Transcript for:
Exploring Jesus' Name and Jewish Context

Okay, so you should be coming from part one of this series. If you have not watched part one, please do not watch this video before you've watched part one. This is a continuation of what was taught in that video.

Where we just left off in that video, for many, I'm sure there were people that saw things and understood things that was not communicated before. And for others, I know I might have pushed a few buttons. So before you attack, let me continue on and explain more about this history. Let me read this first. In part one, I read some quotes from early church leaders.

There are also writings from Jews during that time period that go over their view of the Greek language during the first century. For instance, a Jew named Josephus wrote a book called The Antiquities of the Jews. He wrote this history of the Jews in Greek in around the year 93 or 94. This was after Rome destroyed the temple and pushed the Jews out of Judea. This book, The Antiquities of the Jews, contains an account of history of the Jews for the Gentiles who came to know Josephus. Now maybe you want to be like, see, they did write in Greek.

Just hold up and read this. There's a lot of history in that book, and it is understood who his audience is. But what he has said in the last chapter of the 20th volume is important for the historical context of what I'm giving you here. He writes, And I am so bold as to say now I have so completely perfected the work I propose to myself to do, that no other person, whether he were a Jew or foreigner, had he ever so great an inclination to it, could so accurately deliver these accounts to the Greeks as is done in these books.

For those of my own nation freely acknowledge that I far exceed them in the learning belonging to Jews. I have also taken a great deal of pains to obtain the learning of the Greeks and understand the elements of the Greek language. Although I have so long accustomed myself to speak our own tongue, that I cannot pronounce Greek with sufficient exactness.

For our nation does not encourage those that learn the languages of many nations, and so adorn their discourses with the smoothness of their periods. And that was the mindset of a Jew 20 years after the temple was destroyed. Now I have just documented and shown you the culture of the Jews did not encourage those to learn the languages of many nations.

Notice he said he took a great deal of pain to learn Greek. Understand it's not like it was just an easy subject people learned in high school. That was not the way of the Jews. And if you truly understand this faith, you must understand them.

You cannot say it didn't matter when I just showed you evidence that they did not agree with doing that. When Greece Hellenized the world, the Jews were to be set apart from that. And if you understand the history of the Jews, this understanding would always be a part of you. We do not doubt that there were manuscripts written in Greek. I mean, it's history.

If we know history, they moved the Hebrews out of the picture, and Greek was dominant amongst the Romans, and then there was Latin. In part 6 of the Understanding Israel series, I display that as a part of the Council of Nicaea, the Church Fathers wanted to be rid of all Jew influence. This included the Hebrew language.

You see, the Roman Empire did not respect the faith enough to preserve the Hebrew culture. They took and applied what they wanted to apply. So we should not doubt that the texts were translated to Greek.

But what should not be done is that from this understanding, make some general claim and place a Greek or foreign authority around the scriptures. What I am saying is that regardless of translation, we must identify our doctrine. according to the culture of the Jews and not of the ways of the modern Hellenized world.

And as we approach Yah's day, he desires that we come back to him in truth. Because there has been a hijacking of the word and the covenant, Yah's covenant with the Jews has been modernized. And now it is culturally adopted into our modern understanding instead of learning it through the culture of those who he actually came to. And I really want this to be known and understood.

We are in the last days and these things really need to be brought out in the open. Like I started part 1 of this video, Yahusha said, I have come in my father's name and you do not receive me. If another comes in his own name, him you will receive. John chapter 5 verse 43. You see that's prophecy. People don't actually recognize that he's giving prophecy.

Our father's name is Yahuwah. Our Messiah's name is Yahusha, which means Yahuwah. is salvation. Now understand this Clearly, our father's name, Yahuwah, cannot be seen in the Greek, Aesus, or in the Latin, Aesis, neither in the German, Jesus, nor in the English, Jesus. And so because of the two excuses of the ineffable name doctrine and Hellenization, we now know him by another name, which has no mention of our father, a name that changes as the wind blows, a name that people say should be translated and transliterated into whatever language people want to use.

And now this name Jesus is what everyone knows because this is the name the leaders of the world gave us. You have to understand when the name Aesus from Greek and Aesis Latin came into existence, this was when Rome was done persecuting Christians, burning them and feeding them to lions. And then they decided that Rome would now be a Christian empire. all of the people who are once pagans turning into Christians.

The Roman Empire didn't say, because of how powerful the God of the Hebrews are, we're going to come under the influence of the Hebrews. No. They ran the Hebrews out of their land, burned their temple, persecuted the ones who stayed behind.

They were not keeping the identity of the Hebrew Savior intact. They merged the Hebrew Savior with their pagan society, which made it easier for all the pagans to accept. By supplanting the name of Yahushua.

With that of a Hellenized Aesus, which became the Latinized Aesus, it was easy to make the pagans, who already worshipped the Greek Aeso, of which the masculine counterpart is Aesus, feel welcome. You need to understand, it was not so much that the Roman Empire was brought over to the faith, but it was more so that the faith was brought over to the empire. Please recognize the difference in what I just said.

It wasn't the pagans who who were converted to Christianity, but it was Christianity that was converted to paganism. And we see evidence of that every day, like with the celebration of these pagan holidays like Christmas and Easter. We see people who defend these things aggressively, even though it has nothing to truly do with the God of the Hebrews. When we are using these translations, we are attaching to other doctrines and other pagan cultures.

But Yah called us out to be holy, set-apart people. So how can we be set apart when we are adapting ourselves to the doctrines of pagans? So maybe now I've got your attention, but a few things still bother you. Let's just get some things out in the open because maybe though this is making some sense for you, I know your tradition maybe wants to tell me I am wrong and that this is not edifying or whatever else excuse you can come up with in order to deflect and ignore.

The scriptures say Jesus, so you're going to say Jesus. You have said Jesus all your life. and demons have fled and there's no reason to change.

Or you feel I am attacking the name Jesus. Jesus knows your heart and that you're speaking to him. I know there's a lot of different defenses here.

So let me clear this up. I am not attacking the Messiah who sacrificed himself for us and rose on the third day who redeemed us to our Father in heaven. If you feel that I do not love our Savior and our Father in heaven, then disregard everything you have heard here. But if you know that I love him dearly based on many other videos, To understand, I am not attacking the Messiah and belief in him.

I am attacking the doctrines and influences used when hijackers and wolves decided that they were going to be in charge of the faith. They did not take care with it. I am just providing historical reference so we can all draw a closer relationship with our creator, removing outside influences that do not need to be there.

When I was saved, I came to Messiah in the name of Jesus. I even saw how powerful he was in the spirit realm when I was combating against some witches using the name of Jesus. The amount of peace he brought me was and is real, and this is before I learned of his true name. For me, like many of you, I thought everyone who spoke against his name just had the spirit of the Antichrist and was trying to reduce the power of his name in the world. But then I also saw so many people blaspheming the name of Jesus, actually using his name as a cuss word, claiming that he is Lord over their life.

when they shouldn't be able to say these things. And I was perplexed and troubled, and I sought answers, and I prayed on it. And Father very gently started to teach me and bring awareness. Brothers and sisters, I know what the King James Bible has written, and your tradition wants to hold strong to what the translators of the King James Bible did.

But this faith you believe in is not an American faith. It wasn't even the translator's faith. This faith is not English.

Just because English is the dominant language does not mean we need to change his name. Do you change your name when you go to another country? This is not a practice condoned by the Hebrews.

They were told not to learn the way of the Gentiles. But listen, let's just cover it. Please answer this question truthfully, please.

And this will really determine how you really view your faith. Is the Messiah that was sent to the Jews English? If you said no, understand Jesus is an English name. The letter J was not even introduced into the language.

until the 16th or 17th century. In the King James 1611 Bible, the Messiah's name is Iesus. If he is not English, then Jesus is not his name regardless if that's what's most known and common. When the scripture says, nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved, that's Acts 4.12, if the letter J was not introduced only 400 years ago, And this scripture was written almost 2000 years ago. Why do we believe that this was the name that Peter was talking about?

We need to be very clear here people. Now the next question is, was the Messiah that was sent to the Jews, Roman? No, he was Hebrew.

The Latin form of his name is a translation from Greek, not the Hebrew. And we know of course he was not a Greek. So why? I'm asking you, why are we doing so much to go around his true name instead of using the name he came to his people in? You're probably doing it to defend your tradition.

You have to also ask yourself, why do people have such enmity against his Hebrew name? The name Peter, who walked with the Messiah referenced in Acts chapter 4 verse 12, was the Hebrew name. He never knew him in another name, people.

When you're saying that you're going by the way the translators... gave you the King James Bible, that means you're practicing the religion that they created, whatever doctrines they held, instead of just holding fast to the scriptures and using context and history and discernment to provide you with understanding. Let's understand a little more deeper. Messiah was given the same name as Yahusha, son of Nun, whom in English we have referred to as Joshua. I think that's pretty common knowledge at this point, I hope.

But if you don't have this understanding, Go to Hebrews chapter 4 verse 8. In the King James version it reads, For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day? Therefore remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. But this was not in reference to the Messiah. This verse was speaking of Joshua, son of Nun. Let's read it from the New King James.

For if Joshua had given them rest, then he would not afterward have spoken of another day. There remains, therefore, a rest for the people of God. You see, Messiah had the same name as Joshua, son of Nun.

But in our English transliterations, they translate Joshua's name from Hebrew in the Old Testament and his name from Greek in the New Testament. They even want to try to say the book that was written to the Hebrews was written in Greek. But you have to use the sermon. It's as if they changed their names depending on which languages they were speaking.

And guess what? That's exactly what they did. The Hebrews were definitely not speaking Greek during the times of Joshua, when the Israelites were coming to their promised land.

So why would they translate that name to the Greek name, Aesis? Anyways, the point I'm making is that they changed their names based on the languages. And as I started with, this is not something that we should do. His name is Yahusha, and this name has a wonderful meaning. His name means, I am he who avenges, defends, delivers.

helps, preserves, rescues, saves, brings salvation, your savior who brings you to victory, or simply, Yah is salvation. That is a wonderful, powerful name, a name that should be used. When he was being crucified, Pilate wrote his name over him.

Now Pilate wrote a title and put it on the cross, and the writings was Yahushua of Nazareth, the king of the Jews. Then many of the Jews read this title. For the place where Yahushua was crucified was near the city, and it was written in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin.

That's John chapter 19 verses 19 through 20. And look at what we've done. We have three names. It ignored the name he was given by his family and came to his people in, and we then flocked to the Greek and the Latin written by pagans.

We took the language of the pagans instead of the actual language of the Jews. He had a Hebrew name. We know this because the scripture.

Just told you! After everything we learned about Hellenization, why would we try to bring him more in line with our culture of today instead of aligning ourselves to him? Now here's the issue. I know for many of you, you have experienced power in the name of Jesus, and I do not deny it.

But this was the power of the Holy Spirit where you had ignorance. In our ignorance, he has been reaching out to us because he knew we were reaching out to him. So there is no doubt that you have experienced power in the name of Jesus.

But brothers and sisters, I say this with sincere humility. There is now no more ignorance. We know this was not his name.

When we take part in that excuse of translating his name because of cultures, we are taking part in a pagan practice. Yahushua already told us that that evidence of having power in his name and casting out demons in his name is not evidence that we know him. He said, not everyone who says to me, Adonai, Adonai, shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Adonai, Adonai, have we not prophesied in your name, cast out demons in your name, and done many wonders in your name? And then I will declare to them, I never knew you.

Depart from me, you who practice lawlessness. That's Matthew chapter 7 verses 21 through 23 and I really think everyone really needs to grasp and understand what he's actually saying here. He has told us with his own mouth that even though people are casting out demons in his name and did wonders in his name, they still did not know him.

So please understand that these signs and wonders are not evidence. As I started part 1 with, with the amount of people that are calling on his name, the amount of over almost 2 billion Christians in this world. calling out the name Jesus.

Evil should not be prevailing in the way that it has been. We should be able to defend ourselves against the enemy in a much stronger way. And for many of you that are wondering why certain things are happening in your life, why you're not experiencing power, why the enemy is attacking you so strongly, why the devil is attacking your family, why there's just so much grief. For many of you, it's because you decided to stay in ignorance.

And I'm trying to restore power. For me personally, I do not play with the enemy. This is a power play and I'm trying to communicate it to you.

Now I do know that this topic will be hard to understand for those who claim to be believers but they still celebrate pagan holidays like Christmas and Easter. Those that deny those days are pagan holidays really wouldn't understand this subject. But for you, if you understand that we should not celebrate pagan holidays, attach the same understanding to why we should not be changing the name of our god to match our culture.

This is what pagans do. This is what Hellenization did. And it's because we were never really taught about the subject, many of us just did not realize this mindset and where it actually came from. But go back to all the points I've shared.

The New Testament is proven not to only be written in Greek. Matthew wrote it in his dialect to the Hebrews. And again, if you just read Matthew, you can see who the audience that he's speaking to is.

Paul knew Hebrew. Yahushua came to him in Hebrew, and Paul was against the Hellenists. According to Josephus, the Hebrews did not encourage those that learned the languages of many nations. The translators used the ineffable name doctrine and Hellenization in their application of the word.

It wasn't the pagans who were converted to Christianity, but Christianity that was converted to paganism. Yahusha said he came in his father's name, and his father's name is nowhere in the name of Jesus. And these are just some of the points I made in this video. Yahusha said that the world hates him. And they do.

But the hatred is deeper than you think. These demons and the enemy, they blaspheme the name of Jesus because they can. But these demons and enemies of the gospel do not want his true name called upon.

When you use his true name, you feel the power behind it, which is why I use it and proclaim it and promote it. Yahushua said, But the hour is coming, and now is when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. For the Father is seeking such to worship him.

Elohim is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth. That's John chapter 4 verses 23 and 24. And it's time that the truth is given so that those with ears to hear can hear. Being that this is truth unedited, this is some truth that needed to be revealed. There are more layers to this, but we will add on to that later.

Let me just repeat this because it is important, because I know many of you may want to just say, if someone wants to say Jesus and God, it doesn't matter. He knows who we're speaking to. He answers our prayers and will be praying in the name of Jesus.

People are being healed and demons are being cast out in the name of Jesus. So none of this matters. You're just bringing confusion. Please understand again that through one's ignorance, the Holy Spirit responds to the name of Jesus.

If you were just reading the Bible and you were never made aware that this was not his name, the Holy Spirit responds because of your faith in him. He knows you're drawing towards him. But after being brought to the truth, And you're learning about him after you learn about Hellenization, how Judah stayed away from it, after understanding the history, and after understanding that it is a translation, this is no longer ignorance. We do not change him to fit our culture.

That is a world religion. That is not what Yah does. We are entering a spiritual season of evil and chaos, and it's time for all of us to mature in the spirit.

Now listen, I do not judge you for being taken back by this message. I do expect a lot of rebuttals and a lot of people unsubscribing. I'm very sincerely sorry for that, but not for the lack of views or lack of support before people decided to stay in ignorance. I cannot suppress the truth because I want to stay liked and popular.

If you don't agree, then you of course do not have to. Do what you feel. Do what you feel led to.

I recommend that everyone just takes this all up in prayer and see how father leads you. Do not ever Never just take my word for anything. I just put together the research and I tell you what works for me, so that you are equipped with more knowledge.

Read and remember the words Yahushua said, Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? The words I speak to you, I do not speak on my own authority, but the Father who dwells in me does the works. Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me, or else believe me for the sake of the works themselves.

That's John chapter 14 verses 10 and 11. If you understand that, understand he is in the father, the father is in him. So his name should be as well, which it is in the Hebrew name. If you want to understand Yah, understand Israel, because this will teach you better how we are to be in the eyes of our creator. You see the problem with many of you that you want to make this faith you believe in American or English.

or just part of your culture. If you're coming to Yah, you are coming engrafted to Israel. Because Israel is who he made the covenant with. No other nation. You cannot just hijack the faith and believe you are serving him.

If his ways didn't matter to him, he would have came through many different nations. But that mindset of tailoring your belief to your culture is exactly how a one world religion forms. And this is what the Antichrist is going to be bringing you. So be careful in your belief.

that his name should move according to the language that you speak. If you believe that, you have a belief in pagan doctrine, and you need to identify it and remove it from your way of life and your way of worship. This belief is not American, and just like the strangers who did not know Yah but wanted to serve him, you have to come to him in truth being grafted into Israel.

Understand it not from me, but listen to what Paul has said. For if the first fruit is holy, The lump is also holy, and if the root is holy, so are the branches. And if some of the branches were broken off, and you, being a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them, and with them became a partaker of the root and fatness of the olive tree, do not boast against the branches.

But if you do boast, remember that you do not support the root, but the root supports you. You will say then, branches were broken off that I might be grafted in. Well said. Because of unbelief they were broken off. And you stand by faith.

Do not be haughty, but fear. For if Elohim did not spare the natural branches, he may not spare you either. Therefore consider the goodness and severity of Elohim on those who felt severity, or towards you goodness, if you continue in his goodness.

Otherwise you also will be cut off. And they also if they do not continue in unbelief, will be grafted in, for Elohim is able to graft them in again. For if you were cut out of the olive tree, which is bowed by nature, and grafted, contrary to nature, into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these, who are the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree?

For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part has happened to Israel. until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. That's Romans chapter 11 verses 16 through 25 and he has more to say on it.

I've spoken too long. Like I said, this is probably the longest video and that's why I've broken into two parts. But if you don't really understand why all this is important, you need to read that scripture over again if you don't understand being grafted into Israel. This is all what the Bible is about.

For context, Israel is the natural branches and the Gentiles are the wild olive tree. Listen. I am not judging you if you choose to call on the name of Jesus.

And I am not saying that anyone who is called on and believed in the name of Jesus in ignorance is not saved. But for all of us who are preparing for his kingdom, we must reduce the areas of false traditions in our lives. You need to understand, this world is not aggressively blaspheming the name of Yahuwah and Yahusha.

I don't even think they can. You think Satan didn't know the Messiah's Hebrew name? It's ridiculous if you think that. You have to ask yourself, why are demons, who are being cast down by his name, Jesus, able to still blaspheme it?

They shouldn't have the power to do that. Why do they have the power to blaspheme a name that defeats them? That makes no sense. Listen, at the end of the day, you may question why this teaching is being brought forward. I want to make sure it is made clear to you that as we are told by the voice from heaven in Revelation chapter 18 verse 4, come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, lest you receive of her plagues.

This is why this message is being brought forth. We are told to come out of her, and that's what we're doing. These things I am identifying to you are twofold.

First, there is power in the name of Yahushua. Call on it and see. Don't just ignore what I said, but call on his name. It's filled with power, just as calling on the name of our father Yahuwah is. If we're going to work against the enemy in these last days, we must gain more power in the spirit, and so you will find a stronger connection to him using his Hebrew name.

Also, we want to remove the ways of Babylon out of our worship of him. I had someone on Instagram say that we should translate his name into whatever language we speak, but they say this with ignorance of not knowing him. They just did not understand that this thought or idea is one that comes from pagans. It's not something that originates and is told to by the Hebrews.

We need to come out from the influence of Mystery Babylon and her idolatrous wicked ways. We need to worship Father in spirit and in truth because this is what he's seeking. So if you know it's not built in full truth in regards to him, you should want to discard it from your worship of him. But I do realize it's hard and you're fearful maybe.

So please, again, do not take my word for it. Pray on this on your own. Study this on your own.

All of what I gave you, you can search out on your own. Start with understanding Hellenization, because this is where a big part of the problem started from. We must reject Hellenization and follow the ways taught to the Jews.

This is what our faith is based on, and this is why understanding Israel is so important. I have not come against my or your belief in our Messiah. And though you have been comfortable calling on the name of Jesus, in these end times you need to come out of your comfort zone and gain more power. The enemy will use this name.

These are the words of hope expressed and centered around Jesus who died and rose again. Jesus is Lord. That I came to know Jesus Christ for myself and embrace him as my Lord and Savior.

be just one way what what about jesus what about jesus the fact is maybe he's not some sort of devil or jesus character maybe he's just a guy trying to do the right thing this is all about power and removing the influence of babylon out of our lives he wants us to worship in spirit and in truth and today you have been given much evidence of it fight against it all you want but i am not your enemy i am just a messenger and you can choose to do what you want with it. But I will not tolerate attacks from your flesh and ignorance if you choose to shoot the messenger. If you desire to discuss this, I do try to respond to comments, and there are many others in the faith that are in the comments that answer the questions as well. Sincerity is always welcomed, but your flesh is not.

And it's time for us as saints to grow more in his power and call on his name and be separate from the tares who call on the name of Jesus. but live completely in sin. There's too much hypocrisy today in Christianity. And if we're going to proclaim our faith to the world, we must be called out and be separate. There are many people outside of the faith of Christianity that are looking for a Messiah called Jesus.

I mean, you do recognize that the Muslims also say they are waiting on Jesus, but it's a completely different, unbiblical one. We have it here is, what happens to Muslims when Christ returns? So that's an interesting question.

In Muslim narratives about eschatology, we have the general understanding that Jesus, on whom be peace, will descend from the heavens. He will arrive in a place near Tel Aviv. He will pray there with the Muslims in a mosque.

And the Muslims will offer him to lead the prayer, but he will say, no, Imamukum minkum, one of you should be the leader of your group. And after he has prayed with the Muslims, he will go out and he will slay the anti-Christ. Almost he doesn't have to slay the anti-Christ because in the Muslim narrative, the anti-Christ will melt in his presence. Nonetheless, he will spare him as the final blow.

And peace would reign for several years. They believe in Jesus too, just a different one than the scriptures present. We must separate from the Church of England who gave us this false name while they promote a false way of worshiping him.

We must separate from the Roman Catholic Church who brought Jesus. Jesus in a pagan way that ties in their already existing pagan beliefs. We must separate from the American church who has been guided by Freemasons who are all about bringing about a satanic kingdom. The same people who held slaves in Jesus'name and made sure slaves heard from Bibles that never mentioned the God of their ancestors. We need to break away from that influence.

It's time to break free and be separate, one and all. You. have been called.

You have been equipped. Call on the name of Yahushua, the Messiah, and be saved and be redeemed. Walk in power, for our day of redemption is near.

Be blessed. Hallelujah. Praise Yah.

Okay. Thanks again for watching. If this has blessed you, please don't forget to like and share this video with others. I know many people like to ask, what Bible is it that I read from? I recommend the Sefer and the Hallelujah Scriptures.

Links are in the description box. If you haven't done so already, please subscribe to this channel. Elohim willing, I upload every Friday. Please don't forget to follow this ministry on Facebook and Instagram, as well as on my website, If for any reason you no longer see my channel on You can always find this content on my website.

To all of you, thank you for watching. I'm thankful for all of you. Thank you especially to those Elohim has placed it on your hearts to give, and you have done so. Thank you and your assistance in carrying out this ministry every week. Thank you for your blessings and your prayers.

Please continue to pray for me as things are being taken up a notch. Your prayers and your support truly hold up this ministry. You really have no idea.

Thank you for being a blessing. Okay. Thanks again everyone for watching. I love you all.