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The Role of Femininity in Church
Oct 5, 2024
Lecture Notes: The Importance of Offering and the Role of Femininity in the Church
Offering and Contribution
The offering is only collected once during the conference to avoid constant requests for money.
Multiple ways to give:
Write checks to Legacy Church.
Give cash in buckets available during the talk.
Text-to-give option available (number provided).
Contributions fund the ministries of Tommy and Chris, supporting content production and sharing.
Emphasis on sewing into the ministry as an act of honor and humility.
Financial support enables outreach, transformation, and spreading the message.
Impact of Contributions
Funding allows recording, hosting speakers, and covering travel expenses.
Sewing into the ministry helps transform lives, revealing individual identity and purpose.
Financial support leads to spiritual awakening across various age groups.
Transformation stories include prisoners, addicts, and transformed marriages.
Contributions lead to broader impact, changing cities, states, and nations.
The Role of Femininity in the Church
Emphasis on femininity as crucial for receiving and manifesting God's word on Earth.
Current church culture lacks the manifestation of truth due to undervaluing the feminine.
Femininity enables the transition of eternal matters into creation.
Examples from scripture where women played key roles in God's plans:
Women were first to receive and proclaim important revelations.
Mary's role as the first Christian and model for receiving the word of God.
Femininity is vital for governance, creating balance between justice and mercy.
Restoration and Honor of Femininity
Recognition of historical injustices against femininity and the female role in the church.
Women and feminine roles need equal value and space in church and society.
Restoring feminine values is essential for the church's maturity and manifestation of Christ's fullness.
Biblical examples include stories and teachings that elevate women's roles.
Mary's Role as a Model for Christians
Mary, as the Ark of the Covenant, represents the intersection of Heaven and Earth.
Her life illustrates faith, acceptance, and the bearing of God's word.
Highlights of Mary's significance:
Mary received and nurtured the Word of God, becoming a model for Christian life.
Her acceptance and faith are examples for receiving God's promises.
Emphasis on the need for both masculine and feminine aspects to bring about God's Kingdom on Earth.
Encouragement to restore the feminine aspect and recognize its importance in spiritual growth and church governance.
The lecture calls for valuing both historical contributions and present roles of femininity in the church for a holistic spiritual life.
Full transcript