Lecture Notes: Gene Keating on Taxes, Inflation, and Legal System
Gene Keating, a guest on High Frequency Radio, discusses the privatization of government and legal intricacies.
Claims the U.S. government has been privatized since the 1860s.
Key Historical Context
Privatization of Government: Began under the Insurrection and Resumption Acts of 1861-1862.
Martial law was declared, reconstruction acts passed.
Claims no constitutional government has existed since 1861.
Corporate Control: Courts operate under corporate interests and admiralty maritime law.
Legal Insights
Admiralty Maritime Law: Courts use admiralty law akin to maritime contracts.
Example: Genesee Chief case allows maritime law on land if contracts are involved.
Cage Code System: Courts have government activity codes indicating private ownership.
Legal Procedures and Challenges
Writs and Motion Practice: Successful use of writs of prohibition.
Importance of proper document preparation and understanding court rules.
Mortgage Foreclosure: Challenges the validity of default claims.
Notes and deeds of trust viewed as securities, not loans.
Discusses unconscionable contracts and presumption of defaults.
Financial Instruments and Legal Definitions
Notes as Securities: Any note over nine months is treated as a security.
Rule of statutory construction separates notes from securities.
Sales of notes classify as collateral under Article 9.
Creditor and Debtor Dynamics: When sold, the buyer becomes the creditor.
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and REMICs: Discusses tax filings and securitization issues.
Many are allegedly in default at closing.
Insurance Contracts and Derivatives
Insurance Fraud in Mortgages: Title insurance viewed as securities derivatives.
Calls for forensic audits to uncover issues.
Insurance firms like AIG implicated in financial engineering.
Tax Implications and Strategy
IRS and Tax Code: Discusses EIN numbers and declarations of death for tax purposes.
Estate and trust management for tax mitigation.
Administration of estate taxes under various code sections.
Global Financial Implications
Potential Economic Crisis: Predictions of bank account liquidations similar to Cyprus.
FDIC's potential role in bank account confiscation.
Concerns over social security and retirement fund confiscation.
Legal Remedies and Actions
Using Legal Instruments: Advocates for filing insurance claims as a defense.
Emphasizes the role of Dodd-Frank Act in foreclosure defenses.
Encourages understanding and application of legal codes to challenge fraudulent practices.
Viewer Engagement
Taking Questions: Engages with audience questions on legal procedures and personal cases.
Offers classes and personal instruction in legal document preparation.
Gene Keating's insights provide a radical view of the legal and financial systems, urging individuals to educate themselves and challenge existing structures through understanding and using the law.