how to deactivate your Facebook account welcome to another gauging gadgets Facebook tutorial video in this video I'm going to show you how to deactivate a Facebook account and if this video helps you please consider giving it a like and also subscribing to my channel because that really helps me out all right so the first thing we need to do to deactivate our Facebook account is simply open up the Facebook app on our iPhone or Android phone and then select the menu button in the bottom right of the app once the menu opens select the gear in the top right to open the settings and then once in the settings the first section will be labeled account Center go ahead and select see more in account Center at the bottom once you open up the account Center scroll down and under account settings select personal details and then in personal details select the last option account ownership and controls now that we're in here all we need to do is select the last option deactivation or deletion then select the Facebook profile that you want to deactivate and you have two options in here you can either deactivate your Facebook account and this is temporary or you can permanently delete your Facebook account by changing to delete account to temporarily deactivate our Facebook account make sure deactivate account is selected and then go down to the bottom and select continue keep in mind if you have any Facebook pages that you're the owner on or the only admin those pages will be deactivated as well so go ahead and select continue and then once you enter your password select continue and your Facebook account will be deactivated alright so that's how you deactivate a Facebook account if you have any questions about this leave a comment below get back to you as soon as I can if you'd like to see more Facebook tips and tutorials check the links in the description if this video helps you give it a thumbs up and please consider subscribing to my channel gauging gadgets for more Gadget reviews and Tech tutorials thank you so much for watching