foreign [Music] my name is Manan and I'm a technical consultant here at collegefest today I am going to show you how to configure quick links on the employee Center quick links are a way to quickly access internal and external resources related to specific departments within your organization you can create quick links associate quick links to topics and restrict access to Quick links as well let's get started to begin with Will navigate back to the back end under the filter Navigator we will look up for quick links and click on quick links under employee Center we do not have any quick links out of the box so we'll go ahead and hit new other quick links form you'll see we have a field for content type your content could be anything from a knowledge article a catalog item a portal page or even an external link for the purpose of the demo will go with the catalog item and let's actually use the create incident record producer the quick link name can be anything you want we'll keep it the same to the name of the record producer and let's do the same for the title the background image and the icon are optional so I'm just going to leave those letters as it is and let's hit save once the record reload you'll have the assigned topics at the bottom click on ADD and then you get an option to assign it to any particular topic will keep you to ID for now hit okay and see one more time I need to test it real quick we go back to the employee Center and just refresh it and under the it topic you'll see now we have a widget right over here it says quick links and our create incident quick link right below it clicking on the quick link will take you to the content itself in our case it's the create incident record producer we go back to the home page there is also a way for us to display those quick links on the home page itself without associating a quick link with a particular topic to do so you have to go back to the photo editor or the page designer a more simpler way of doing it is just and click on control on your keyboard and do a right click and select page and designer you'll see we already have the quick links widget down over here and it is available here out of the box the only reason it does not display anything is because we did not have any quick links associated with it to do so just hit the pencil button or the pencil icon on the top right corner you'll notice the record of the widget itself or the instance itself is not in the global app but in the employee Center scope we go back to the back end change our scope to employee Center coming back to the base designer and we refresh it we should now be able to edit the quick links widget and it's pretty simple down below write this quick link you just search for your click link and that is it you hit save back to the bull and hit refresh you'll see we have our quick link associated with the widget now on the home page itself doing doing this is again going to allow you to display the quick link without associating with associating it with any of these topics and there is also an option for you to change the style of it again you do a control right click and hit instance options and the card display style that is simple we can change it to thumbnail and then you also have an option to play around with it you can change the background color you can change the text color or the overlay as well we'll keep it out of the box yeah this is how it looks if you remember back while we were setting it up we get an option to add a background image or an icon this is exactly where it would be used if you add an image or an icon to it instead of the public block it is going to display that particular image or icon that was pretty much all for today thank you so much for watching foreign