Welcome to this L&R Warehouse Training Video on Receiving. This video addresses the many activities involved in receiving product into an L&R Warehouse because, well, what's a warehouse without product? These activities involve a number of workers and involve both physical and electronic activities.
Supervisory and clerical workers start the process By keying a PO number, delivery date, and other product delivery information into Prelude before the delivery is even made, then additional entries are made during and after receiving the product. Then there are the receivers, who actually scan in and put away received product. It's their role that we'll concentrate on in this video. When product arrives, receivers are assigned product to scan in, and receive with RF scanners. Let's follow Scott through that process.
Once the RF scanner is on and you're logged in, you're on the radio frequency menu. Select processes. On the processing menu, select receive and put away. Well, that makes sense. Since you are receiving product, select stock receipt.
Key in the order's PO number. Usually found on the pallet on the shipping label, press enter. And now it's time to really rock and roll. Scan your first item with the RF scanner.
The product appears on the screen along with the product's primary location code. Then key in the quantity. Be precise, be accurate, and be careful. Miskeyed information causes headaches.
And that headache might be yours. Press Enter. The cursor moves down to Bin.
If you see Doc, it's time to scan your license or nameplate. If you see anything else, check with your supervisor. A nameplate is a personal mobile location unique to each receiver. It contains the receiver's name and electronically attaches that product to that. person.
The product's not yet in an actual warehouse reserve or primary location. You're telling the system that you are currently the product's location. Scan the nameplate and your name appears.
Double check all your entries on the screen. Press enter. You're back at the stock receive entry screen and that item has been received. Repeat that same process of scanning items keying in quantities, and scanning your nameplate for all additional items.
Once you've electronically received all the product, press the function key then 2 on your keypad to save your entries. You're back at the receive and put away menu. Press clear to return to the processing menu.
Now, and very importantly, it's time to visit with your supervisor so he can update in the system. Once the supervisor updates, you've completed the receiving process, and it's time to move on to the put-away process. From the processing menu, select Individual Bin Movement.
With the cursor on New, press the function key, then D, then A, and Enter. You've arrived at the Bin Product on Hand inquiry screen. Scan the product you're putting away.
You'll see the items. primary bin location, quantities, and other information. Scroll up and down to see information on additional locations for that product.
Knowing the product's primary or picking bin location, go to it. If it needs refilling, that's where the product should go. If it doesn't, the product will go to a reserve location.
Once you've determined where the product will go, you can go ahead and select the bin location. Press the clear button twice to return to the individual bin movement menu. Press enter.
The move number appears and you're prompted to scan the product again. The product appears and the cursor moves to FBN or from bin. You're moving the product from its current location which you'll recall is your personal nameplate.
So scan your nameplate. Then key in the... the product's quantity. Press Enter.
The cursor moves to TBN or 2-bin. If the product's going in its primary location, scan that code and place the product in the box. If the product's going in that product's reserve location, scan that code and place the product accordingly.
So you see, as they say in the real estate business, it's all about location. Press function, then 2, and you're back at a blank. bin location screen.
Repeat that process for all items you're putting away. Once you've put away all products, press the function key, then D, then E, and scan your license plate to verify your received bin has been cleared of all product. Then press clear four times and you're back at the RF scanner's receiving starting point.
In this receiving and put away process, Product has physically moved from the delivery truck to a primary or reserve location, and you've kept the system updated on its journey and current home. Let's go through the process again, only this time in fast motion. To receive, scan product, enter quantity, scan your name as location, repeat for all items, speak. with receiving supervisor to put away scan product enter quantity scan new location place product in new location repeat for all items stand back admire your quality work thanks for watching this L&R warehouse training video on receiving