[Music] hi good morning everyone I welcome you all to the video tutorial on lifecycle assessment with open LCA software this is the first part of this video tutorial as you all know open LCA is an open source and freely downloadable software for sustainability and lifecycle assessment open LC software plays in the same league as commercial lifecycle assessment software such as simapro Gabi Oh Umberto but open LC also offers distinct differences so in this video I am going to show you how to download open you'll see a software from internet and install it in your computer in the latter part of this video lesson I am going to show you how to download free databases and at the databases into open LCA software as well as how to add impact assessment methods into open LCA software to search for open a see Sophia open the Google search and type open LC then we can go to open LC a website you so this is the open LCA website and we can see the different settings and you can select the download option in the download option you have to enter your credentials like first name last name email address organization city and country this is just for information purpose otherwise there's no payments to be done it's totally free so I have entered my credentials like this if you wish to obtain notifications or activities of our opening saying you can tick that otherwise you can proceed by clicking on submit button you then you will be forwarded to the download page and there you can find several options to download the oppinion c software there are two options first one is you can download the zip folder for open area software in that case you can use the software without installing it you can use several versions of open LCA within the extracted SiC folder the other option is you can select the download installer so if you select that you have to install the open Elsa software and if you want to change the version you have to uninstall the previous version and installed in the newer version so in this case we will select the Installer option I will download the Installer setup we can install the software using the already downloaded folder so we click on the setup file that we have downloaded then first we have select the language option as English and then we can click Next and then we have to select the License Agreement so click on that and then we can go for the current EU so sureness recommended and installed so it's really straightforward installation you can install it directly within a very short time the open LCA setup will be installed so after installation you can start open LCA setup and it will be started like this so we can see that in the mobile comm screen there are several options available and there we have we have the help options and learning materials there I cannot obtain any manuals or case studies related to LCA I mean lifecycle assessment conducted using open LC and the new databases how to move them so there are several options like this so next I'm going to show you how to input a new database if we want to create our own database using our own life cycle assessment data otherwise collected inventory data by our own can be inserted to a database so that is a manual database you have to go for a right-click there in the navigation bar and start a new database and we can select it as local and then database content as our requirement you so you can see that the new database is there with several options or you can see the background data there is nothing so we have to insert the background data by our own so this is the way to insert a new database for our own data then I am going to show you how to import an existing database from a certain database provider you know that there are several database providers for life cycle assessments there are commercial databases as well as there are a free databases so in open LCA software I mean compatible to open LCA software there are free lifecycle assessment database is also available so you can obtain them as well we can use the commercial ones all so first we have to download the database files for that we have to go for open LCA Nexus website so you can go to open NC Nexus website using the same website through the website that we downloaded the installation files so otherwise you can just search for open you'll see a nexus and here is the open you'll see a nexus and you can select the databases option so you can see that there are several free databases as well as for purchase databases are available and so for purchased databases there are known ones like a eco inment a great footprint like that and so in this first case we will download one free database and check whether how to import it into open LCA so here I'll go for browse button so that is the environment or footprints database the first one and so I can download the database file using the below as well as I I can download the associated documents for further reference about this date these data sets inside this database so I town load by inputting username and password so in here we can insert the previously entered email and the password write a certain password that you use for at email then so in this case we have to verify our email address so a link has been sent to my email so here I look into my email and here I have received linked by your panel see I verified the email address then I will be navigated to the download option then I have several options available to download among them the previously be free databases and commercial ones are available so I will select them so here I will download both the data set or database file as well as the impact assessment file as well right so in this case I can directly download the two then I will show you how to import them into open LLC so I have downloaded like this the two files one is for the data base a free database that is environmental footprints then the next one is eco invent impact assessment methods right then I can go to my open LCA software and right click in the navigation bar so I can select the other option then I can select the downloaded a database file then you can see that the downloaded database file is imported here and we can see the data there are many data available here but if we check the impact assessment it's not there so in open LC we have to separately import the impact assessment method then I will again right click and insert the impact assessment file that is also inserted as a database file and then if I double click on that I can see there are many impact test run methods that we use in lifecycle assessment is available inside you so this is how we import database files and impact assessment method files downloaded from open in CA Nexus website and inserted to open LCA software before concluding the first part of this tutorial I would like to briefly discuss about the concepts of lifecycle assessment first what is a lifecycle we have already discussed in our lectures about what is a lifecycle so a product life cycle has five paces so the raw material phase and manufacturing phase can be integrated together and said as production phase so there we have inputs and outputs with the life cycle in ventra coming from all these phases so this figure illustrates how a product life cycle can be indicated through graphical form and then in any LCA software we have to follow the standard methodology of lifecycle assessment that follows ISO 14000 40 to 44 a framework there there are four steps first one is goal and scope definition second one is inventory analysis and data collection the third one is impact assessment and the last is interpretation so in the interpretation stage we can interpret the results into product development product improvement strategic planning of the process or the product and public policy making and other applications like financial and economic aspects also so in the second part of this tutorial we will discuss how to conduct a lifecycle assessment using open LCS of Prayer we will take some examples and follow this standard lifecycle assessment methodology using open LCA software we will find certain environment impacts for a certain case study this is the end of the first part of this tutorial so I hope that you will use this video tutorial to get familiar with open LCS of Tara first download and install it in your computers and then try to be familiar with the software framework software environment then after your initial practicing with the software we can discuss the second part on how to conduct a lifecycle assessment using open LCA software so this is the end of the first part and I see you again with the second part have a nice day and good bye [Music]