hi I'm Michelle I'm Kaliso I'm I will be reporting steps in developing assessment tools step in developing assessment tools examine the instructional objectives of the topics previously discussed make a table of specification or TOs construct the test items assemble the test items check the symbol test item right direction make the answer key analyze and improve the test items examine the instructional objectives of the topic previously discussed the first step in developing an actual dentist is to examine and go back to the instructional objectives so that you can match with the test items to be constructed make a table of specification table of specification or dos is a chart or table that details the content and level of cognitive level as is on a test as well as the types of emphasis of these items table of specification is very important in addressing the validity and reliability of the test items preparing a table of specification consider consider these steps in making two-ways chart table of specification selecting the learning outcomes to be measured identify the necessary instructional objectives needed to answer the test items correctly the list of instructional objectives will include the learning outcomes in the areas of knowledge intellectual skills or abilities General skills attitudes interest and appreciation B make an outline of the subject matter to be covered in the test the link of the test will depend on the areas covered in its content and the time needed to answer C decide on the number of items per subtopic use this formula to determine the number of items to be constructed for each sub-tabic covered in the test so that the number of items in each topic should be proportioned to the number of class sessions like number of I number of items equals number of class sessions times desired total number of items divide total number of class session Z make the two-way chart e construct the test items a classroom teacher should follow the general principles of constructing the test items the test at the test item should always correspond with the learning outcome so that it serves whatever purpose it may have different format different formats of table of specification groundland 1990 lists several examples and format on how a table of the specification should be prepared so here's is the format of table of specification specific objectives cognitive level type of tests ID number total points supported problems and consecutive integers a cognitive level application type of tests multiple choice item number one and two total points is four points example on how to compute the number of items in each topic number of items for the topic is topic is synthetic division number of classes on discussing the topic is three these are number of items 10 total number of class session for the unit is 10. so here is the examples so this is now formula you needed to follow number of items number of class session times these are not total numbers number of items divide total number of class session so number of Titans equals three times ten divide 10. number of items three times ten equals Thirty divide 10. number of of items for the topic synthetic division is 3 and 30 times 10 30 divide 10 equals three format 2 of the table of specification one way of table of specification so here is is the format of table of specification contents number of class session number of items cognitive levels test items distribution so you will you will see the how many class sessions and number of items format three of table of specification two-way table of the specification construct the test items a general guidelines for constructing test items begin writing items far enough or in advance so that you will have time to revise them too much items to intended outcomes at appropriate level of difficulty to provide valid measure of instructional objectives be sure each item deals with an important aspect of the content area and not with trivia be sure the problem pose is clear and ambiguous be sure that the item is independent with all other items be sure the item has one or best answer on which experts would agree prevent an intended close to an answer in the statement or question avoid replication of the textbook in writing test items do not quote directly from the textbook I textual arterias avoid trick or catch question in achievement tests try to write items that require higher order thinking skills so determining the number of test items consider the following average time in constructing the number of test items the link of item the link of time and the type of item use are also a factors to be considered in determining the number of items to be constructing in achievement tests so theirs is the assessment format and average time to answer so in true or false 30 seconds an average time and multiple choice 60 seconds multiple shares of higher level learning objectives is 90 seconds short answer is one two three one twenty seconds completion 60 seconds matching 30 seconds per response short is a 10 to 15 minutes suspended easy 30 minutes visual image 30 seconds checklist for constructing test items so the item is appropriate to measure a learning objective so what is your answer yes or no that I the item format is the most effective means of measuring the desired knowledge the item is clearly worded and can be easily understood by the Target stolen population the items of the same format are grouped together so yes there are various item types included in the assessment the student had enough time to answer all test items the test Quest instructions are specific and clear the number of questions targeting each of the objective matches the weight of importance of that objective the scoring guidelines are discussed clearly and available to students 4. assemble the test items there are two steps assembling the test packaging the tests and reproducing the test in assembling the test consider the following guidelines a group all items with similar format B arranged plus items from easy to default see space the test Island for easy reading we keep items some option in the same page a place of the illustration near the description F check the check check that answer key G decide where to record the answer five right and right directions check the test item and check the test duration for each item format to be sure that it is clear for the students to understand that this direction contains the number of items to which they apply how to record the answer the basic they select the answer and the criteria for scoring or scoring system 6. check the assembled test items before reproducing the test it is very important to Pro read refresh their test items per typographical and grammatically errors and make necessary correction if any so if you check the sample test items you must important to pre-read the test items and grammatically grammar error and make a necessary correction if if meron seven make the answer keys please be sure to check your answer okay so that the correct answers follow a fairly random sequence avoid answers such as TFT FTF Etc or ttft or for a true or false type and a b c d a b c d patterns for multiple choice so in making the answer key you must check the answer key if the and if the answer key is fairly correct or avoid answers like P if if your go on if your activity is true or false eight analyze and improve the test items analyzing improving the test and should be done after chick is scoring and recording so analyze and prove the test item so analyze in the word analyze and improve the test items so analyzing before and improving data and checking a score in the recording test that's all all thank you for listening my report today thank you