foreign look up for me and you're gonna hold that right there and then bring your head back up and then we're going to check and look and make sure that the purple holes are right above over the front of the over the ear holes so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this tri-race marker and I'm going to mark three different parts I'm going to Mark the center here and then I'm going to mark this green one here and I'm going to mark this other green one back over here okay we're going to cap this off and then we're done with this and we are done with this so I'm just going to spot check and make sure I can see the dots there's one there 's one there and then the other one should be right over here and there's a third one there okay okay so we're going to grab our black electrode and I'm going to hold this side firmly and then I'm gonna then I'm gonna pull this side is going to come through let me get our black electrode okay so I'm going to take that put it in between these two fingers right here so I can use my hands and still work I'm going to go ahead and grab this paste I'm going to take one of these pins or these wooden dials here I'm just going to grab a strip of paste about that amount okay now we're going to set this right here we're going to grab an alcohol swab I'm going to tear this open I'm going to take this alcohol swab and I'm going to take the new prep and open this up take a tiny little pea-sized amount that much is all you need we're done with this we're going to rub this together and we're going to set it up on top of her head right here okay now here's the super critical part I'm going to take this paste the electrode has a little Edge on it so what I'm going to do is I'm going to just chop right down into the middle of that so I'm just going to chop right there and slide it over and chop again and slide over so we have a little bit more than a pea-sized amount of paste on the electrode okay so I'm going to come back over to the Head I'm going to take my electrode place it back between my fingers here so I can still use my hands and work I'm going to grab my alcohol swab with the paste the gel side down I'm going to part the hair I'm going to find the scalp completely expose it I'm going to take my two fingers and part the hair I'm going to take the alcohol swab and I'm going to scrub and clean as I'm cleaning I'm parting the hair to reset the hair and move it out of the way partying and cleaning parting and cleaning and then Super critical I'm going to take the alcohol swabs that are right there I'm going to take the electrode with the paste on it I'm going to pull it through about 6 to 12 inches I'm going to take my finger the very tip of my finger and I'm going to set that right down on the spot that I cleaned and then what I want to do is I want to push down until the paste comes out of the top a little hole right there and there once it's there I'm going to roll my finger off and the electrode is on CE that's on there I'm going to go and put another finger back on I'm just going to run the wire backwards so it's going off the back of her head here and I'm going to roll my finger off so we're going to repeat this a few more times I'm going to grab I'm going to start with the right side so I'm going to grab the blue wire with the white tip on it so I'm going to go ahead again hold this I'm going to pull this electrode out so now I've got my blue electrode with my white ends these white ends are going to go on the right side so white on the right so I'm going to go ahead and grab my paste again and I'm going to chop right into the middle of that get a nice big chunk of paste about that amount I'm going to put it back between my fingers here and I'm going to come over to my second spot so I'm going to part the hair find my spot I'm going to set my fingers and part the hair I'm going to take my swab and I'm going to clean as I'm cleaning I'm parting here and resetting my finger so I don't lose my spot scrubbing and cleaning parting hair out of the way I'm going to go ahead and pull this through I'm going to set it right on top of the spot that I cleaned and push until the paste comes out of the top right there and I'm going to roll my finger off so now that that's there I'm going to take my finger again and hold it and just turn it so it's going off the back of her head there and then roll my finger off okay and then I'm going to do this for this side as well okay I'm going to grab our last blue electrode which is going to go on the left side of the head and again we're holding and pulling this through foreign we're going to take our paste and again we're going to chop right into the middle of that get a nice big chunk about that amount and then back between the fingers here and we're going to find our last spot which is right here and we're going to clean and wipe clean and wipe I'm going to set that there I'll pull the electrode through and this way I'm going to go ahead and just set it going backwards so I don't have to retouch it again and I'm going to push down until the paste comes out of the top and then we're done okay and I'm going to go ahead and since we're on this side we're going to go ahead and just clean the ears off really quickly so I'm going to expose the ear take my swab I'm going to clean top to bottom and then bottom the top and the back so we're just cleaning I'm going to go ahead and spin her around and we'll go ahead and do this side as well okay and then we're done with this so I've got white on this side so I'm going to go ahead and grab my other white for the ears I'm just going to take this and pull it through it's much easier when there's only one and then we're going to take the paste and so what I'm going to do is I'm going to re-paste a little bit so I'm just going to grab so again I'm just going to take a nice strip right like this and I'm going to go ahead and take the ear clip I'm going to hold it open I'm going to chop away in the front and then this way in the back so we got paste on both both of the insides of the electrode and I'm simply going to pull the hair out away suppose the ear I'm going to take the clip and it's going to rest it right in there I'm going to give it a little squeeze and that's it I'm going to do our last one so same thing I'm going to go ahead and chop in the front here chop down here towards the back I can shape it with my fingers if I need to and then we're going to spin you around got okay I'm going to come back okay so we're going to gather these up so I'm going to go blue Gray black gray cable with white and then blue cable with white his gray cable channel one is blue cable black cable is ground channel two is blue and then reference is white so we're going to take an alcohol swab open it up and we're going to part hair and we're just going to slowly wiggle this off and then we're gonna just grab that paste off again and hold this right there and I'm just going to clean with the hair comes right off and we're going to go to the top one over here apart the hair and wiggle this off and we got it all good and then I'm going to spin you around right there and then while she's here turn your head to the left there you go good I think we're spinning you around last one that's it