Hello, my name is Janet Warren. I am with the Instructional Materials and Implementation Division at the Texas Education Agency. This presentation will show you how to use a program requisition to order state-adopted materials in the EMAT ordering system.
Several prerequisites must be fulfilled prior to ordering. If you do not already have EMAT ordering access, you must obtain it through the TEAL system. Submit your allotment and TEAC certification form. Update your district's summer shipping dates.
Enter at least three date ranges that do not overlap when someone will be available to receive shipments at your district. Then click Save. You will also need to confirm the accuracy of the contacts and addresses.
Make any changes necessary and click Save Work. If a name needs to be removed, from the contact list, please contact the Instructional Materials and Implementation Division by submitting an Instructional Materials Help Desk request. We will remove the contact for you. The requisition process begins when a local education agency submits a requisition for state adopted materials. The funds are deducted from the LEA's allotment in EMAT.
TEA reviews the requisition. If approved, TEA sends the order to the publisher. The publisher fulfills the order and TEA pays the publisher.
There are two types of requisitions. The first type is the program requisition. The program requisition is used to order any state adopted program or the entire package.
The second type is the component requisition. The component requisition is used to order individual items from a package. Component requisitions are available for any state-adopted materials beginning with Proclamation 2017 and each proclamation issued after that.
There are three different requisition statuses. In progress means the requisition has been saved or reopened but not submitted. Submitted means the requisition has been submitted to TEA for approval.
Approved means the requisition has been approved by TEA and sent to the publisher for processing. To create a program requisition in EMAT, you will click Create New Requisition from your District Start page. Select the Program Requisition tab. Select the grade level of the program you want to order. Elementary languages other than English materials are located in first grade, and middle school languages other than English materials are located in the sixth grade.
Click the magnifying glass to select the MLC of the program. Select the MLC from the list. Click the magnifying glass to select the ISBN of the program you want to order. Select the program ISBN from the list. Click the item details icon to view the program item detail if needed.
Additional information is displayed on the item details page. Please look carefully at the title because several packages are very similar. The comments section may give you additional information such as what is included in the package. It may also include the ratio of student materials that need to be purchased to receive the teacher material. Beginning with Proclamation 2017, the Ratio field was added.
The TEKS percentage is also available on the Item Details page. And if you scroll further down the page, you will see a list of the components that are included in the package. Enter the quantity needed in the Student Requisition Quantity field and or the Teacher Requisition Quantity field.
For teacher systems, Enter the quantity needed in the teacher requisition quantity field and enter the number of students using this material. Once the quantity is entered, the extended amount will generate. To add an additional row, select the plus sign.
To remove a row, select the minus sign. And remember to save your work. To submit your requisition, click on the Requisition Summary tab. Click View Print Requisition Summary to view the summary, and then click Submit to TEA to submit the order. If you have any questions or need assistance, please visit the Instructional Materials web pages for additional information or you can submit an Instructional Materials help desk request.
Thank you for taking the time to watch this presentation.