Transcript for:
The Toothpaste Hack for Making Millions Online

over $10 million each and every day with toothpaste that's right today we're going to be going over the toothpaste hack this is something that you need to learn if you want to make money online why because the principles in this video work like crazy and before you get all excited saying Marcus are you promising that this toothpaste hack is going to make me $10 million a day well no the toothpaste Ferry is not going to make you rich however looking at the strategies in this video are responsible for making me millions of dollars online I first learned this strategy back in the year 1999 when I was first learning how to build websites get traffic and make money and I'll never forget it because it was July 4th of the year 2000 when I made my first passive income from a simple little website using this exact same strategy was it $10 million in one day no I only made $21 that day but what I learned would forever change the way I thought about making money online and in this video I thought it would behoove us to go through a gigantic company and show you exactly what they're doing to get more traffic because you might think well a toothpaste company would Market their toothpaste under the keywords and marketing plan of toothpaste and and that is where you'd be wrong because far too many people are looking at this in a vertical way meaning they go out there and they market and they say toothpaste best toothpaste best teeth whitening toothpaste best toothpaste for dentures best toothpaste for seniors best toothpaste for kids and on and on they go and what they find is that the people ranking on the top of the search engines are yeah giant toothpaste companies however the company we're going to look at today makes billions of dollars and their marketing strategy is nothing short of amazing in fact when you look at the search engine optimization and the marketing and the content on their website it's not at all what you would think for a toothpaste company which means if you watch this entire video and get an aha moment you're going to be that much closer to making money online and don't worry this isn't technical it's not overly complicated this is something thing anyone can understand and when you get it it's going to be like a light bulb goes off in your head and puts you ahead of the game when it comes to making money online so if you're excited smash a like button and get ready to learn the toothpaste hack that can and will put money in your pocket when used correctly come on let's get started all right so let's dive into this proven Money Getting formula this is a Formula that the Colgate company is using like crazy to make tons and tons of money and sell tons of products we're going to walk you through it step by step and show you exactly how it works not only that but I'm going to show you some examples from my websites my clients websites and all kinds of things that are using this strategy to make money and now with AI and Google updates and all of that it makes it even easier yes this type of marketing has surpassed the Google updates and has passed the test of getting traffic and making lots of money so what we're going to do is we're going to go through and take a look at how this works first we want to take a look at what the revenue is from this company now the Palmolive company who owns Colgate is actually a huge company but from my digging I could see that the oral care personal hygiene Niche is right around $3 billion a year that's where the $10 million a day number came from we can also see that they are the outlier meaning they are making more sales than anyone else in their category with a 41% market share which is huge so now we're going through and we're taking a look at the fact that they're making a lot of money they have a lot of products they have a lot of websites and if we were to take a look at one of their products which is the Irish Spring Soap Company we could see that they're doing a vertical type marketing as I mentioned earlier soap Irish Spring soap body wash bar soap men's body wash body wash for men and on and on we go it's a very vertical type marketing strategy now there are some outliers like can you use shampoo as body wash however we're seeing that this is primarily leading to a product that is a body wash SL shampoo so it's like both we can also see something about Irish Spring soap for bugs Irish Spring soap in yard I don't know what's going on here but those are more or less about the product so think about this as vertical marketing it's it's about the product if we were to do this for toothpaste it would be toothpaste best toothpaste toothpaste for this toothpaste for that on and on we go taking a look at another one here where we go through with Ajax Ajax is one of their cleaning products and we could see again very vertical Ajax cleaner dish soap some kind of other language liquid cleaner and on and on we go there are some other info type things here but again nothing super super outlier I saw here vinegar and dish soap which I thought might have been an info word but it's actually a product they have that is some kind of vinegar lime dish soap which probably smells worse than dishes smell before they're cleaned but I digress let's take a look at another one over here um where they're looking at Palm Olive same kind of thing dishwashing cucumber melon which is a product dishwashing liquid and we could see that these sites don't have that much SEO game they're not really doing a whole lot now when we go over to the other products like fabuloso here again same kind of thing but when we get over into the toothpaste when we go for like Colgate and stuff like that we can see that the Colgate marketing plan has over 393,000 different keywords on Google which would mean that if each of these keywords got only one visitor per month they'd still be getting almost a half million visitors each and every month and if we go over here to the overview like this we are going to see that they have over 660,000 keywords in Google ranking at the top and we can also see the traffic is over 3.4 million visitors a month so how would we do this in the toothpaste Niche because if we were to go here and type in our keyword Explorer something like toothpaste right like this you are going to see that there's not really that many keywords we got 95,00 th000 and a lot of them are going to be duplicated we also have only 2.1 million searches a month which means if they ranked for all of these keywords number one they still wouldn't get as much traffic as they're getting on their site right over here looking at the overview with 3.4 million visitors a month so how does this toothpaste plan go out there and get all this traffic and how does it work well let's take a look at what the nature of these keywords are we could see stuff like mewing which is some kind of grinding of the teeth I believe tonsil stones canker Surs and all different kinds of things related to oral hygiene and oral health so we can see here this is actually pretty cool also if we were to go through and sort these by traffic we can see the ones that are really standing out like some kind of coconut oil something or other some type of jaw color of a tongue mouthwash before or after brushing and different things like that and we can see that a lot of these have nothing to do with toothpaste in fact if we were to look at this screen here there's really only one that has to do with toothpaste so what they're doing is they're doing a method where they go out there and look for other key words that would get people into their product case in point let's get the Magic Pen here we can see that they have toothpaste as their main product they want to promote now who would need toothpaste I mean if I was looking up dirty teeth I would probably want toothpaste or maybe I'm looking up like coffee stains on teeth which I could go here do more filters go to keyword and type something in like coffee which is going to show us what they rank for related to Coffee almost a thousand keywords about drinking coffee after tooth extraction coffee stains coffee after wisdom teeth and on and on we go now if we were to take a look at this just this one category alone has thousands and thousands and thousands of visitors each and every month and if we do something like does coffee stain or does coffee stain your teeth we are going to see that lots of people rank now we do have an AI overview which is showing us some interesting things from like good RX which that's kind of interesting for them to rank on that some kind of dental care Orthodontics and on and on we go we can also see Reddit and core and different websites like this but going further we can go through and see that we have Crest and we have Colgate and other toothpaste Brands so what they're doing effectively is getting people that want toothpaste but don't really know they want it yet providing information about the topic here does coffee help and we can see that this one is less than 6 months old it was put up on February 13th and it's going through and talking about coffee stained teeth how it works different things like that pretty much stuff that could be written with AI although this does border on health which I would never use Health to generate an AI site unless I'm a doctor as you can see they do have a pretty hefty disclaimer here so what we're seeing here is a good bit of information and then they have different things like this little smile test related articles and then down here they have related product now I think in my opinion they can do a lot better here because I mean dealing with coffee stuff you might want to have related products to getting coffee stains out of your teeth maybe have something specific for that very important but what we're seeing here is that this traffic is worth a lot of money lots and lots of money we also see that they went for different keywords and things like that same kind of thing is going on when we're looking at Crest they're going through and they have cavity filling what to expect problems different things like that now I think Crest is actually doing a better job of having the uh we recommend up front and center better however I think in terms of looking at Colgate versus Crest Colgate is is wiping the floor with them because if you were to look here and look at Crest we can see they only have about 90,000 keywords however I do think they're kind of emulating the same kind of strategy that colgate's using but not quite there yet now what does this have to do with us and how does it work first of all what we need to understand is five main things if we want to make money online this isn't just for ranking in Google this could be used for literally anything first what Colgate is doing is they're leveraging the power of their big website what that means is they have a big website that already ranked in Google when they were just talking about toothpaste and different products that they have because they're a product site this by Nature worked really well now you don't need a product site to make it work but bear with me a second I'm going to show you where I'm going with this what they're doing is they are using the leverage of that site if we're were to go to overview like this we can see that yeah they have 1.2 million backlinks they got a lot of referring domains they got a huge domain rating and everything like that they are big now for us again they are a $10 million a day company we are not that big however we're not really trying to make $10 million a day we just want to make enough to get by make a good living or maybe a very comfortable living and in order to do that really all we would need to do is like a million dollars a year or something like that which is one tenth of what they make in a day so I mean getting the picture here is kind of big and this is why I'm bringing this example not to say you can go make 10 million a day but to say hey this guy's making 10 million a day look at what he's doing what if you had one keyword and did it really really really really good could you make a decent living and the answer I believe is an emphatic yes however remember the average person trying to make money online makes nothing so keep that in mind this is a business there's a lot of variables so what we're going to do is we're going to leverage different websites to do this if you're new you can go over to and you can find different websites at auction now auction domains are better than expired domains because often times auction domains still rank in Google so I could go over here and I can get an auction domain that ranks for all different kinds of keywords and I can use this to build my website on I do this all the time it works really really good in fact just yesterday I bought a domain About Drop Shipping and it ranked for like 2,000 keywords so all I need to do is build it up make sure it's about Drop Shipping make it as close to what the site was about as possible I don't want to take A Drop Shipping site and then make it about how to train your dog or something like that that wouldn't make sense but being congruent with what the site was about is going to work like crazy I mean imagine if by some fluke of nature you won the lottery and your uncle was the guy who owned Colgate and he passed the domain to you do you think if you took it over and put your own content on it it's not going to do well get out of here it's going to do fantastically and that's what these domains are about and often times you can get them fairly inexpensively in fact the one that I got yesterday for dropshipping actually had a lot of backlinks in Google very very related to drop shipping it had over 2,000 rankings in Google and it was actually getting traffic back in its Heyday it was getting almost 6,000 visitors a month in the Drop Shipping Niche which I mean if I got 6,000 visitors in the Drop Shipping Niche do you think I could make a living yeah I think so too so looking at this works really good and this domain is one that I got for right around 350 bucks which is nothing in the grand scheme of things and if you look at this even further you can see that it ranked for all different kinds of things related to drop shipping drop shipping companies and different things like that now notice how we're not ranking for the word Drop Shipping that's what everyone thinks when they want to Market hey let's go for Drop Shipping because I'm selling a Drop Shipping course now I want to rank for things like does Poshmark pay you how do you use Shopify is Shopify better than PayPal I want to rank for different things that are in the market much like Colgate is doing where they're going out there and they're like we're not just going to rank for toothpaste we're going to rank for how do I get coffee out of my teeth and different things like that hopefully you're getting it if you got an aha moment smash a like button and type aha awesome stuff in the comments below so I know that you are paying attention so first what we're going to do is we're going to leverage these domains I got lots of videos I'll put in the description so you can watch them about domains and different things like that number two we are going to go wide not deep deep is toothpaste best toothpaste mint toothpaste cinnamon toothpaste whatever toothpaste horizontal wide is going to be different things related to teeth next what we're going to do is let's take a look at some example sites here's one that I did for the termite Niche this is a website we did as a high ticket Niche years ago the customer didn't do anything with it and it's still ranking today which is really awesome and we could see here that we rank for like termite picture termite pick termites in Stucco types of termites do termites eat stucco different things like this related to termites and Pest Control if I did something like call a termite exterminator it's going to be way too competitive I'm not going to get anywhere it's not going to work how however going for these keywords as you can see the proof is in the pudding with an AI site it's still ranking over a year later without doing anything hopefully that client does something with the site but we shall see next up we're going to see another one here which was a site about prepping and tactical stuff and different things like in the survival Niche we could see it's ranking for 3200 keywords last I talked that student actually is making money with their site here's another one that got over 69,000 new rankings since we took it over so using the leverage Boom the thing skyrocketed like crazy it's still ranking today it's actually doing better than ever before I'm also going to show you some examples in this dentist teeth whitening Colgate Niche so that you can see how that works as well number three look at the examples see what's working in your Niche take a look at what they're doing do you not think that people at other toothpaste companies are looking at Colgate and saying hey what are they doing over there that seems to work that's when we get into competitive uh competition research and different sites and different things like that which I go through in the videos in the description as well I'm going to put three videos there that are going to go over domains it's going to go over the competitive keyword rearch stuff and how to build your whole marketing strategy number four is to use multimedia these companies that really want to make it work are also making videos on YouTube Tik Tok Instagram and different things like that this is going to help you big time and this is where you can use AI I can turn a little article about termite pictures into a video really easily I mean think about it I already have the pictures bada bing bada boom we in business we can make a video about that here's a termite here's an ant here's a flying ant here's a spider not that you'd confuse a spider with a termite but hey you never know so we're going to go through and we're going to look at this in a different way and say where else can I use content how can I structure it differently and rather than just going linear with longtail keywords as we've been taught for the last 50 million years we're actually going to go for a different strategy and then number five is to use consistency in our marketing we want to make sure that we're consistently posting good stuff if we're taking over an old domain we want to make sure we bring that thing up to speed like now very very important now let's go through and we'll take a look at these examp examples that I have on my websites and we're going to take a look at some examples on some teeth websites so you can see that this isn't just big companies making it work so we can go over here and see this dentist is actually doing this strategy really well they have gone past the test of time they survive the Google updates and they're ranking for all kinds of different things and we could see that this is a local dentist and they're ranking for things not about local dentist in green witch Connecticut or wherever they are they're ranking for composite bonding teeth best mouthwash for receding gums mouthwash for this clear retainers all kinds of crazy things that I can't even pronounce lots and lots of different things and they literally have over 177,000 keywords in Google that they are ranking for and let's take a look here for composite bonding teeth we can see there are advertisements up top so there's a lot of money in this Niche and then we could see there they are right there ranking right at the top very simple and we could see that this stuff works like crazy here's another one here askthe with over 71,000 rankings now this one kind of shows that the keyword tools aren't always as up to-date and accurate as you might think because if you were to look up ask a dentist this says they lost their ranking but in fact in Google they actually are still ranking and this was a dentist who's showing all kinds of things about dentistry and things and he's still ranking number one above Dental chat and all these other different sites here and we could see again they're going for different rankings and different keywords around the beaten path Dentistry rather than just toothpaste or something like that let's take a look at his site here he's doing a good job lots of good stuff there now here's another screenshot from Colgate and you see what they have something about toothpaste color code and you can see that out of their 300,000 or almost 400,000 rankings if you isolate just the word toothpaste there's like only 8,000 keywords related to toothpaste which means their entire marketing funnel all of their traffic is coming from other sources where you would think wait a minute no Colgate just ranks for toothpaste cuz that's what they sell that's where we'd be wrong and that's where we would out on this huge marketing lesson here's some others here uh does toothpaste expire you can see that there's several different dentists ranking here health line and then there's also some other smaller sites as well here we have uh best toothpaste best tooth whitening um things like that purple toothpaste they are ranking for and then if we get into some others here we could see this one which I believe is an affiliate website I believe they are where they are talking about different teeth things and on and on we go looks like they they do allow advertising and yes they do have um affiliate offers and different things like that so there you go they have become a writer advertise advertising policy so they are more or less using the affiliate um method now this one did get hit by one of the latest Google updates we could see that it lost 50,000 rankings and it lost like 34s of the traffic they were getting about 200,000 visitors a month now they're getting like 24,000 so they did get hit and the question here is why whenever you see this stuff and you hear gurus talking about SEO and things like that we want to look at why and what I've been a long-term proponent of is the idea that the keywords are everything so if we were to compare a year ago with what they rank for today let's see what they lost well lost something about a scallop tongue they lost something about tooth infections they lost a lot of different things related to cost a lot of different things related to information and different things like that so if we go through here and do invisaline cost again we got a lot of ads here we have Invisalign themselves good RX Forbes Invisalign health line so what happened was Google went more for hey let's talk about let's rank people that are dentists and talking about braces rather than infos sites just talking about all different kinds of dentist stuff now is that to say you couldn't rank for something about braces and just go for info on braces no that would still work if you do it correctly and we could see here um a lot of people are doing that here's one for best dentist guide this was more or less a I believe it was like a um programmatic content site where they were making programmatic content based on info now they are still ranking for some keywords although they lost most of their top 10 except for this word here now if we were to compare again let's take a look 12,000 keywords we could see they were ranking for like this is a dental insurance plan um I believe here's one for toothpaste flavors Houston so the nature of the keywords changed because do I really want to go to this site to look up the best dental uh people in Austin maybe maybe not let's see what Google thinks that would be better for so best Houston best Houston dentist all right let's see what that is we can see here sponsored uh Yelp that absolutely uh does better than a programmatic site Houston magazine top rated dentist so this guy is still ranking that's interesting then we have health grade Zach do um different places like this Texas tooth lady that sounds like an actual practice open care that sounds like an insurance or like a site that's that's finding like 1-800 dentist or something like that which by the way that's what this really hinges on is companies like 1 1800 Dennis were responsible for just generating leads and they use tv ads to generate leads now they use the internet and on and on we go so you can see here that those are the nature of the keywords that changed again very word related if we're to take a look at top rated dentist now they're actually rating the dentist 61,000 or 6,100 words um comparing doesn't look like they lost a whole lot and they are actually ranking for names of dentists and I think they're actually rating the dentist rather than talking about them so it's a better experience it's like Yelp for dentists which you can do these are things that you can do um I would say just do them on a small scale and understand keywords and rankings and things like that and understanding this marketing strategy I think is key because you could literally take anything you want and turn it on its side rather than going vertical and Market it in a very specific way for example if you're marketing a software instead of talking about like best software for PDF why don't you Market based on what the software does how to convert a PDF how to change a pdf into a gif how to how to make a PDF into a word doc how to make a PDF with a password and on and on we go so getting away from here's my product and this is what is about two the world is my oyster and all I need to do is find keywords and help people get what they want while pointing to my product then bada boom bada bang you can start making money now I prepared a bunch of notes for you including some keyword reports some examples of more websites in this Niche and the whole nine yards over at download myot you can go there get the notes from the video and you'll be on my list for all kinds of webinars and trainings and tutorials and pretty much everything you'll get the notes from every video once you go over there also in the description I have some more videos talking about how to buy domains and leverage them keyword strategies competitive research and more so if you enjoyed this video smash a like button thanks for watching and check out the videos in the description