development of pancreas if you are new to my channel please subscribe the pancreas develops from two birds that is a rental bar and a dorsal bird the ventral pancreatic bird develops with common hepatic bird for the liver and the bile duct the dorsal pancreatic part develops more proximally that is directly from the dualism following the rotation of cut the wonder pancreatic bird rotates and fizzes to the dorsal pancreatic pad that few deforms the uncinate process of the Pancras later the ducts inside these birds anastomosis with each other so that the duct of the ventral pancreatic bud becomes the main pancreatic duct this becomes the main pancreatic duct and the duct of the dorsal bud becomes the accessory pancreatic duct the bile duct opens into the main pancreatic duct that fuser opens into the major doodle papillae coming to the congenital anomalies these are Anila pancreas that is it is the developmental anomaly in which the pancreas form a ring around the UNAM mainly the second part of the UNAM in the axilla pancreatic tissue that can be present in the duodenum in the stomach wall the small intestine and the meckel's diverticulum so this is about the development of pancreas