Transcript for:
Understanding Opera Profile Types and Management

and welcome to the Opera profile course upon completion of the profile course you will be able to identify the different types of profiles used in Opera create different types of profiles search for profiles using the Opera search screen and understanding how to navigate and to use profile options on the profile screen to access the profile screen I'm going to click on the button or icon for reservations notice how it's in blue and then I'm going to click the button for profiles it will take us to a profile search screen here if you notice when we access any of the screens in Opera it will always tell you what screen you are located on in this particular one we are on the profile search screen screen so under the profile search screen I'm going to click down on The View by and talk a little bit about each type of profile just a reminder about profiles in Opera every guest company travel agent and group that has stayed or done business with the hotel will have a profile created and stored in opera The information collected depends on what the hotel has deemed as necessary profiles are also created for the basis of collecting indispensable management data such as stay histories and revenue statistics profiles will contain information such as negotiated rates frequent State program records billing and much more profiles are the foundation of Opera in order for the reservation to exist there must be a profile creator created in the system an existing profile or one created at the time of the reservation now the types of profiles that are in Opera we're going to talk about the individual profile first the individual profile type is primarily used for the guests having an accurate profile allows for faster and more accurate reservations process because the hotel already has all the pertinent information the company profile the company profile are the businesses who book catering functions with the property the businesses who sponsor guest reservations in some cases company profiles have the billing details as well accounts receivable account information is associated with a company profile the travel agent profile sometimes times simply called agents these are the professionals who book business at the property for the guests who are their client travel agent profiles are important in managing relationships and in handling the commissions that are paid to our accounts The Source profile sources are other persons or organizations who are not travel agents but are responsible for bringing in business source can be for example assistants who make travel arrangements for their company's Executives the group profile a group is an affiliation that sponsors business at your Property Group business may be an example and then our last profile type is called the contact profile the contact profiles are generally people who are group leaders or event staff for a particular group reliable contact information can be keyed so now I'm going to close out the profile search screen and now I'm ready to navigate the profile search screen so I'm going to go back to where we were I just wanted to show you how we got there so I clicked on reservations here or I could click on the word reservations at the top and then I can go down and click profiles or click on the profile button over here on the left now in the profile search area if you notice there's a yellow border these yellow borders are are are um on every search screen throughout Opera and the yellow border uh indicates this is a search area there are many filters that we can search uh for a particular profile we have last name we could search by company name we could search by travel agent name we could search by Source name we have a field for first name we can view by the profile type here and only search for that particular profile type we can search by communication we can search by iata number iata stands for International Air transport Association and is attached to a travel agent profile or a source profile if you notice down in the right hand corner here you have several buttons here some are gr out right now and some are not the RV button stands for reservation and this would allow you to create a reservation for the profile that you have highlighted so if we had a profile highlighted in this screen we could create a reservation from this particular screen here the new button button which is lit up right now or as you can see you can use the alt in it allows you to create a new profile the edit button is to view or change an existing profile and the close button closes out of the profile search screen if we want to go back to the profile search screen we'll click on profiles and we're back to the profile search screen now when you're searching for profiles we have what's called a wildcard character in Opera and this wild card character is the percent sign the percent sign on your keyboard is above the the five so if you do the shift five you can use the percent sign when using the Wild Card the user can type in a few letters of the item for which they are searching an opera and Opera will dis display all the matches so if I do percent sign SMI I'm going to click search and Opera is going to return anything that has started with SMI I get nothing there if I type EHR and click search it brings up a profile that has EHR in the last name here so when you use the percent sign it will search the whole name okay for anything that has uh EHR in it if I want to clear my search screen I can click the clear button on the right hand side here and it would clear my search screen and I can search for another profile now I'm going to show you how to create an individual profile first you want to make sure and search search the database for the profile that you're creating to make sure there is not already a profile in the database so if I wanted to search for a profile and the name is Thomas Hansen I can type in ha for Hansen click on search there's no profile that has been created so if I want to create a new profile I can click the new button or do alt in and it will activate the new button once I activate the new button it gives me a choice what type of profile am I creating I'm going to create an individual profile so it automatically defaults to individual I can click on the okay or if you notice in dark black around the okay button it is highlighted so if you use the enter button on your keyboard you can press enter and it will take you into the individual profile screen if you notice up in the left hand corner here it tells you what screen you're in we are currently in the individual profile screen now the different components that make up the individual profile if you notice our last name and you notice that it's in bolds that means it's a mandatory field some other components are the first name this box here is for the middle initial or the middle name I like to use proper casing when I'm creating my profiles using my Tab Key it will take me to the next line in the first name so I type in the first name I Tab and it will take me to the middle name field I tab down it automatically defaults the language to English if I Tab and then it wants me to put in a title now notice there is a drop down here and this whenever you see a down arrow here that means there's choices there and you can choose from the drop- down another way to access the drop- down field if your cursor is in the field and you press F9 it will activate the drop- down for you and in this particular Hotel these are the choices for title I can use my down arrow and my up Arrow or I can use my mouse to choose or if I knew what the title was ahead of time I can just type it in here and then hit my Tab Key tab Keys takes me to the address field now of the profile notice that there is three lines for the address he field it defaults to home address here so you have three lines here this would be for the primary address guest address information with the additional address information such as apartment numbers or building names you can put those on lines two or three if you would like so for the address using proper casing if there was an apartment I could put apartment number 213 using my Tab Key and notice I'm in the postal code field if I put in the postal code it will automatically put in the city and state for me now you have to remember if the city and state is from another country you would have to put the correct country here in the drop-down we have set up for profiles for this particular hotel to default to the home address and to the country as us for all our individual profiles this would be set up in our configuration which will be another class using our Tab Key we can navigate to the internal information notice in the salutation there is something here this is populated automatically when you put chose something in the title field so it pulls the title and the last name of the guest notice our next field is the VIP field so if your hotel uses VIP statuses then you can attach a VIP status to the profile notice it's a dropdown so if you don't like to use the mouse you can press F9 and it will bring up the jop down and show our different VIP statuses I'm going to choose VIP 2 for me now the rest of the information on the profile um is up to the hotel if they want to use it we have a place for nationality if you want to track the nationality of this particular guest notice the reference currency is USD for this particular hotel for US dollar we can attach a business segment to the hotel notice in this particular Hotel we're not using the business segment so you can set up in configuration different types of business segments and attach it to the profile we also have a choice for mail action and in this particular hotel we have several mail actions here so if the guest is always looking for catering promotions or seasonly mailings or package special specials we could attach this mail action to their profile by clicking the box below the X it marks the the item and I click okay and it attaches it to the profile there's a box for mailing list if you want this guest to be included in your mailing list you could check it and they would show up on your mailing list we also have a item for keyword I click the box and I I click new we can attach a keyword to this particular profile what keyword will allow you to do is to group a bunch of profiles together all under the same keyword so if you search by that particular keyword you could pull up all the profiles that had that keyword attached to their profile keywords can all be configured in our configuration process when we config the hotel over on the right you have a place for date of birth notice there is a box here this is a calendar if you click on the calendar you can choose the date from the calendar or you can type in the the uh the date of birth of that particular person on your profile you have a field for passport number and then you also have a field for client ID if you choose to use it now in the bottom here of the individual profile here you have a place for communication you have different communication types if you go to the drop-down you can use the arrow or you can click on F9 and it will bring up all the different types of communications that you have configured for your hotel if I want to put my home phone number there I would choose home phone number and then to the right of that you would type their number and it depends on the hotel you can add a dat between the numbers you can add a period to the number uh between the numbers but it would be up to the hotel's discretion of how they want to put the numbers in so I will put a number in and put a dash also in the communication Fields let's say we want to add the email address for this particular profile I click the drop-down I can choose email address and then I would type in the email address of this person remember the email address will allow you to email out confirmation letters to the guest it will also allow you to email out guest folios when a guest checks out so it's very important that you get the email address information on the profile under the communication screen here uh or Fields below uh you see three items here active contact and history the active checkbox when checked this profile is available to be attached to reservations when unchecked this profile is only searchable when the inactive box is checked on the profile search screen the contact box next to it select this check box if this individual is to be designated as a contact for a company travel agent or Source when this box is selected the contact tab becomes active notice the contact tab becomes active I'm going to uncheck the contact box and then we have the history check box this check box is used to save this profile from being removed when the profile is inactive for an extended period of time active contact in history boxes um is the notes field we will talk about the individual profile notes when we go to options notice down on the right hand corner here you have a save button save allows the user to save the profile data and remain on the save screen so if we click on save it will keep us on the same screen and it will save our work the okay button saves the profile data and closes the profile screen for the user so if we click on okay it closes out our profile screen and takes us back to the search screen notice how we're highlighted on the profile that we've just created if we want to go back into this profile we can either double click on the blue line here or the name or we could click on the edit button here the new button down in the rightand corner new opens a screen to create a new profile and then the bottom one is the close button this closes out of the profile screen but we'll give a prompt to the user asking them if they would like to save if they have not saved recently so once I close takes me back to the profile screen if I want to clear my search click on clear and if I want to search for my profile type in the last name Hansen click on search we find my profile notice it tells you what type of profile it is it's it's individual profile shows the last name of the first name in blue if we wanted to open the profile we can double click on the profile and it will take us into the profile individual profile screen if you notice down at the bottom we have what's called a red lamp it brought up a red lamp for communications whenever you have more than one Communication in your communication field we have a home number and a email address it will produce a red lamp down at the bottom if you wanted to see the Communications you can do a single click on the red lamp and it will take you to the communication information field on the individual profile screen you notice up in the top left we have a more Fields tab if I click on it tells you we're in the more Fields area here and we're wondering what is more Fields this profile screen more Fields tab provides an area which the property can custom customiz by adding fields that they do not appear Elsewhere on the profile screen so we could add additional Fields here if the property would like close out of the more Fields then the next tab up in the left is called the stats and info tab what is the stats and info screen the stats statistics Tab and information screen offers a concise summary of stay and revenue statistics for the curent current profile got statistics for this year we have statistics for last year number of room nights number of rival rooms for this particular profile since we just built this profile new they will not have any statistic information as of yet because they have not stayed in our hotel one night yet the information tab this screen Flags whether the the uh profile is restricted and whether this uh profile would show an AR account information for the selected profile so we could click on restricted we can add a restricted rule to this profile and we can also create an AR number attached to this profile which we will do in a later training we've put the Restriction in we can save it or click okay and it would save it for you I'm going to click okay here if we go back to the stats and info button go to information it shows our restriction on this profile just wanted to explain under the information tab the restricted area a little more so when you click the restricted box this field allows a user to place a profile on a restricted list also knows at what we call blacklisting when the box is checked Opera will allow you to enter a reason rule of why this profile is being restricted when a restricted profile is attempted to be attached to a reservation the user will get a prompt saying that the profile has been restricted and the rule text will be listed okay so that is the restricted box I'm going to click close And it will take us back to our individual profile now we're going to look at the individual items down here in the right hand corner the attributes and the history information under the attributes we have rate code when there is a negotiated rate attached to a profile and we will show you how to get attached an individual rate here in a little bit so the individual profile options negotiated rate this is where the negotiated rate code will will display here under history information the AR number when an AR number or accounts receivable number is attached to a profile which was under the stats and info area the primary AR number will display here member number when there is a membership number attached to the profile and we'll learn how to attach a membership number here in a little bit this is where the primary membership number will display the last room field the room number of the last checked out reservation attached to this profile will display in this field the last rate field the room rate of the last checked out reservation attached to this profile will display in this field and then the last visit field the arrival date of the last checked out reservation attached to this profile will display in this field if you notice down here at the bottom we have created by and updated by at the bottom of some screens in Opera you will see a recording of who created an item such as a profile or a reservation and who last updated the screen the text is usually in blue down at the bottom and it will list the username the login username date and time at the property who performed the initial action of creation or was the last user to update the item searching options with when within an individual profile a user may need to search for another individual profile the way that you can search for another profile there's a couple ways of doing it the first is selecting search in the upper right hand corner of the search screen or of the profile screen from here you can search for another individual profile and select it for viewing ask you if you want to save takes you to the profile search screen and we could search for a new profile the other way to search for another profile down in the leftand corner here you have select another profile we can click on select another profile and once again it will take you to the profile search screen so you can search for an additional profile okay we are going to talk about the option button next year and you wonder what are options what are options options are used throughout Opera to enhance all profile types and reservations depending on and based on your application settings in configuration that will tell you what has been activated in Opera so the options button will vary from property to property so I'm going to click on the options button and it's going to take me to the options area notice at the top here it tells you you're under the individual profile options the attachment I'm going to skip over add-on for a minute the attachment here if I click on attachment allows you to save a file attachment just 2 megabytes or less to the profile so if we wanted to attach a Word document to this profile maybe the guest is requesting a lot of things in the room and they send you a list on a Word document you can attach it to the profile by clicking on new you can name the file we could put guest requests and then you would click on the drop-down and choose the file off your desktop or wherever you have it located once you choose the file you would click on upload and it would upload that file and attach it to your attachments and once you close out of options you will have a red lamp down at the bottom that says attachments going to go back to options the next button is changes if we click on changes here the change button shows you all records of all changes made to a profile and stores all the changes in history in the system for the life of the profile notice on the left here it's by the person's login the time this would be the Opera server time the date of those changes what I did and the description if you want to see more of the description you can doubleclick on the description and it will allow you to see more information notice over on the right hand side we can click on report and we could print this report out if we wanted to save and print out the actual changes that we've made to this profile the next button is the delete button this will delete a profile from the Opera system once deleted the profile can no longer be recovered and always remember this is a permission and so if anybody has the permission they will be allowed to delete the profile the next button is future this button shows all future reservations that are attached to this particular profile there's any future reservations it would show the arrival date departure date rate code number of adults the information on the future reservation screen notice you can create a new reservation from here we'll close out a future the next button is the history button the history option shows the stay history for all reservations attached to a profile and the revenue that was generated from their past days these are all the different fields on the history option the next button is the membership option if your hotel uses the membership option this is a parameter or a in configuration you can turn it on or turn it off if the hotel belongs to memberships maybe they have Airline memberships or maybe they have their own hotel membership where you can attach a membership to the profile so if we go to memberships I don't have any attached right now to attach a membership to this profile I would click new I would choose the type by clicking the drop down or if my cursor is there I can hit the F9 button on my keyboard and it lists all the different types of memberships that this hotel may offer if I was had an airline membership to Air Canada I could choose Air Canada the guest would give me their card number place the card number there if they had a certain level maybe premium level gold level silver level Platinum level we could create that and then if the card is invalid it would tell you and it would not let you attach it closing I do not want to say my changes and it closes out of my membership and I'm back to options here the next button is the merge button when multiple profiles exist Opera gives the ability to merge the profiles into one profile the user will select a profile as a primary profile and merge the profile when it merges the profile it merges the addresses it merges the communication methods the reservation history all into one Collective record in Opera only the profiles of the same type can be merged together so an individual profile to an individual a company profile to a company a travel agent profile to a travel agent profile the next option is ineg R which stands for negotiated rates this allows the hotel to attach a rate code to the profile so that we know what rate that person is supposed to get so to attach a negotiated rate I'm going to click new it will give me a list of rate codes that are being used at this property and you would find the rate code that that guest gets every time they come to your hotel I'm going to choose negotiated rate tier one I'm going to click on okay it attaches it to the negotiated rates I click close when I click close it gives you a red lamp down at the bottom if I wanted to view that negotiated rate I can do a single click on the red lamp and it would take me to the negotiated rate field we're going to go back to profile options and the next button is notes so if we click on the notes button this allows you to attach different types of notes to the profile these these notes are identified by types such as reservation notes we also have property notes we have background notes Central notes General notes and web notes always remember when you attach a reservation note to the profile when you create a reservation for this guest using this profile those reservation notes will attach to the comment line of the profile so to create a note I'm going to choose reservation notes on the title I'm going to put a title of guest reservation notes and then in the notes maybe I could put the date of when I'm putting the notes in but also see that there's the date up above here so I could put the note in gu I'm going to click on okay we've created the note I'm going to click close notice we have a red lamp for notes at the bottom it also shows up in the notes field here if you wanted to add multiple notes we could go to options we could go back to notes we could click new choose our note type and let's say this is going to be a general note this time our title guest loves chocolate we click okay now we have two notes on the reservation or on the profile excuse me notice the last note is the one that shows up on the not line if you want to see the notes you could click on the red lamp here or you could click on this ellipses button at the end of notes and it would also take you to the note the individual note field if we go back to options our next option is preferences I'm going to click on preferences the preference option is to be able to attach guest preferences to the profile so these are different likes and maybe dislikes on the profile there are different types of preferences if I click new the different pipes of preferences we have room features we have floors maybe the guest always wants to request a certain floor at your hotel we also have a group called special request and then we have many others here so if we want to attach a room feature to this profile we can choose the room feature group click on okay once we click on okay it gives us a list of room features that have been configured for this particular Hotel every Hotel will configure their own room features so the room features will be different from hotel to hotel if you want to choose a particular room feature let's say the guest always likes to have a balcony we can click the Box besides balcony puts an x on it and let's say the guest always likes to be near the stairs we choose those two features we click on okay and then there's our room features if we wanted to add a preference special request I can click new and I will find the specials group click on specials and okay and it gives me the list of special requests for this hotel say the guest is always going to have a pet in the room so we would choose that as a special request click okay and here are your special requests if I close out of the preferences if I close out of options we have a PR preference lamp down at the bottom it just tells you that there's preferences in the preference area that have been chosen also notice under the negotiated rate under the rate code for attributes it shows the negotiated rate that we have attached to this profile here I'm going to go back to options and under options our last button is the relationship button if I click on relationships relationships are a way to reflect profile linkage you may link many different types of profiles together for different reasons based on configuration the most common linkage between individual profiles would be if there were an employee for a company or they have a preferred travel agent through the company so we could attach Thomas Hansen's preferred travel agency here or we could also attach what company Thomas Hansen works for that would be considered a relationship option that I have not covered is the add-on option if you notice on the individual profile Thomas Hansen has his address information VIP status if you wanted to create a new profile and copy his information on here so a reason maybe why you would copy the profile information maybe Thomas Hansen's information here is his business address so maybe there's another coworker of Thomas Hansen's that's going to come in and you would like to copy this information from the profile because they work for the same company and you want to add the same address so if you click on add-on it gives you everything that you can copy so if it's the company address we could leave the address checked if it's the company phone number we could leave the phone number attached but if it's his email maybe we won't want his email address on the new profile or his fact we may not want want the notes on there or the preferences but what Opera will do is copy the address information and the phone information when we're creating a new profile so if I click okay here it takes me to a new profile screen and if you notice it only copied the address information and it only copied the communication information we could change the last name to a different maybe his co-worker's name and create a profile for his coworker but at this time I'm not going to create a second profile so I'm just going to close out of here I do not want to save the changes so I'm going to click no and it's going to take me back to my individual profile option screen here okay we've covered all the individual profile options on the individual profile and we've covered everything all the fields on the individual profile screen so I'm going to close out of the individual profile and it will take me back to the profile search screen couple things I want to point out on the profile search screen so when we bring up Mr Hansen's profile notice now we have more information here when you pull up his profile we know Mr Hansen is a vip2 we know he has a negotiated rate and the dollar sign also tells you when there's a dollar sign by the guest name that tells you that this is a negotiated rate attached to this profile you also have have the red lamps down here at the bottom so if you wanted to access Thomas Hansen's notes we could just do a single click on the notes and we could see Thomas Hansen's notes okay I'm going to close out of the profile search it will take us back to the main menu and the next profile type that we're going to talk about is the company profile so if I go back to reservations here and I click on profiles it brings up our profile search screen and I'm going to choose the view by and I'm going to choose company and I'm going to choose my company name FedEx for Federal Express and I'm going to click search if it is not in our database then we would click a new profile so I'm going to click on new profile so you can see what the profile screen looks like once it opens up up at the top in the leftand corner it tells you you're on the company profile and we call this an account in Opera and for the company f file in order to find out how many guests a company sends to a hotel a company profile is created to track production this profile is attached to a guest reservation to gather these statistics company profiles are also important when there is direct billing for a reservation or a negotiated rate what are the components of the company profile well the first component is the account or the name of the company or account there is three lines for that account here next is the address here so we have the address line there is four different lines to put the address in so you can enter the primary guest information on line one with additional address information such as Apartments building numbers or names on lines two and three so I'm going to go ahead and put my company address here and remember if I put in the zip code it will put in my city and state for me if the country is the same notice on the company profile we have the address defaulting in this hotel to AR address or you could have it default to the business address if you wanted to over on the right hand side we have the owner button right here's the owner for the internal information a hotel may want to assign a salesperson or manager as the account manager for a company the owner screen allows for an opera user to be assigned to a profile this is more commonly used when a property is using our Opera sales and Catering if I click here in configuration we can set up different owners or salespeople that can be attached to different company profiles the next field below that is territory a property may want to assign a account profiles to a certain territory and these are configurable I do not have any configured in this particular property the next box is the keyword it's just like the keyword that we had in individual profiles keyword is a way to quickly search for a company profile without typing in a full company name for example the keyword for Oracle hospit Hospitality could be Oracle the next line is the type this allows you to change the profile to a profile type as long as there is no production on the profile so we could change the profile type of this particular profile from company to Source or company to travel agent once again there can be no production on this profile and below that is the AR number remember we talked about the AR number on the individual profile when an AR number is attached to a profile you can do this through stats and information tab under AR number which we'll do do later on and here is where the primary AR number will display the next box is the corporate ID field the corporate ID field is a searchable number that can be used as a NE a unique way to identify a company so if that company has a corporate ID and put their corporate ID number here and the next line is the reference for the currency for this particular company and for this particular company we have United States dollar below that we have the communic ation Fields remember the communication fields are used to gather different contact methods for the guests such as the email address we can gather the telephone number we have email address here we can gather a business phone number and we can also gather the fax number if we want you can add multiple communication items to this field so if I have the business phone number of this business I can enter it here remember it's up to the hotel if they want to put dashes or periods in between the phone numbers if we wanted to add an email address we can click on the drop down choose email address okay and now we've entered the communications area and remember we can add more than one Communications here and if we go back up to the address area I forgot to point out there's an ellipses button so if the company had more than one address maybe they have a different address in a different city we could add a second address to this company profile by click on the ellipses here's the address that I've entered if I want to create a second address I can click new choose what type of address is let's say it's the business address and then we can enter the business address put in the postal code and it will put in the city and state for you and notice that you have a box for primary address so whichever one is marked as primary address will show up on the front of the profile so right now we have AR address as our primary address we close out we can see that is the address that is showing on the front of the profile down at the bottom we also have red lamps on the company profile one says addresses that means I have more than one address attached to this company profile and we also have a red lamp for communication which tells me that I have more than one communication attached to this profile if I did not want to go to the ellipses for the address I can click on the red lamp do a single click and it will take me into the account addresses right above Communications there's the active box same thing that we saw on the individual profile remember when checked this profile is available to be attached to reservation when unchecked this profile is only searchable when the inactive box is checked on the profile search screen and also down at the bottom remember from our individual profile it shows who created this on what date and what time and at what hotel or what property and if anybody has made any updates to this profile it will show up down here in blue also all right what is the more Fields tabs remember we had one in the individual profile so let's go ahead and click on the more Fields tab here remember the profile screen more Fields tab provides an area which the property can customize by adding fields that do not appear Elsewhere on the profile screen if you notice on the company profile there is some Fields already here there is a tax ID field this allows a company's tax identification number to be entered in into their profile this may be done in case where a company is tax exempt so we could put their tax ID number here the box below that we call it routing instructions Opera has the ability to attach default routing instructions billing instructions on an account profile when it's set up the routing instructions can be attached to a profile without manual setup just so you know when we make reservations we will go over rout in so you will understand it farther these routing in instructions will be defaulted defaulted to the second folio window as I said routing will be trained in detail train the reservations module so we'll come back to this okay so this was the more Fields I'm just going to click on okay and it will take me back to the company profile screen all right so what is the stats and info tab so if we click on the stats and info tab if you remember we saw this on the individual profile the things that are included on the stats and infut tab is you've got the statistics for this year and last year and you also have a tab for the information screen which offers a concise summary of stay and revenue statistics for this current profile on the statistics screen this screen shows profile production for the selected profile this production will compare the current year to the previous year when a company travel agent group Source contact profile is attached to the guest reservation then the production for that reservation will be reflected in the production for that profile type on the information tab if you remember from the individual profile this screen Flags whether that profile is restricted and shows the AR account information for the selected profile just like we did on the individual profile all right the AR account field this is a drop-down Arrow which allows the user to enter the AR account setup screen once on the screen the user can add an AR number to the profile for direct billing purposes we will go over how to create an AR number um in a later training if you also see down at the bottom you could type in what you think the potential is for this particular uh company profile so that you know what you think the potential room nights for this profile is and what you think the potential revenue is from this particular company I'm going to close out it will take me back to the profile screen now let's take a look at the options and instead of clicking on the options button do you think there's another way that I can access the the menu button do remember I said earlier that you can use your ALT key and the other line so I could do alt I and it would activate the options key another way you can do it is if you do contrl T it brings up your options field down at the bottom so if you knew what those options were remember one of the options was one of the options was merge so if I press M it would take me to the merge field if we go back and look at options again so you can remember what they were we have one for attachment we have one for future so if we go back and we do contrl T and we want to look at Future reservations I just type in F notice down in the leftand corner you have future reservations and then if I just hit the enter button it will take me to Future reservations if I want to close and I don't want to use the mouse I can do an ALT C I would take take me back if I wanted to look at history past history information on the options I can do contr T type h for history and plus enter takes me to the history screen if I want to close out of it I do alt C takes me out of the option screen so let's just take a look at the options remember we've already went over most of these in the individual profile but I'll bring them up again so you can see them the attachment we went over remember this allows you to save a file attachment to this profile that is 2 megabytes or less um to the profile remember the change button records all changes made to a profile and stores all change history in the system for the life of the profile remember the delete option was to delete a profile directly from the system once deleted the profile no longer can be recovered remember our future options shows all future reservations attached to a profile where our history option shows the stay history for all reservations attached to a profile and revenue generated from past days remember in the individual profile we had the merge button when mult profiles exist like if we had multiple FedEx profiles and we wanted to merge them together Opera gives the ability to merge the profiles into one profile the negotiated rate button allows the hotel to attach a rate code to the particular company profile so if FedEx Corporation always gets negotiated two rate we can attach the negotiated rate to it and we would know that that company always gets that particular rate code we go back to options we have notes just like we had on the individual profile remember notes attached notes to a profile notes are identified by types such as reservation notes property notes General notes remember in accounts or under company profiles we also have one called Financial notes marketing notes and we also have the preference button that we had on the individual profile and remember there are different types of preferences we have floor preferences we have room feature preferences we have smoking and non-smoking preferences we have specials preferences these are all the same as we had on the actual individual profile last button here is the relationship button and remember relationships are a way to reflect profile linkage you may link many different types of profiles together for different reasons based on your configuration so maybe the Federal Express um company profile maybe there's different employees that come here and stay at the hotel so we could attach those different po employees profiles to the Federal Express relationship button and we would know that they work for Federal Express I will close out and that completes the options we also have talked about most of the fields on the company profile I'm going to close out we will save our changes notice when we go to the profile search screen we have the dollar sign next to the to the Federal Express name that tells us there's a negotiated rate attached and we also have the negotiated rate code attached to the profile we close out takes us back to our main Opera screen menu and we've created a company profile now we will talk about the actual travel agent profile that we have in the Opera property management system so we're going to go back to profiles by clicking on the profile button and we also can talk about creating a travel agent profile now in order to find out how many guests an agent sends to a hotel a travel agent profile is created to track production this profile is attached to a guest reservation to gather these statistics travel agent profiles also allow the hotel to decide if an agent is to receive a commission for booking a reservation and remember we talked about iata earlier what is iata stand for it stands for International Air transport Association and this is the number that is attached to the travel agent profile so we're going to search for the profile so let's say we're going to call it Oracle travel let say Oracle has their own travel agency we're going to search to see if we have an oracle travel travel agent profile created in the system and we do not so we're going to click new and we're going to choose the travel agent type profile and we're going to click on okay and it will take us in to the travel agent profile now sometimes simply called agents these are professionals who book business at your property for the guests who are their clients travel agent profiles are very important in managing relationships and also handling the commissions you pay to these travel agent accounts once again what are the travel agent components or the components of the travel agent profile we're going to just go over over a few of the uh different items here on this screen because we've already covered them in the company profile um but the first one remember is what's your the account name it's got three lines so you put the name of your travel agency another one I want to point out is the iata number this number allows a property to know that an agency is legitimate and should receive commission for making a reservation so we would put the iata uh number here that is assign to that particular travel agency so I'm going to enter the address remember tabbing will help you navigate through the profile I'm going to put in the postal code remember it puts the city and state there we also have the owner information so if you want to ass A salesperson to this particular account so that you know who's in charge of this account you would fill out the rest of the travel agent profile by going to communication to add the phone number of the travel agency and we could also add an email address here if you we'd like okay I'm going to click on save save just I wanted to point out the travel agent profile also has the more Fields tab tax ID you can attach routing instructions which we will show in a later class we also have the stats and info tab where it can show statistics from this year versus last year we also have the information tab so we can put the restricted on it and we can add an AR account to it but if you notice there is also a separate tab up here that was not on the company profile this is the bank account and commission code that we're going to pay the travel agent commission how much we're going to pay them on commission Opera allows the user to designate a bank account to Pro process commissions from also in this section you may designate a commission amount commission code to be paid to an agent though both fields are on the same screens you may choose one or both so if I want to attach a bank account each Hotel will have a bank account created we're going to call it Elite Training and for that property and we're going to choose EFT key property commission processing and let's say this particular travel agent will get 10% commission whenever they book a reservation at our hotel so now we've attached the bank account we've also attach the commission code here you can click save and okay and it will take us back to the front of the screen screen I just want to point out we have the same options in the travel agent profile so I'm going to click on options so that you can see we have the same options the only different one is we have one called commissions that's one that's different the commissions button if the agent has outstanding commissions to be paid this allows this button allows the user to go into the commission processing module and process the commission records in another class we will learn how to do commissions and how to process your commissions if you click on the button there's no commissions for this particular travel agent so it does not take us into the travel agent commission field so that is the only difference uh the only button that's different we went over on the company profile we still have the changes button the future and history we can merge travel agent profiles together if there's multiple ones that we want to merge together we can attach negotiated rates to the travel agent and attach notes preferences and relationship and we have went over all of these on the company profile I'm going to click close And it takes me back to the main travel agent profile and that completes the travel agent profile file that we're going to talk about is called The Source profile sources of business are people or companies that may send business to OT in some cases they display similarities to a travel agent but may not earn commission a source profile is created to track production just like a company and travel agent profile so some of the sources or persons or organizations that are that could be created our source profiles who are not travel agents but are nevertheless responsible for bringing in business sources can be for example secretaries who make travel Arrangements for their company's Executives some other examples of sources could be administrative assistants travel Bookers and maybe a convention and Visitor Bureau so it could be a travel Booker for a certain company and you want to track the amount of business this person is bringing in for you so if Marca Simpson works for Oracle travel we could create a source profile for Mara Simpson so I could search to see if she has a profile she does not if I want to create a new source profile I'm going to click new I'm going to choose Source profile I'm going to click on okay takes me to the source profile screen so under the account I can either put last name first name or I could just put Marsha Simpson but I think I would search for her by her last name so I will put her last name first and maybe under the line under her name I could say that this person was a travel Booker for Oracle travel so we know who she is we could put the address of Oracle travel here or the Oracle travel where Marsha works at put the zip code in and it puts the city and state in there for you we could attach Mar's business phone number and make maybe we could attach her email address once I have inputed the information I can click save I want to point out that we have the same two tabs that we had on the travel agent profile and the pro or and the uh company profile so I will not go over in detail I will just let you see and show you where they are stats and information always remember Source profiles we can put a commission on Source profile so they are commissionable also if you want them to be and always remember the options on the source profile are very similar to the travel agent profile and to the company profile so if you want to refer back to the company profile screen you can look at that also what we went over in detail so always remember that the travel agent profile and the source profile options are identical and also so the screens are identical notice there's an iata number here and the same account address and Communications and options are all the same so that is a source profile so we've created an individual profile we created a company profile we created a source profile and the last couple profiles that we have left is called the group profile and the contact profile we're just going to briefly talk about the group profile because when we do the training lesson for group blocks we will go over the group profile in detail so just so you know here's the group profile a group profile contains any contact information pertaining to a group block group profiles are created when a group business block is created in Opera the group profile will be reviewed during the group business block training just like I said before that has completed our training on profil I just want to review with you what we have completed today we completed through in our profile course we identified the different types of profiles used in Opera remember we use an individual profile we use a company profile we use a travel agent profile the group profile The Source profile and the contact profile we showed you how to search for profiles using the profile search screen so to search for a profile could choose the view all we wanted to search for our Oracle profile we could type in Oracle click on search and it brings up your Oracle travel profile remember we created an individual profile called Thomas Hansen if we just wanted to do use the wild card we can choose the percent sign type in three letters and search it will bring up everybody that has the three letters of ha n in the name and there's our profile for Thomas Hansen which we created earlier if you want to open one of the profiles you can either doubleclick on the profile or click on edit and this is what the individual profile looked like the other thing we learned about is how to navigate through the profile options so we went and looked at all the different options on the profile we also looked at the options for company profiles and travel agent profiles so that ends the class on profiles