Identify different types of profiles used in Opera.
Create different types of profiles.
Search for profiles using the Opera search screen.
Understand how to navigate and use profile options on the profile screen.
Accessing Profile Screen
Click the button or icon for reservations (blue) and then the button for profiles.
This takes you to the profile search screen.
Opera always displays the current screen you are on.
Types of Profiles in Opera
Individual Profile
Used primarily for guests.
Contains pertinent information for faster reservations.
Company Profile
Businesses who book catering functions or sponsor guest reservations.
May have billing details and accounts receivable info.
Travel Agent Profile
Professionals who book business for guests.
Important for managing relationships and handling commissions.
Source Profile
Persons or organizations (not travel agents) responsible for bringing in business.
Examples: Assistants, travel bookers.
Group Profile
Affiliation that sponsors business at the property.
Contact Profile
Group leaders or event staff with reliable contact information.
Profile Search Screen
Yellow border indicates a search area.
Multiple filters: last name, company name, travel agent name, source name, first name, profile type, communication, IATA number.
RV (Reservation): Create a reservation for the highlighted profile.
New: Create a new profile.
Edit: View or change an existing profile.
Close: Close the profile search screen.
Wild card character (%) can be used for searching.
Creating an Individual Profile
Mandatory Fields: Last name (in bold).
Components: First name, middle initial, title (drop-down or F9), address, postal code, city, state, country, internal information (VIP status, nationality).
Communication: Home phone number, email address, etc.
Check Boxes: Active, contact, history.
Save Options:
Save: Save and remain on the screen.
OK: Save and close the profile screen.
Navigating Profile Options
More Fields Tab: Customizable fields by the property.
Stats and Info Tab: Stay and revenue statistics, AR account information, restricted status.
Options Button: Provides various enhancements based on property configuration.
Attachment: Save file attachments (2MB or less).
Changes: Shows all changes made to a profile.
Delete: Deletes a profile (permission required).
Future: Shows all future reservations.
History: Shows stay history and revenue.
Membership: Attach membership numbers.
Merge: Merge multiple profiles into one.
Negotiated Rates: Attach rate codes.
Notes: Attach various types of notes.
Preferences: Attach guest preferences (room features, special requests).