Transcript for:
The Role of Femininity in Church

this is a time where we get to sew in to what is going on and whenever I started here I prayed I said Lord anything but asking for money like I'll do anything I don't want to do any offerings guess what it's time for offering but truly this is the only time we are doing this during the entire conference we don't like when you go and they constantly constantly constantly are asking we do it one time and so um we have several ways to give so I'll do the the housekeeping checks can be made to Legacy church if you would like to write a check we have buckets up here feel free to come forward and give cash and you can do that while I'm talking you don't have to wait we also have a text to give number which I'm sure the AV team is going to put up behind me and you can text to give and to set that up it's super easy you're just going to text the number and then you can do an amount if that is not set up through Legacy if it's your first time um it'll just prompt you through a couple of um banking things it's so simple that's how I give so you can text a give 330 43223 um and I just want to share a few things and and thank you for sewing in and I want to let you know what this looks like earlier today Tommy had mentioned honor and humility and I thought my gosh that sums it up like what a beautiful way to describe what sewing in looks like and we really pray you have felt our culture it's been a pleasure to have you at home with us and we thank you for being here we thank you for partnering we thank you for giving and I want to tell you where this money goes so what this does you are funding the ministries of Tommy and Chris so this allows the content to be shared by sewing in and giving money this is how the information gets out there and I don't know about you but I've been starving for this for a really long time I was 44 years old when I came into Legacy church for the first time and finally I knew I was not only home I knew I was getting truth and I had searched for 44 years to find it so this is the way we get the information out there this is how Chris does his recordings it cost a ton of money to produce these things this is how he funds it to do it this is how we host Chris here to get him here to put him up lodging food everything that it takes travel's very expensive and we truly believe in the fact that the warehouses of Heaven that's ours now that is ours now and we live in abundance and the practicality side of that it still takes dollars that's how we keep our lights on that's how social media things get shared for Chris and for Tommy and so it's a very practical side of things however what I want you to do is gauge the fruit if you want to look to see what fruit is being produced that's the Pay Dirt right there so take a look at what's being shared lives are being transformed and I I wrote a few of those things down so this allows people to know their identity sometimes for the very first time in their life we have people in their 60s 7s 80s who are getting this for the first time but guess what we want that to happen for 2-year-olds and three-year-olds and fouryear olds and raise people so that they know this truth and that's what sewing in does it allows people to step into sunship it allows your spirit to Quicken as it hears truth and I know for me personally my brain and my heart they had to contend with each other for a moment it took a while cuz I had a lot of undoing I had to do but my spirit knew the truth when it heard the truth so this allows people to be the unique expression that Christ created them to be it allows people to drop their bondage to step out of religion this allows people to hear and accept the truth that God Ador you he's always been in love with you he's never been angry with you he Ador you you are one and let me tell you what we've seen we've seen prisons filled with the books of pastors Shan and Tommy we've seen prisoners get it in their hands and their lives transformed from inside of Prisons but they're not just released from those prison cells one day they're released from their bondage and that's priceless we have seen in New Philadelphia Ohio addicts remove the needles from their arms we've seen marriages transformed mine included we've seen huge populations locally of people who catch on to this message become ambassadors we see cities Chang and when these things get shared we see States and Nations change as well we've seen children step into sunship and they will never expect death we've seen Jesus become the Savior and that's the truth we want to get into everyone's hands so by sewing in this is what happens this is where your money goes and I really prayed about sharing this this if I should or if I shouldn't because it's painfully vulnerable but 4 months ago I lost my favorite person and she went to the cloud at 25 years old and Tommy and Shanda they're my covering um they have been Flawless in walking me through what this looks like and one day Tommy and I were talking and he's like Kelly do you agree in how we're going to face this and how we're going to walk it out and I said yeah the only answer is to double down on immortality and this is getting the message out there of immortality people are dying to hear this message and we have to do them justice of getting this into their hands so that's what it looks like as you sew in to Tommy Miller and to Chris blackaby and it's not just sewing in it's an investment in future and in life so I want to thank you for that I also am going to transition now into a lot of announcements that we have for this evening they just kind of keep growing and keep growing um so with that I want to thank the teams here at Legacy I know there's a ton of people elsewhere kitchens children um if you volunteer at Legacy and you have helped with this conference could you please stand so we can thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and this is a tiny fraction of what it took I want to thank some of the teams I'm afraid my list might be incomplete I hope it's not I'm just going to list some of the teams that it takes children's kitchen cleaning security worship maintenance interior design youth group The planning team AV and sound greeting coffee bar Ministry it's a ton of teams of what it takes to pull this off and then we have volunteers on top of that we have the Academy students who volunteered we have people who flew in to volunteer like Ry and Misty Garrison could you please stand stand up guys don't you be shy so we thank them it took them um they were their flights were delayed it took a lot to even get them here um we had a friend who drove 10 hours before this conference to come in because he asked to clean our carpets like this is what it looks like for a family of people who want to be here and we've had amazing donors who have tied into this financially so I want to thank everyone at Legacy Mandy Porter who oversees all the moving parts [Music] people have come up to me and said wow you guys really know how to host conferences and um we kind of do so great job Mandy thank you for everyone who has served um we have a special announcement for tomorrow for the people who have traveled in for Chris's team we have enough food left over to serve you lunch tomorrow and we would like to feed you before you leave so please after service tomorrow we're going to meet back in here cuz we want to feed you one more time to get every minute with you that we can possibly get with you we do have some very bad news that Shanda's books sold out so I'm sorry I'm sorry we do have some hard covers and we do have some of Tommy's books we have some merch we have some shirts so please get all of that before you leave tonight and we have a few items lost in Bound they're going to be on the table in the back some Sunglass glasses some glasses and then we've had two people in our midst who have gone to all four conferences and I would like to acknowledge them Jamie luck is one Jamie can you please stand in your yellow shirt in the back row and Preston Ward are you still in here Preston I know there he is yes he and his daughter have to take off tonight but um we want to thank you for um everything you have done for for being here for serving alongside of us and for doing all four conferences it takes an incredible amount of money and time and planning and we honor you and we thank you I want to again thank Kayla who played the violin [Music] tonight and getting to be the executive Pastor here I work on a lot of teams we don't do anything solo around here we don't do Islands we do teamwork and we always call it bench strength it's always three It's s it's 10 we don't do islands and so I'm not joking every time I work on a team I say this is the Dream Team to every single team because it's so fabulous I also want to welcome up the Dream Team for the Academy which Rick and Lisa Truman could you please come forward and I would also like to welcome up one of our current students Jody would you please come up here as well so Rick and Lisa over see our Academy which has hundreds of students it's going to have hundreds more students so without further Ado I'm going to go ahead and hand this off Rick are you going first Lisa is okay all right we're g to Rick is going we don't know who's going first we're putting Rick on the spot is what we're going to do okay so I'm going to hand this over to Rick Truman good evening everybody so glad you could all be here um I'd like to start with would all of the current LL students online and in person please stand up okay it's a big group okay now please St please stay standing now would all the alumni please stand up okay so first of all these folks are great resources if you want to know what the academy is all about second of all I'm going to take a poll here raise your hand of the LL people raise your hand that this has been a lifechanging life altering class okay so thank you you can be seated So Lisa and I are seconde students okay uh we we took over the academy last fall um as first year students we're learning right along with all of these folks it has been life altering for both of us um there's several ways you can take the class of course there's online and in person but we also speaking to the uh Q&A earlier when uh Tommy was talking um we have some pastors taking the class one Pastor is taking the class with some of his parishioners um we have small groups that have uh been put together that are doing the class together all over the United States we're in four four four four countries right now I think Taiwan Canada United States and Australia so this is everywhere it's spreading we want you to be a part of it so um and the other thing I'll say is it's awesome to do with your loved one okay it is it is so you know I I highly encourage that so so I'm going to hand the microphone over to my beautiful wife Lisa and here's the good news in an ever increasing Kingdom there are no obstacles so financially the first year that you take the class 2025 it is $1,200 for a single person and $1,800 for a couple but you have more than enough in the kingdom and if you're not very techy you won't be when you start but like us people will come alongside you and father you along and you will do beautifully and if you're thinking that time might be an obstacle for you well I would just like to say that you have more than enough of that as well there are so many options and so many Heavenly solutions to make it workable for you and your family and we do some things one onone with families and it's always incredible incredibly incredibly beautiful and so I would just say to you that the very best value you're getting from the academy is the people and all those people who were standing the alumni and the current students those are the people who come beside you and even Jody's going to tell you about that but they come beside you and when you forget they whisper Heaven here heaven now and they keep Whispering it and pretty soon come on over honey come on over Kelly and so pretty soon the number just gets bigger and let me tell you you need to hear it because heaven is here Heaven is now you belong it's for you the time is right Jody thanks for sharing oh thank you what an honor cuz we really have been changed and blessed um it's hard to believe as I'm looking out at all of you today that a year and a half ago we knew no one who thought like this and we whispered to prayer Lord are we the only ones in the United States that think like this I said Lord I think we're ready to connect and before I knew it um uh Justin Paul Abram who we were watching online mentioned Chris blackaby and so we watched Chris blackaby and he explained what we had gone through and why we were sitting at home going what just happened and then he mentioned Kirby D anol from wildlife and so we found out Kirby is going to be in Ohio and we're not from this region we're from the other side of Ohio we're about three hours away but it was Ohio of all the states and the whole United States so we're like Jay I think we're supposed to go and so we went and we met all these amazing people from Wildlife we had never heard of Tommy and as we listen to Tommy we were like oh my word and so we signed up for that Academy and it gave us the foundation we needed we have heard things we've never heard before it has helped tear down some old old beliefs that were not biblical we didn't even realize we had them um we talk we learned about New Creation theology biblical covenants I learned words I'd never heard of before like serology the study of Salvation and hypostatic Union and oh my gosh and we were able to do it in such a doable way it was self-paced every Tuesday night we could watch it live and if we watched it live we could text in our questions and the team was so amazing they were watching the chat and our question always got asked at the end you'd have question and answers and boy we use that and if we didn't do it live which sometimes we couldn't we could watch it online on on a private YouTube channel and then it would sometimes take us 5 hours to watch it because we would stop it pause it what did he just say and then we talk about it for 10 minutes my husband and I did this together and then we would forward it back you know go forward go backwards we'd write it down and it was so doable not only that they connected us with other believers in a small group we had a message group of me and five women one of them I just met today but we spent hours online chatting so before I knew it I and it's only been a year and a half a year I look out and I see so many people that I now call Family oh my gosh God is amazing what in the world is he doing but I now am excited and I'm coming alive again at 63 I now have identity I'm starting to realize there's no limits everything we need is founding God and it's so I would encourage you this is a great place not only to sew into but to get equipped and to call family if you were like us and are looking for a connection so thank you for letting me share I'll add a couple things um when Lisa's talking about the um payments there are payment plans uh we can do a 10 payment plan through PayPal or you can pay it all up for the year uh the second thing is our wonderful marketing director Jen has set up a Facebook page for prospective students on that it's uh 20 or it's LL 2025 prospective students on Facebook if you look that up there's actually a class that you can view on there um and it was we one of our online students or a couple of our online students agreed that would be a really good one to put on there so you can sample the class uh by going on there and it's right at the top of the page so our admission goes live October 1st so get ready family get ready and it closes the end of November so don't sit on it pray about it um once it's closed it is closed classes will start January 2025 and it's a 2-year school so what it is the teaching kind of flipflops first year second year so no matter when you join there going to be in there for two years years and you're going to get all of the information with that we have a video about the academy we would like to show you because it kind of just highlights some of the fruit it's only about 2 minutes so if we could go ahead cue that up AV team if you are ready if not we can keep talking okay I'm going to keep talking um but truly I prayed about the academy for 4 months I didn't even come to legac at that point and I asked Tommy and he said it is worth your time and I assure you it is worth your time it is worth your money is worth your sacrifice it will change your life like it has changed mine and I'm not kidding anyone you ask will say that is the best investment I have ever made you will go in there you will be able to deconstruct religion you will be able to spit out law you will be able to understand sunship and walk in Freedom and it is the best money that you're going to spend and a team can you give me a thumbs up or down two minutes 2 seconds peace was it that'd be wonderful that'd be wonderful so can we hear it for Tommy and Chanda who make it all possible this was a a dream in their heart and they made it possible and the fruit he will say it's the most fruitful Ministry that Legacy has so thank you Pastor Tommy so every Tuesday night uh the students meet from 6 o'clock to 9:00 p.m there are three 40-minute sessions and a 30- minute Q&A every Tuesday um super intentional about the structure and the strategy we do a Q&A because we want to make sure that everything's cleaned up uh every session is like opening a fire host and and having everyone take a drink so here's here's the uh subjects that we cover in a 2-year span ready covenant theology soteriology atonement Theory and theosis divinization human identity internal governance and Transfiguration Kingdom culture Victorious eschatology biblical immortality spiritual gifts for a new creation functional five-fold Ministry fing leadership and the effective working of a church that's a lot to cover in two years um it's it's very structured like we're we're a mystical church but we have a high value on solid theology okay high value on theological accountability so we're not uh how do I say it the right way you you'll get plenty plenty of Revelation from these teachings but I thought maybe a little bit of information on what you will learn would help you uh and when you attend online you have till the end of the week to finish that class so uh we have students like they said all over the world we had a a student of ours in Taiwan who took class live every Tuesday night from 2 a.m. to 5: a.m. every single Tuesday cuz his wife was in Seattle and while his wife is in Seattle they're getting Revelation together every night absolutely beautiful we have four people in this school that drive 147 miles one way to get here every Tuesday night and they're here every Sunday morning they also were highly instrumental in filling your stomachs this evening yeah they're wonderful okay I can tell that they want to play a video I'm going to get out of your way Gody that that old school give me that truth for the body ain't [Music] nothing let meur let me theur let me the church let me the church hey I want to be the typee of Dude to get the Lord on his feet I want to do the type of shows that the Lord want to see what I mean if I can make the whole church clap but ain't a clap in the heavens then that clap just a clap clap glorified the Holy Spirit going word that truth a watered down the soundr bir in the coming out nothing wrong with singing Lou but that a on the church church has been clapping their weak sermons leaving the weak Hurt No One ch by su service we need discernment check what you beiring cuz the church can be full of members butty the gopel stand back look for change Liv not for hand CL love people well okay stand at the church the church the words [Music] stand old school doctr give me that truth for the body ain't nothing new about it CL let me the cl cl let me the [Music] CL how many of you are join the academy next year yes all of you all right so I just got uh I got news my wife went to her office and dug up about 10 more books yep so she found more she didn't want anyone to have to leave and not get that Revelation how's your weekend so good so uh I have the privilege of introducing our speaker this evening and I talk a lot and sometimes when you talk a lot your words diminish in value so I want you to not hear me as the guy that you've heard for hours on end okay I want to talk to you as Chris blackaby friend okay 2017 was it 2017 the first time you came here 2018 yeah long time ago this is truly the story okay so uh I'm in the second floor of my house remodeling a bedroom and a bathroom room 2020 oh that's right cuz the world shut down right after yeah not our world no we were yeah we were making hay while the sun was down yep okay so I'm in the second story of my house remodeling a bedroom and bathroom and while I'm cutting trim the Lord tells me you're preparing this room for Chris blackbee and I had been listening to listening to him on YouTube we had been chatting back and forth on social media um I found someone that was as crazy as I was so it was fantastic to get to connect with this guy uh much like uh many of you I found his living from Heaven message first right changed my life put words to everything that I knew was true so my wife and I have an empty nest how many of you have an empty nest what a gift what what a gift right people are like hey do you want to go ride roller coasters with us they're like no we have plans what are your plans nothing nothing we're home nobody else is there so we love our friends and we host our friends but we like when our friends come over in the morning and go back to their hotel at night but this time God said you're getting that room ready for Chris blackaby so I walked downstairs about 9:00 p.m. and told my wife God just told me I'm getting this room ready for Chris blackaby and she goes okay so hang a fleece don't tell him in the same moment that we're having this conversation we're sitting on the couch next to each other my phone is between us it lights up with an alert and I look down you know you can only see the first few lines of the message hey bro can I stay at your I'm like Shanda I'm about to open this message once I open the message we can't put this toothpaste pack of the tube Chris is ours forever so I open and he's like can I stay at your house next Friday like it was like a week later and I'm like absolutely and then I looked at my wife I'm like ha told you right so in no world did I expect to have a bedroom and a bathroom remodeled within a week but we got it done and and that started our relationship with Chris and Chris and I got very close very quickly and then in the last four years my wife and I have just been through a ton and every time that my wife and I go through something there is a word from Chris as our friend that governs us through it okay right at that moment uh my wife and I were I I don't like the the victim type chat but my wife and I were abandoned by our spiritual father in family we were kicked out of a denomination over Theology and as much as if that ever stops hurting you evaluate people are important okay people are important so I was devastated and it got ugly you know sometimes those things get ugly so um they said things that weren't necessarily true and Chris said one thing to us he said honor the people that are dishonoring you and you'll be qualified for your next season do you know how many people I've told that since so many so many and look at that time this isn't an exaggeration nobody knew who we were nobody traveled from out of state to come hang out at Legacy God Was preparing the way for something very important and he put a voice in our life that qualified US to receive it okay remarkable stuff remarkable stuff now there was something prophetic that happened at that time uh in February a prophet named Josh Todd from uh Jacksonville Florida called me and he just said Tommy the Lord showed me that you're a good Tree in a bad field he had no idea what was going on with us denominationally he said the Lord told me to tell you that you're a good Tree in a bad field and if you get transplanted into a field of like trees you'll bear more fruit within two weeks were we were given the left foot of Fellowship from the denomination we belong to and Chris blackaby calls me and he said hey I want you to know that my Field's open and everything I have is yours and do you know that those words have become a culture here if you ask anybody that we've ordained or that we resource what did what did we tell you first everything we have is is yours we we had a precedent set for us that cannot be cannot be superseded and now we know how Heaven operates I'm almost done my health drastically failed my wife couldn't talk to me for 3 days because she was afraid she was losing me remember this my blood pressure was 186 over 136 everything was shutting down and uh called Chris Chris walked me through it he walked me through everything and uh and his message about King David if you say I'm clean I'm clean do you know do you know what your brain feels like when your blood pressure is that high yeah you might as well have dementia I was worthless to my wife she could talk to me I could hear her and I couldn't think of words to respond I sit on my couch next to the most beautiful woman in the world and I can't even acknowledge that she's there but what I can do is in my nearly paralyzed brain say if you say I'm clean I'm clean if you say I'm clean I'm clean if you say I'm clean I'm clean if you say I'm clean I'm clean and now I get to enjoy my wife I've got my health back it's Priceless listen I don't have words to tell you what this man has done for my life this this isn't a surface relationship this man has changed this life our ministry forever forever everything we have is his and our house is yours my family is yours trust you with my life so I'd like all of you to welcome Chris blackaby [Applause] I'm was going to ask Tommy for the recording so I can play all these introductions to myself over and over again oh my goodness thank you Legacy thank you Tommy and shander um I don't really do preambles and and thank people I just get up and sort of get on with it um the gospel's the power to Salvation I didn't have it early in my life Al I was a Christian it really cost me cost me a lot it cost me my life uh it's cost me a love other things I just want people free I just want people to not go round round about that I went through you know and um yeah gee isz if I could save someone 10 or 15 years I mean come on you know and I want to be the man I needed you know there's there's some guy I needed and he didn't turn up and it took me 20 years to work this out and my body and my soul paid the cost for that those 20 years of misunderstanding and loving God and putting everything into it and uh and and causing just um loss and hurt in my life to and to finally stand I was climbing a ladder against the wrong tree with all the good intentions you know uh and just to find out you're already where you're supposed to be before you started it's it's really it's a bit of sweet situation you know and so when I get up I just want people to hear the gospel the the good news you know and even today uh and in tonight we're preparing a thing for the next era and just shifting people's understandings buty I just want to tell you that uh you you're born again you're Christ is your righteousness you're raised and seated you know it's all been done you're already the Christian you wanted to be you need to be to get God to bless you or to finally get that thing or finally establish yourself you are already that Christian there not one more conference or one more Revelation when you receive the person of Jesus Christ you receive salvation you receive righteousness you're holy and blameless in his sight forever and your sins will never be counted against you so you're good it's done do you believe the one whom you sent yes then your work is done you are at rest you've entered the seventh day the Sabbath you rest the same way God rested and that's want to tell people and uh so the tie that in all the creation's entering that seventh day and we need to have some changes in our church understanding uh our current culture so we can bring Creations that rest we have to give it the rest of the sons the glory of the sons so we need to have it and probably the major problem facing the western church at the moment it's not lack of Truth or understanding but it's the lack of manifestation of that truth and understanding and we don't have that manifestation because we don't have the feminine yeah and the way the church is going about that is a very social political um cultural War way which is the use of tree of knowledge of Good and Evil still and if you win you lose you know it's a lose lose tree we'll wipe the slate and start again so uh thank you Legacy Tommy and shander this is other quate thank you but thank you right so we've been talking about um I believe you know I've never considered myself the office of a prophet or a prophet to the church or a nation I don't do politics or earthquakes or you know any of those things but as much as I know that I hear God God told me this church age is coming to an end and then there's a gap that generation that clears the decks there's no record that past pattern and then God's going to start from scratch a new but if we choose if we want to we can bring that future reality into now before this last season closes out it will cause chaos it will also end good people's Ministries before they finish their race and if you want it if you will Carri that cost and that grief uh then we can have it and the way you bring future realities into the now or anything Eternal into the material at the right time or before it season is the feminine and as the church we do not have this feminine yeah the only F we have is like when it falls down from above you know Glory come down presence come down we don't have it in us so the question and answer typ we asking you know can we have both yeah I need to move in the feminine if I'm going to receive from God if I'm going to be part of the church part of the Bride if I'm be merciful and compassionate yes that's part of the aspect of God I carry so it's the feminine that receives the Eternal Word Eternal spiritual matters the logos Eternal truth and brings it into manifestation it's the Rema now word and manifest on the earth and it's our uh denigration and lowering of the feminine and when we've done it because we've done it against females and in doing so because male skew masculine and female skew feminine that's why we call it these things okay and and and in our treatment of females and reducing their role we reduce the feminine and we've lost that whole aspect of ability to take Eternal matters and in put it into creation what the first Christian did Mary the model the perfect model the greatest model yeah so and in doing that we've lost the ability to become the mature church that walks in the fullness of statue of Christ to be a bride equally yolked to the Christ to look like him to be his help meet his powerful Warrior uh that stands in opposite as a uh what's the exact words here to stand in front and opposite as the him so if I'm opposite as to you I'm your reflection or on the other Wing you know and that's what the feminine is in in in crushing female we reduce the feminine and we're not the opposite as to Jesus we're not his reflection we're not the help meat the equal that he needs to save to bring strength to rescue we're not that so we need to restore that so there is a genuine crime and penalty of what's happened to the feminine and that's an injustice but if we go and work on that Injustice we'll get caught by the knowledge of Good and Evil and uh we're sit inside inside creation we can never repay I can't repay your mom or your grandma what happened to her or your great grandmother that never got to walk in the fullness of her giftings because of the church structure I can never repay that the church can never repay that but Christ is the overpayment and they will walk the Saints the cloud so especially women and then uh the feminine aspect of the Kingdom which is like the Arts the artist should to be crush them yeah so um they're in the cloud and they didn't get to walk in the fullness of the aspect of the nature of God that were they supposed to reveal to the Earth they didn't get to walk in that because of the era they were in but if we do this era they will walk in the fullness of their reward yeah the fullness of their reward right it's a happy [Laughter] story is not good that man should be alone I will make him a companion of strength and power who has a saving power that's equal with him that's what God did to Adam if you don't understand that you'll never understand that's what God's done for Jesus that's us yeah if you crush feminity or woman you're destroying the capacity of your own life and this generation so just look once again just to understand to clear the decks and just say what does God say about feminine he just treats it uh as another aspect of him no lesser and even Paul Paul does it we lot time to go through all of Paul but we can go through all of Paul and see what he's actually doing and saying but he just treats it and masculine has certain things and feminity has certain things and what feminity gets is the first of everything every new thing that's coming from the invisible Into the Now is given to a woman it's not given to a man it's not their role it's given to a woman cuz the feminine births the invisible word the Eternal Word into creation so the Messiah the point of all scripture is announced and promised to a woman it's promised to Eve yep and through Eve the promises to Mary so messiah's promised to a woman the first and only person to name God is a woman Hagar names God she named him no other person in Scripture in history in existence got to do that except Hager she named him the god that sees me and that's we're going to look at straight after this the god that sees me we don't have that peace we won't be able to bring the feminine the feminine comes forth in security yeah it doesn't have to fight femin space is made for the feminine purposefully and so if you if uh that's the it's the greatest untapped resource if you've got a company instead of saying H we want to have equal men and women you know up here and just artificially doing that it's never going to work but if you make space for the feminine because the feminine won't Force away and interrupt it has to be invited and given space to be in the moment expressed in the moment that needs to be valued so so this church has to make that space face okay so God is named by a woman Jesus genealogy has four women and all these four women had uh sexual situations from external constraints placed upon them yeah and Jesus redeems all that the Messiah is announced to a woman so no as a promised to a woman the Messiah the coming the Messi it's not announced to the high priest it's not announced to a prophet it's not announced to anyone it's announced to Mary the Messiah is coming and the first person to proclaim the Messiah is here to identify the Messiah it's not John it's not Peter you know she appears like you are the Christ that's not it it's not theel saying you are the Christ it's not that it's Elizabeth saying the mother of my Lord Has Come Elizabeth announces the Messiah yeah no one told Elizabeth it was revealed to her by the spirit right 12 is governance and in uh Mark 5 12 years of bleeding and the and the girl is dead so the woman that was robbed of her productivity and the girl who died when she was moving into productivity okay for feminine productivity to create new life Jesus restores that to them both 12 governments no no femininity no governance because governance is Justice and mercy Justice masculine these are the rules these are consequences you played on the stairs you fell down Mercy you broke the law you get a hug yeah you get comforted Comfort is half of God not the law Comfort it says you refuse to be comforted Jesus says and that's us we refuse to be comforted by Because by the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil we know why we shouldn't be comforted so we're refusing half of God we have to let ourselves be comforted Paul said could you being comforted you can Comfort others well not really we need to receive this needs to be the highest Comfort needs to be the value of God as much as truth not instead of Truth not over truth but as much as truth justice and mercy no feminine no governance okay first to preach the Gentiles was a woman first Gentile gets saved as a woman first to preach the Gentiles is a woman I didn't say this before but the first to receive the message of immortality was a woman it's Martha Lord Martha said to Jesus if You' been here my brother would not have died but I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask Jesus said your brother will rise again Martha said I know he'll rise again in the resurrection at the last day Jesus said to her I am the resurrection and the life the one who believes in me will live even though they die and whoever lives by believing in me will never die do you believe this because he's bringing the new reality so new reality doesn't come through pet doesn't come through John it comes to a woman it comes to Martha it must she's receiving a word birthing it into the Earth woman that the crucifixion the first the Risen glorified Messiah was revealed to the disciples no to a woman first person commissioned to and actually go and preach the Risen Messiah is a woman it has to be we want new things to come from God or has to be a woman or at least a feminine okay but statistically statistically speaking it's probably going to be a woman how can it be how can women bring these things in well we know that Romans 16:17 Phoebe was a deacon they believe Phoebe the Deacon was the one who brought the letter and read it okay so she read the amazing Book of Romans Junior an apostle okay Priscilla a teacher who some people Bel believe wrote the book of Hebrews which is interesting because the book of Hebrews understands Paul's writings understands hebraic and speaks into the Roman context and that's Priscilla many people say so just a thing and then on and on we go right so we need masculine and feminine and we need both because they both are the aspects of God and how that works is and can we just queue up the the Facebook video we'll call it that one still in two minds I'm double minded about showing rescue his not yet just it up let me let me oh boy this is going to I'm all right okay all right it's already made me angry that video I don't know I don't know been correction without judgment I got to hold these people in my heart do I love that guy will I lay down my Ministry that he may pick it up no no but um so we need both okay masculine Eternal what's eternally true feminines immediate compassion so if your church uh looks after the poor and all these things like that you know in a in a town a big storm comes through okay and rips off the roof you got 100 Grand masculinity says 100 Grand 100 Grand we need to fix the roof I not we're not here tomorrow we're not here in 10 years we're got to fix the roof we got to keep the structure there so we can safe and have a home femininity says yes but people are dying tonight if if we don't spend the money people are out in the cold in the snow and they're dying tonight and masculine says yes although that's true we probably got enough for three nights and then they're going to die but we need to put the roof back on and both is correct it's not or or is Western thinking it's and that the order to end will save us so much problems it's and both are true both are correct and we need both the aspect of God and God does both you broken the law and there's compassion he does both at the same time because he is both we're we're a fractal of of that reality y okay so when Church skewes masculine it goes for Eternal truth but no there's no results but it sets good boundaries and there is the church hasn't gone crazy the church is still here the boundaries set up in the 1500s for example have still lasts now it's a really good job of setting boundaries by and large the church is orthodox by and large we believe the same thing we believed in 300 ad it's really really well done and we're safe and there's a house but it's not a home and no one's getting healed there's no Supernatural there's no mystery because as truth deep as further you go on to truth if you're actually doing it right mystery should develop at the same time the more truth you have the more mystery they work together the masculine feminine works together okay what's certain and unknown and what is uh the mystery and unknown must work together at the same time because God the more you go to God the more mystery boxes it opens yeah yeah otherwise you would think you've mastered the God and you got the answers to the Bible and there's crews out there that say yeah we know give the Bible answers do just give the question to what the Bible says okay well it's a mystery so that's fine of itself okay you can have that but the trouble is it when it turns to the rejection of the feminine and then the mockery of the feminine now you're mocking half of God and that's serious you can do what you want that's fine you can't tell people you can't go any further okay if you don't to have the Holy Spirit or charismatic gifts that's fine but don't tell other people you can't have the charismatic gifts that's demonic right so I was want to play you a clip of some people you may know and they're discussing I want you to hear the the the value for the masculine which is great the Deep truths and the absolute mocking dismissal of the feminine which is immediate connection they're talking about worship okay and then I'm showing you this to show the snapshot of the situation so you can see how it works so we can play that if you can he will rescue his people from that movement let me let me oh boy this is going to Hur I'm going to argue with you let me let me play Advocate okay sure uh here here's here's here's your problem you like organs and cellos this is our way of expressing ourselves in worship why would you judge something that is so clearly filled with the spirit because it's just Mindless emotional hysteria it's just hysterics it's mind numbing hysteria it's not about worship let me let me let me explain Worship in a simple way the deeper your understanding of the truth of God the de deeper your understanding of God himself the higher your worship goes worship is directly corelated to understanding the Richer your theology the more full your grasp of biblical truth the more elevated your worship becomes low understanding of God superficial shallow understanding of God leads to shallow superficial contentless hysteria you you can whip that up you can create that kind of frenzy it has nothing to do with worship it isn't worship it's not connected to worship it is sheer hysteria and a Mindless expression um you you you've been singing hymns this week why because there's Rich theology in hymns we we don't have to go hysterical we want your mind fully engaged hymns I like hymns I don't need to hear fire fire fire a thousand times I don't I don't need 71 choruses seven words 11 times over uh I need to advance the doctrine I need to advance the richness I need to deepen the truth and broaden the truth and hymns have verses not just five words repeated and repeated and repeated and repeated and repeated but never really with the nuances of theology so oh um yeah I right okay I I have to they do it to themselves I have to explain anything right there it is enough rope so so you can see the disdain when you exaggerate to the Smith you are it's it's it's disdain okay if Tommy says hey Chris can you stop moving this around I say bro you have to tell me thousand times okay you didn't tell me a thousand times I'm dismissing him and his worth and his words so what this calling the intimacy the immediate intimacy with God is Mindless hysteria okay there was a quite uh I use this ter I really use this termless it's actually true quite a misogynistic um Theory went through called feminine Hysteria and they they treated people for feminine hysteria that's what he's referring to okay that's that's that's hatred of the feminine he thinks is protecting the feminine he's talking about it must Engage The mind but not the heart it's about the mind the deeper the deeper and that's true look the deeper theology the deeper you understanding of god good but not at the cost of right so that's the church we're coming out of we're reforming out of that then the reformed they call themselves reformed so okay I was want to paint a picture so you can just see you can just see that situation it's very interesting it sort of sums it up you don't have to explain it anymore than what I've already explained it there it is right so we need to fix the situation up you're not going to fix it up you're not lost these guys are talking out their childhood trauma that's their well viw intimacy equals pain you must must know the answers be the answers guy security knowing no mystery how can God heal that person other don't know so there's no healing solved no mystery okay and no no possibility of something new nothing new is coming to Earth through something that refuses to receive as the feminine all right and we can we're going to go to the next video the the YouTube video in a second if you queue it up what I want to show you we to wipe the board and start again with the true nature of God we're going to look at that and the remaining time we're just going to honor the record of Mary and just restore her to the proper place in our hearts because that's been part of it it's part and we can honor that we will learn lots about how to bring in the next era okay so we're going to start again and we're going to look at uh the see the masculine and feminine of God together cuz uh Tommy said your soul is incapable of making its own narrative requires another so let's look at that now we'll do the YouTube clip just sorry everyone back we go a thousand times Tommy you may have seen this before this is called the still faced experiment and it shows how the human soul this young are extremely responsive to the emotions and the reactivity and the social interaction that they get from the world around them this is something that we started studying 30 40 years ago when people didn't think that infants could engage Eng AG in social interaction in the still phas experiment what the mother did was she sits down and she's playing with her baby who's about a year of age and you make a girl oh and she gives a greeting to the baby the baby gives a greeting back to her this baby starts pointing at different places in the world and the mother's trying to engage her and play with her they're working to coordinate their emotions and their intentions what they want to do in the world and that's really what the baby is used to and then we ask the mother to not respond to the baby watch how F the baby very quickly picks up on this and then she uses all of her abilities to try and get the mother back she smiles at the mother she points because she's used to the mother looking where she she points the baby puts both hands up in front of her and says what's happening here she makes that screechy sound at the mother like come on why aren't we doing this even in this two minutes when they don't get the normal reaction they react with negative emotions they turn away they feel this stress of it they actually may lose control of their posture because of the stress that they're experiencing [Music] okay I'm here and what are you do oh yes oh what a big girl it's a little like The Good the Bad and the Ugly the good is that normal stuff that goes on that we all do with our kids the bad is when something bad happens but the infant can overc Comet after all when you stop the still face the mother and the baby start to play again the ugly is when you don't give the child any chance to get back to the good there's no reparation and they're stuck in that really ugly situation babies this young okay we're going to play it again with the sound off in a second we play in a second we'll play it again but muted and I'll comment so what we're seeing is the development of the human soul that's the same as yours it's the same same thing so they're World building together and they're lying their emotions and their intentions he says and the baby's getting executed from from the world from its mother because you build from someone someone else and it's worth and when you don't get that affection that attention the conclusion you make is that I'm on my own no one's coming to help me I am not worth the attention and affection and that is shame there is something fundamentally wrong about me that I don't get this attention and that wise you permanently into fight or flight because if no one's is coming to help you you need to look after yourself and it's not safe now your brain won't go into rest patterns and your body won't go to rest patterns you go into Vigilant patterns because you must scan her the Horizon for the bear for the threat cuz no one else is and while your fight or flight and scanning scanning The Horizon you don't digest food properly because you don't need to digest food when the bear's coming your immune system turns off because there's a bear coming you don't create relationships you don't create oxytocin there's no empathy you're not reading micro Expressions okay you're looking for big actions there's a bear coming and it stems back to growing up in a place you come into this world looking for the person looking for you that's how you come into this world you're asking is it safe that's the only question is it safe here all right so let's just play that again sorry and if it's not if it's too much just tune out I know it can be a little upsetting it can be so before we thought babies didn't have any emotional connection at all before this guy came along and and another lady and uh this the strange uh situation test and uh let's just comment so this is you your design to grow up in Eden under constant face of approval this is how you're supposed to grow up and these are all the things a baby does in relationship all the actions but our relationship it does the same actions to re-engage that's religion yeah okay okay so all the actions are there they're well being together the baby's making an idea about self I am worth the affection of this source of care giver my mother yeah and then she goes to still face not angry still but watch how quickly the bab baby picks it up 01 seconds picks it up Bonk got it the baby knows we were designed to grow up in the constant approval gaze of Father God which is masculine and feminine so now the baby is doing all the actions that were from relationship but our relationship which is what religion is and starting to lose control of its body if this goes on it'll end up in the freeze for that Tommy's talking about so I was trying to re-engage re-engage re-engage look that's that's trauma and then self harm has to feel something that's how starts okay right and get to the good bit hurry up right reaching out reaching for the face that's what lots of worship can be it's from this place of trauma okay is uh is anxiety ridden lots of some worship is like that some of our worship songs are like that some of our Revival meetings are like that okay it's us reaching out yeah so is that me do creating that problem no Okay okay right that's the human State and that's just still faced that's not even anger that's just still faced and the baby lost complete control because the human soul was designed to grow up in constant affection and love irrespective of Its Behavior boundaries have to get put in as it matures its conscience that's you what that baby needs is what you've been restored to you now live under the smile the approval of a loving father they are sworn to never be angry with you again it says naiah he's never going to hold you've received his son he approves of you that's what he ask you to believe him you're permanently in his smile there's no such thing as a still face God because when you go still faced if you don't have it you have to do something to get it and you either disqualify yourself or qualify Yourself by a sever rules you made up and the Seven rules may be desperation and affection and adoration I don't qualify for God's goodness but if I pray and sing some songs and cry if it's unto acceptance if it's unto right standing it's religion and it's death but from relationship the same action it's life and World building together one from a place says I am not enough there's something faulty about me shame but the righteousness of God destroys that shame you now have right standing before God and you live in that place that place that rest and digest that comes from there is how we receive Things From Heaven CU it's about the face the baby doesn't even know it's different from the face the baby doesn't even doesn't know we're two separate people yet when it's two it will it'll say no to everything but why is a baby it's still World building together and that's us face to face of God in that in in in this metaphor okay it's very important we get that smile all the time the smile smile smile if you don't know you got that smile your body reacts but Salvation is to come to the body the body need to be at rest that someone loves you because you're worth that love and you're protected you have to protect yourself and you go to bed knowing that God comes to you God smiles over you God sings over you you're altogether lovely he's en with you one look it look of your eyes he you have the complete affection of the father he's turned his face towards you not away from you you sit under the warm face God turned his face towards you permanently Forever This Will physically change your body this body at rest can receive and can conceive but a person especially a woman the female body in fight or flight will not be able to conceive okay same as the church same as us same as me as a man from God if I'm on my own I need to fight or fly it doesn't matter what God's telling me I can't hear it I can't receive it because I need to protect myself even he gives me something great I want to accept it CU it's too big it's too good so I'm not worth it I won't even be able to hear it okay but that's not their problem but that picture makes it super clear how important it is yeah a little bit of the yeast of the Pharisees works all the way through the D just a little bit of background um generic background condemnation will kill you it's absolute poison you are completely accepted in the Beloved righteous and holy in his sight forever he has made you he's Justified the ungodly you're just in his eyes because you are just Abraham believed a word it was a credit to him as righteousness you believe a word and you are the very righteousness yeah he's not looking at you with Jesus goggles okay can't see your sin Jesus goggles and I see you as righteous he's looking at you and you are righteous you have that right standing he adores you and all the things you trying to work out if he adors me or not are between here and here best worst person ever lived best person person ever lived and God's put you over here in his righteousness you're trying to work out am I here or am I here am I here worst person ever lived or I the best Christian ever lived and all your life can work up to there that you got to let the whole thing go and start again in the eyes of the father it's not too late to have a happy childhood your happy childhood Starts Now that face look at you it starts now it starts right now starts tonight as you lay in your bed just know the face of God is Happy towards you acceptance delight and it will change your system it will change your breathing pattern it will change the hormonal structure of your body and blood it would change your neural architecture it would change your sleep patterns it will change everything about you and from that place you can receive because you receive because that's what God does to you that's who he is and that's who you are to him that's who you are that's the relationship you have with him from this place you can give but if you're in fight with flight you're inside crowd Realms and the scarce resources you can't love your enemy with scarce resources you can't even give to the good people how can you give to the bad people but from that place where God just gives and gives and gives there is a Rabin stream that talk about God as the desire to bestow that's what he is the desire to give and we as creation to become F the creation must be the desire to receive until you can become the desire to receive you will never understand God that he just gives and one of the rabic instructions of this group is okay if I'm your rabic instructor I'll say to you your project this week is to go home and let your mother cook for you and just receive the food just receive her love that's one way love she's just going to tell her you're coming home on Sunday come home on the Sunday is let her do stuff for you because until you understand that you won't understand God God is the desire to bestow when you receive that you have become desire to receive alone and in that place then you can become bestowing CU you've received and everything's a gift and freely received freely given all right okay God loves to comfort us like a mother Comforts a child let's talk about Mary we have the masculine we get it all right and we need less masculine we need more true masculine I want to talk about the the gifts we don't need less gifts we need more gifts but the gifts are unto maturity which need them in their proper place but we have these mostly in place what we don't have is the feminine in place so we have the picture we have a there's many pictures of feminine but Mary is probably the best so we're going to talk about her so Mary received the Christ and so we know now that all the law and all the prophets and all the wars and all the outs and all the and all those things and all the festivals where to keep a body safe for the receive the Messiah and so all the Old Testament doesn't produce Jesus he's good he's the Eternal Word he is always around at the right time it produced Mary that's what it's all for so the world can receive the Messiah so a person can receive the Messiah she's a very important just the focal point you could say so Mary is the first Christian and the greatest because Mary fully incarnated the Christ yeah literally and metaphorically and spiritually yeah and that's us she is our model you want from the father as the church as individual to receive the fullness of Christ the Mary is is the model she how cuz she received the word that's what Paul's on and on and on about all through you receive a word that makes you righteous you receive a word till you get the kingdom everything's by promises the divine nature is by promises based on his character alone and on that word she died and rose again CU when you receive something you have to leave your taste touch desire to protect yourself and receive that word let the consequences be what they may she could have literally been killed and wasn't the plan she had for her life she had to change your plans on that W do you know that Mary raised two Immortal children that's pretty good record Jesus yeah and John yeah there so much to say she raised two Immortal children she's batting 100 she's batting 200 is that possible 300 was it was was how it works we'll talk about Cricket afterwards all right okay in three vers verses in Luke we can see the fullness of Mary and her capacity and what she did to manifest the Christ to Incarnate the Christ Luke 1:38 then Mary said I am willing to be used of the Lord let it happen to me as you said or King James be it unto me according to your will very important line because because Jesus her son said the same thing in the Garden of Gethsemane he's basically quoting his mom if you can take this cup from me so be it but not my will but yours that's the feminine that's the beautiful surrender to Eternal truth no matter the cost and Jesus died and Rose on that word and Jesus feminine in that situation because he couldn't raise himself had to trust another in Acts 2ish Peter says and God raised him from the dead he didn't raise himself from the dead he had to die on that word knowing that God would rais him from the dead he trusted the word had to die die and rise in that word so Mary anytime you move from the seen to the Unseen you have to die to your sensuality and rise on that word but it's Immortal Life the Risen life you get because the word comes from outside creation into creation I am willing to be Ed of the Lord let it happen to me as you have said blessed is she who has believed Luke 1:45 blessed is she who has believed that the Lord will fulfill his promises to her blessed are you if you believe God will fulfill his promise to you God will fulfill not you you are blessed blessed is the one we could say blessed is it blessed is the one who believes God will fulfill his promises to him believe the word no flesh involved the word does the work the high priest is not allowed to sweat in the glory let the word do the work let him perform take your hands off to bring it about to cooperate with go heart but not to bring it about to prepare for if you're having a baby well prepare for it make a room buy some booties whatever okay but the word's doing the work the seed's doing the work yeah especially if you're the guy right okay blessed is the the one who has believed that the Lord will fulfill his promises to them yeah to make a gender neutral okay okay Luke 2:19 but Mary hid all these words in her heart she thought about them much but Mary treasured up these things and pondered them in her heart these words the words of the prophets to her that's words of Simeon and Anna what the words of Gabriel she pondered them in her heart that's meditation that's to to meditate and receive the Divine promises and enjoy them that's God's character not even a manifestation but knowing that's who my father is my father is a Healer wow my father's A Healer that's amazing my father's compassionate slow the anger merciful that's amazing and he is just that's amazing he's made all the many promises we wait and live on those promises so in those three things you have the whole mystical Christian Life believe the word be unto me according to your word which you D and raise on and read my notes hide those words in your heart and Ponder on them blessed is the one who believes God will do what he says that's rest God's going to do it it's rest if God's going to do it you don't have to reach with your own hand to bring it about ese God's going to make God God makes you righteous bless the one who believes that that's rest yeah okay so you see how key Mary is the key you could say in many ways and when you've got stuff like that panel of dudes it's never going to happen the mockery of the feminine is so evident in that the the hysteria they call it mystery to them is hysteria emotion connection okay I going to talk about uh St Augustine and Luther on Mary okay so Augustine very early but Luther a reformer a Protestant reformer the Protestant reformer Augustine said him whom the heavens cannot contain the womb of one woman bore the one the heavens can't contain the wom of one woman bore she ruled our ruler she carried in him whom we are she gave milk to our our bread Jesus is our bread the bread of life she gave milk to our bread let's read it again him who the heavens cannot contain the womb of one woman bore she ruled our ruler she carried him in who we are she gave milk to our bread Luther Protestant by definition she is is the highest woman and the noblest gem in Christianity after Christ she is nobility wisdom and Holiness personified we can never honor her enough still honor and praise must be given to her in such a way as to injure neither Christ nor the nor the scriptures so goes as long as Christ is who he is the scripture they are there's no praise that she can't receive from us she's the noblest of all he Christ Our Savior was the real and natural fruit of Mary's virgin womb God did not derive his divinity from Mary but it does not follow that that is therefore wrong to say God was born of Mary Mary is literally the mother of God she didn't give him Divinity she bore him and he is God there's whole discourses on this Mary God is Mary's son God is Mary's son and that Mary is God's mother she is the True Mother of God and the bearer of God Mary suckled God rocked God to sleep prepared broth and soup for God for God and man are one person one Christ one son one Jesus not two Christ just as your son is not two sons even though there two Natures body and soul body from you the soul from God alone okay so listen to this she's the True Mother of God and the bear of God Mary suckled God rocked God to sleep prepared broth and soup of God she ruled our ruler she was the mother mother of God if you think about those things your mind will explode that's how trusted this person was have been trusted humanity is trusted okay if we can put up that painting of Mary and Eve Mary restores Eve so that's shame right that's shame in any culture's body language that's shame and there's the snake that's got her entwined and Mary crushes it yeah the seed of the woman Mary is restoring Eve restoring all femininity and thus restoring my femininity as my ability to receive I can receive now because Mary received the word I can receive the word but only because she did first she did it this person this human this girl from from Countryside Israel because what she did she received the word now I can Reed the word the feminine of mankind has been restored through Mary Eve which is the feminine of mankind has been restored from the shame of being deceived yeah Mary's deceived and Adam sinned when Mary was deceived all creation didn't go into into trouble there will be some result but Adam is the Eternal logos when he sinned it all snaps all right so Jesus took care of the Adam side but look at who's taking care of the feminine side this what's happening right now power that shame is over there's no shame in being a woman there's no shame in the in the femininity there's no shame in receiving be unto me according to your word yes so Mary restores Eve eve took the fruit by her hand Mary received the fruit of her womb one fruit brought separation the other fruit brought Union Galatians 3:13 one brought law and a curse and one brought freedom from all law and curse the TRU of knowledge of Good and Evil which I ate from brought the law to know good and evil and the curses that's her fruit but it's gone now would never be held against Eve there's no record held against her a new old creation's gone there's a new creation and a new creation the curse is gone and the knowledge of Good and Evil is gone unto righteousness Mary's fruit restores EAS fruit Eve reached for the tree Jesus hung on the tree because cursed is a man who's hung on the tree yeah Eve wants to do what she can control Mary is be unto me according to your word Mary wants he wants to control Mary says to Jesus do whatever he says she's trusting the logos word she's trusting the character of another Eve didn't trust the character of another because she was deceived Mary trusts the character of another and that's her great rest that lets us go to our rest our Sabbath The Feminine Sabbath Mary the one who fits God who doesn't fit anywhere right okay we can take that down The Church Must restore it's not just where the western church went women can vote okay that's such a I mean that's important but we talking about Divine aspect of of half the nature of God yeah not the goddess that's little G why you want Little G goddess capital G of God half the expression of God okay all right got here Jesus quotes his mom so let's do it again Luke 22:42 saying father if you're willing remove this cup from me nevertheless not my will but yours yeah as be un to me according to your word then Jesus relies on God's word alone acts 2:24 but God raised him from the dead freeing him from the agony of death because it was impossible for death to keep its soul in him so God raised him from the dead Okay relies on someone else when you receive a word you die and Rise Again on of your sensal nature and consequences okay when you receive a word you have to die and Rise Again of your control your ability to control and the consequences of that word if you believe a word Mary had huge consequences for believing that word as Tommy was saying the birds of the air come the enemy comes you've received the word there's consequence of receiving a word but God is worth it that's what Jesus is saying let does all the does lets the word do the work that's feminine he's being feminine to let the masculine word the logos do the work so the devil has to fight the Eternal logos he can fight rest of his life he wants to the word just sits there it's always true and Jesus is like Devil fight the word yeah he's not going to reach with his own hand to do something like Adam and Eve did he's making a call on God's nature his promise is his nature as thomy is saying identity without evidence that's like to believe a word because it's true not because it's manifested because that's who God is I'm not going to take that from him when I was dying what got me through that is when listening to Currie Blake say that Jesus was whipped because he's whipped I'm Healed and I die believing I was healed I sudden realized oh Jesus was whipped I believe that he did that for me I can't explain the situation but he did do that and I won't take that from him I couldn't take that from him he did it for me I I I can't explain why I'm in such a bad physical state but he did do that it's relational that's who he is I really enjoyed him he did it I actually liked Jesus I thought Jesus I thought Jesus was holding out on me or something wrong about me that I couldn't get healed and other people could and just flipped in that moment that dealt with my shame he did it for me I'm not looking at evidence to get identity that's Tommy was saying identity comes from what he says okay be to be according to your word and there's nothing I can do I can cooperate with it but I can't bring it about you know Shadrach mesach and the Abednego yeah he's God Saves me he's the god that saves if he doesn't he's still the god that saves he he's who he is who he is yeah okay it's based on the character of God okay oh yeah right so a word comes to Mary and she says be unto me according to your word so human agreement is what it takes cu the Earth governments are given to us as Tommy was saying so human agreement lets it happen the word comes about John to Zechariah and zachariah's like well that can't happen Okay wasn't the response of Mary Mary just says you know you're a virgin could give birth she goes how can that be doesn't say that won't happen it's okay not to understand and she goes okay be to be according to your word so it can it can be received and conceived Zechariah father of John Luke 1:19 the the angel answered to him I am Gabriel I stand In God's Presence God sent me to tell you this good news but because you didn't believe what I said you say believe the word on his nature alone you would be unable to talk until the day this happens everything will come true at the right time so he was silenced even didn't believe it in his heart he couldn't confess it with his mouth he can't bring it about Zechariah so he didn't say anything against the word or God's character was physically silenced because what Have Ended something he's Authority in their area we have what we believe what does the church believe well look at us that's what we believe yeah but now we can receive something new he's qualified US to receive something new verse 62 of Luke 1 so they motioned to the baby's father to see what he wanted to name the child zachari asked for a writing tablet and wrote here's name is John everyone was amazed suddenly zachar was able to speak and began to praise God okay what Elizabeth who believed had received and brought the child to Bear now he can speak yeah right okay and there's lots more oh okay let's do this we'll finish a there's one that the that the Orthodox Church really Lov cuz they love John like the Protestants we love Paul they love John Mary destroys the Antichrist one John 42:3 this is how you can recognize the spirit of God every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is incarnated is from God but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God this spirit is of the Antichrist which you have heard his coming is now already in the world so how do you overcome this Antichrist well Mary's the model be unto me according to your word Mary knows more than anyone else Jesus was incarnated all right I end with this so this is really cool Mary is the Ark of the Covenant have Earth together in Eden we can also say Mary's Eden as well we can get into that later another another time but Mary is the ark where Heaven and Earth came together okay her womb is the ark Mary is the ark okay so uh this is Hebrews I believe now the first Covenant had regulations for worship and also an earthy Sanctuary a tabernacle was set up in this first room were a lampstand and the table with its consecrated bread this is called the holy place behind the second curtain so behind the curtain was a room called the most holy place the holy of holies which had the golden Altar and the incense and gold covered Ark of the Covenant the ark contained the gold jar of Mana so contain the bread of life see where we're going Aaron's staff which meant he was the high priest and the stones of tablet of the Covenant the law so the Ark of the Covenant has bread the high priest the mark of the high priest and the law the tablets the words of God John 1:1 in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God Jesus the word was in Mary okay that does the Lord that does the tablets John 6:48 I am the bread of life your ancestors ate the man in the wilderness yet they died but here is the bread that comes down from heaven Mary had the bread that came down from heaven Mary gave milk to our bread yeah which anyone may eat and not die I am the living bread that has come down from heaven whoever eats this bread will live forever this bread is my flesh which I give for the life of the world so the manner that was in the ark people ate it and they died the manner that came that was in the ark of Mary you eat it and you live forever yeah Hebrews 3:1 therefore holy brothers and sisters once again men and women together doesn't make a distinction who share in the Heavenly calling fix your thoughts on Jesus whom acknowledge as our Apostle and high priest Mary contained the high priest she contained everything the ark contains okay now we're going to compare some things with Luke this is pretty wild 2 Samuel 69 David was afraid of the Lord that day and he said how can the Ark of the Lord ever come to me fear Luke 143 Elizabeth quite happy says but why am I so favored the mother of my Lord should come to me the arcs come to her she's quoting David it's the parallel in fear David's like the ark has come to me Elizabeth in Joy saying the ark has come to me why am I so favored 2 Samuel 6:16 as the Ark of the Lord was entering the city Michael daughter of Saul watched from the window and she saw King David leaping and dancing before the Lord and she despised in her heart David is leaping and dancing before the ark Luke 1:41 when Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting the baby leaped in her womb and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit in a loud voice she exclaimed blessed are you among women and blesses the child you will bear but why am so favored the mother of my Lord the Christ should come to me as soon as the sound of your greeting reach my ears the baby in my womb leap for joy there's leaping before the ark okay one for one let's keep going with Samuel and Luke the Ark of the Lord remained at the house of Oben Edom the gitite for three months and the Lord blessed him and his entire household Luke so the ark stayed there for 3 months Luke 156 Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months and then she returned home okay Mary Luke's putting these things in there very deliberately he's saying Mary is the ark I'm just want to honor Mary for what you know and we've honored Mary be to open our hearts to the feminine again okay Exodus 4 4035 in the sepian so it's Greek so I use use the New Testament passage later which is in Greek so we get the same word and Moses was not able to enter the Tabernacle of test testimony because the the cloud overshadowed a very particular Greek word overshadowed it and the Tabernacle was filled with the glory of the Lord okay Moses can go in because the cloud or the spirit overshadowed it Luke 1:35 the angel answered the holy spirit will come on you and the power of the most high will overshadow you word for word same Greek word you get a Greek Old Testament it's the same word overshadow so the Holy One will be born and you and you'll be called he'll be called The Son of God all right and let's finish because this is Tommy and I speaking together so we're going to speak from a hero St athanasius you have a problem with this you're going to have a problem with Tommy all right you have a problem with aesis you going to deal with me that's what Tommy says all right all right say athanasius athanasius aan a St athanasius oh Noble virgin truly you are greater than other greatness for who is your equal in greatness oh Dwelling Place of God the word to whom among all creatures shall I compare you o virgin you are greater than them all oh Ark of the Covenant clothe with Purity instead of gold you are the Ark in which is found the golden vessel containing the true manner that is the Flesh in which Divinity resides shall I compare thee compare you to the Fertile Earth and its fruits you surpass them for it's written the Earth is my foot stol but you carry within you the feet The Head and the entire body of the per perfect God I say that heaven is exalted yet it does not equal you for this is written Heaven is my Throne well you are God's place of repose so Heaven his his throne be saying you're the place of the full god well you're God's place of repose if I say to the angels and the archangels are great but you are greater than the mo for the angels and the archangels serve with trembling the one who dwells within your womb they do not dare speak in his presence or you speak to him freely if we say the cheram are great you are greater than they for the cheram carry the throne while you hold God in your hands if we say that the seraphim are great you are greater than the all for the seraphim cover their face with their wings unable to look upon the perfect Glory while you not only gaze upon his face but caress it and offer your breath to his holy mouth okay so you can see that the church fathers had a very high regard for Mary and thus a high regard for the feminine and the model that she was they w't impressed so much with Paul and those things with the teachings yes but the person of Mary I don't speak that way about John or Paul or Steven or Peter I talk this way about Mary because if she didn't receive the word we couldn't receive the word and the angels can't look upon her fa on God's face but she could and they can't speak to God's presence but she can talk to him freely and the Earth is his foot stol but she had all of God in her so who is heaven you can see well they take it a little bit just to push a little bit too far okay but we're not going over there she had all of God within her she could cook in broth yeah Mary is an amazing person amazing experience and she is our model we can contain the fullness of God in us the Angels can't do that the serim can't do that we are heaven on Earth we are Eden we are the ark we are the glorified manifested Christ that's what we are that's what we're bringing in so we can give it to Creation that can only be received be unto me according to your word Ponder these things in your heart blessed is the one who believes God will do what he said he would do but you have you may have to die die and rise again on that word consider the cost before building a tower there's a cost for this there's going to be some chaos some other things maybe be misunderstood maybe lose your job I don't know there may be consequences because you believe the word he's worthy and God's offering this to us this new realm is going to come by a promise that's how it's going to come by a word and a new thing can only come to the woman you was all through history the new thing comes to the woman woman the law came to Moses but God didn't do that the Angels put that in place the Angels enforced the law yeah the Revelation the Eternal logos anything that's Spirit anything that's Eternal anything that is Immortal when it's announced is announced to the woman and she brings it into Earth and establishes it we need that feminine of God that immediate compassion that ability to say be unto me according to your word I trust you completely we don't need to less the masculine for it we need to hyper create the masculine even more more more to have strong walls a wall City a frame for that artwork a place of safety to receive and if we choose we can receive this promise of this new era die and rise again on that word cuz have to and bring it into the Earth and we restore not only the people who couldn't fulfill their call in their day because of the timing that people could couldn't fulfill the call in their day because of the crushing of the feminine which means women or feminine expression like the arts for example all right let's pray Jesus Eternal Word Perfect son we receive you the promise you are our righteousness our Holiness our Salvation you are our hope the author and perfector you call us to willing to act you are faithful even we are faithless you can't deny yourself the author F the Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end the Holy One of God name above all names in Jesus as a church as represent of the church we like to first of all just apologize for how we've treated half of your nature the feminine and also how we treated your mother Mary we've deified her in a wrong way and then we've crushed her in another bring everything to right order that we may receive your word and we consider see the cost before for building a tower but each as an individual can make this decision Lord youve promised this said we can bring a future reality Into the Now like David did like Mary did like the sician woman did and like this woman this church can do and father we know there's a cost there there a dying and raising on that world word but we'd say yes receive that promise blessed is the one who believes God will do what he said he would do be unto us according to your word find in us a place a womb for that word to conceive and be established upon the Earth and that all creation can be set free from its bondage and you have a glorious inheritance in the Saints thank you for this opportunity that is your nature we rest and father I ask Holy Spirit comforter I ask for the people that were affected by the still face God video I you come them to them tonight let them know that you smile on them in never ceasing affection and acceptance love approval and theine we say bodies and souls thank you for protecting us but it's no longer necessary you can relax Soul be at peace body be at peace immune systems thank you for protecting us but the spirit is here Christ has come and you are safe bodies be at peace thank you brain for wiring up for protection to protect us it's no longer necessary Delta wave can become beta wave rest and Digest you are safe turn on oxytocin turn on relationship turn on intimacy turn on reception turn on fertility turn on peace turn on deep sleep turn on engagement with uh the invisible Realm of the Kingdom through Christ Alone through a promise of another we rest in you you can Comfort us the way a mother Comforts a child we give you permission we don't refuse to be comforted we welcome it comforter come father Comfort us like a mother Comforts a Child Jesus gather us like a hand gathers his checks even though we've broken the law we receive the comfort and the Comfort we've been given We Will Comfort others but right now we are the desire to receive be you fully be unto me according to your word amen amen all right very good very good all [Applause] right yeah yeah so that was good little heavy we had to shift some things yeah next time we preach that we we just blast through it because we all know we'll be cheering but at the moment things are stiring up you and there cost and benefits and you have to grieve some of the Lost opportunity that means you understand standard but God Jesus is a overpayment it's all good news all right see you at church tomorrow what time yep so doors are at 9:30 tomorrow for anybody volunteering we are canceling the 9:00 a.m. meeting um just uh come here an hour later than normal don't have to do that um