Byron or gray they are fantastic characters to play with people that you can communicate with if you don't have friends like me I I don't play with anybody ever then I recommend selecting either Mr P or or Sprout just because they're going to be less dependent on who your teammates are uh my recommendation here is going to be Mr P okay next your first time seeing Surge and you know what this is a really tough call right now competitively it's a a choice between Sandy and Meg Surge is a lot of fun and this is going to depend on how good you are at staying alive if you are a really aggressive brawler that likes to get close to people and you take damage and you die and respawn a lot Serge is not for you he's not for you you'll get terrible value out of him if you're like that player select Sandy because Sandy is great at doing that but if you are really good at Staying Alive go with Serge because he ramps up in damage over time really well most people I would recommend selecting Sandy though Sandy offers really great control and is excellent on a lot of different kinds of maps and modes so and honestly close-range brawler really great option next to your first time seeing Gail and this is going to depend on whether or not you think you'll enjoy playing Pam if you want to play Pam select Pam I would SE recommend selecting Pam however Gail can also be pretty solid um I recommend Pam she really can do a lot of damage she's like yeah she's a Healer but she can be great next is your first time seeing Willow and while she's really cool I actually recommend gray here he's very competitive has some insanely strong synergies for your next legendary you have the first time of a choice of being able to choose cordelius and I really like cordelius he is a lot of fun he can do a lot of damage I highly recommend getting him next for your next epic you can choose Colette for the first time and I highly recommend her she is one of the best tank counters in the game and while it does take a little bit to get used to how her attacks work out she is an excellent choice to be able to have from your options next your first time being able to choose Doug or probably not going to select him for a very long time we're going to recommend Sprout at this point excellent thrower can be very annoying if for enemy players if you place those walls well for your next legendary you have the option of selecting kit kit can Kit's a fun assassin type support brawler not the most amazing assassin but can be a lot of fun however in this situation I'm going to recommend Meg she's a tank and she can deal a lot of damage from a long distance away she's actually really excellent at least for right now some people in the community don't like her voice lines fin of kind of annoying but uh you care about power more than that right you might annoy the enemy players who knows for your next epic choice you can select Belle for the first time and I highly recommend Belle she's excellent a really great longrange sniper brawler and she does a really good job at taking advantage of enemy players bunching up because her shots actually bounce between them for your next Mythic brawler I recommend getting Chuck uh I really like Chuck and Heist he's insanely strong there and it's good to have one option that is just overwhelmingly strong in in Heist I think personally uh but if you don't like Heist and you don't plan on going it then you can go with Byron I'm going to go ahead and select Chuck for your next Mythic you have the first choice of in Ash if you are an aggressive player and you really like aggro Brawlers then Ash is an excellent choice I seem to never enjoy playing Ash very much though so I'm going to recommend selecting Gail next your first chance to actually select Lou and I highly recommend him he's I think overall he's the Easy Choice out of all of these unless you want to play Byron back toback Mythic Brawlers here if this is your first time seeing Ruffs and I'm going to recommend Ruffs as well he's an excellent support brawler better than Byron in a lot of situations though if you have tried Rico and you don't like boun in shots then I don't recommend him but at this point you should be pretty good at bouncing some shots next is your first time seeing Lola and I recommend Lola she deals a lot of damage her Super's really unique because you can control her super along with your character and attack and stuff like it it's kind of she's a really unique and fun brawler to mess around with for your next Mythic you have a choice of selecting buzz and I recommend Buzz over these others he's a lot of fun to play as an assassin and whether you're in high trophies or lower trophies he actually gets some pretty good value though you could go ahead and choose Byron if you don't like playing aggressive Brawlers like buzz next is your first time seeing Sam and this is a call between Sam and Grom if you want to play thrower grab Grom if you want to play an aggressive label as an assassin interesting uh then you can play Sam I think that Sam is the better option overall he does take a little bit of getting used to with his super though next your first time seeing Fang and I do think that I mean he's a lot of fun to play and he's an excellent brawler as well so I recommend going with Fang next for your next epic brawler you can choose mny for the first time I hate playing Andy I just do I don't know what it is about her uh but some people really like her I don't like playing against her so but I'm going to choose Gro cuz for me personally I like Gro he's a good thrower uh he's better at playing against newer players than experienced players but uh with some practice you can get really good at him next is your first time seeing Eve and I recommend Eve although if you want to play support brawler go with Byron over Eve but Eve is a little bit better at doing some damage some consistent damage next is a three-way choice for your final three legendary Brawlers and I'm going to recommend surge at this point by this point you should be a little bit better at staying alive and doing so will massively reward you with how overpowered surge can be sometimes next is your first time seeing Maisy and I just like Maisy so much more than these other Brawlers so I recommend her although if you prefer to be at us an assassin type of brawler go with Mandy but I like Maisy a little bit more next to your first time seeing Janet and I don't love playing Janet here I recommend going with either Byron or Willow I would recommend going with Byron next we finally have an option to select Pearl and she is just better than these other in my opinion um she's really good overall easy to use you do have to be a little bit patient with her in letting her heat bar fill up but if you're good at being just a little bit patient she can really benefit okay now at this point you are at 61 of the 80 Brawlers the remaining Brawlers are heavily going to be based off of what kind of player you are and what kind of brawlers you feel like you are missing from your roster there's a good chance that by the time you are at this point in progression you'll already have a core set of brawlers that are going to be helping you in rank anyway next is your first time seeing Otis I like Otis a lot more than any of these other options he deals quite a bit of damage and has some decent area control so I recommend him next next your first time seeing Larry and lri this is really going to come down to three choices okay are you an aggressive player select Ash are you a sniper play Mandy if you like throwers though 100% go with Larry and lry my choice out of these three would be Larry and lry next is your first time seeing Buster and this comes down to your personal pre preference as well Buster is an excellent tank and a good support brawler he's not my favorite to play and so in this situation I would recommend either Willow or Janet my recommendation here would be Willow next is the choice between Chester and kit and while I like Chester he's kind of fun and crazy and kooky I actually like playing kit yes he's considered a support but he's played a lot like an assassin as well and can be really good in Solo Showdown next is your first time seeing RT and I highly recommend going with rt he's just a really good counter against a lot of different Brawlers and at this point you're going to be able to hit your shots from a distance and he's actually like pretty solid um you could go with Janet otherwise but I recommend RT in this situation next our first time seeing Angelo and right now Angelo is one of the strongest Brawlers in the game he's incredibly strong depending on when you're seeing this he might not be quite as strong but there's a chance that he's going to be pretty decent so I recommend going Angelo either way unless you don't like playing snipers and you don't like playing patiently then you can go with a different option but he's really good next is our first time seeing Charlie and she is also insanely good right now way better than these other three like seriously unless the meta changes very much I would recommend selecting Charlie next and finally you have your very last legendary brawler it is going to be Chester let me know in the comment section below if you guys think there should be a different legendary brawler is your last choice but Chester is unlocked oh except that I just realized I forgot about Draco the newest brawler coming to the game tough to say whether or not he's going to be better than Chester uh he might be the better option you're going to have to watch my tier lists to know for sure next is a choice between Hank Ash and Mandy and this comes down to personal preference Ash is a good tank aggressive player or brawler if you want to play like that go with him if you want to be a sniper then go with Mandy my recommendation here is going to be Ash you can see I just really don't like Mandy very much for your next Mythic brawler is a choice between Doug Janet and Buster and I'm going to recommend going with Janet unless you play with people frequently that you and you want to like have a good Synergy playing Buster with a specific competition I think Janet's going to provide more value bet overall next is Hank and Mandy this is an Easy Choice Hank is terrible right now definitely go with Mandy next our first time seeing Mo and while Buster can be good and Doug is awful Moo's a lot of fun to play and he can actually be pretty good if you play him well he's not like amazing but just how fun he is I think provides a lot of value and that's why I recommend going with moo next next we have the last epic brawler you are forced to choose Hank I'm so sorry but you guys will have to let me know if there's a different epic brawler that you think should be your last pick I think most of you will agree that it should be Hank next is our first time seeing Melody and unless Melody gets nerfed which she's probably going to right now she's one of the strongest if not the strongest and best brawler in the game um so definitely go with Melody unless something changes which like I said I think that she will eventually get some Nerfs and might not be number one but she's certainly a lot more fun to play than the other two options so you really can't go wrong with Melody now we just have Mythic Brawlers and it's a choice between Doug and Buster and I am going to select Buster that is right with Buster now unlocked that means that your last brawler it's going to be dug and I think that's fitting perhaps there's another Mythic brawler though that you think should be the absolute Last Choice out of all the Brawlers in the game oh I also forgot about Lily definitely go with Lily because she's going to be better than Doug other than that though you can go with Doug by that point you will have every single brawler unlocked and perhaps all of them will be maxed out like this it's doubtful you'll probably have to um get a lot of coins and gadgets and uh star Powers at that point but let me know what you thought about this video and I'd really appreciate you guys using code kyus in the brawl star shop k a i r o s code kyus in the brawl star shop Doug really sucks