Okay, so thanks everyone for joining. Like I say, very last minute, so I'll keep it brief. I just wanted to talk through the AML reports.
There's been a lot of focus over the last couple of weeks as to what we need to do with that. So I think everybody sort of understands the importance of the AML reports and the chases we put out to the client, but I will throw it over out to the room if someone can tell me what the... Why it is so important, please.
Gets us to the eight-week completions faster. Yep. Anything, anyone else?
Gets us money, because if they're closed, we can't earn money. That's it. Yeah, that's absolutely it. So at the moment, the caseload, overall caseload, the numbers aren't, you know, as high as they need to be.
So we need to protect every single case that we have. We've got two parts to this. We've got the one to seven cases and we've got the case closed for AML.
So there's the two separate parts and two different ways of looking at it. The one to seven reports, obviously, they're the cases that if we don't put the proactive chases out, they will eventually close down and move over to the case closed report. So every case that closes down will move over to the case closed report. And the number in the case closed report will go up.
So essentially, it's a file that's been referred to us and we've got the client on board. And, you know, it's low hanging fruit where we could easily turn it into an active case where at the end of the day we get paid for it. So the importance is that we need to stop cases closing and get into the case closed for AML report.
So we kind of need a bit of a two pronged attack to that. Firstly, with the one to seven reports, we need to be sort of actively speaking to our clients and encouraging them to return the documents to us. If we do that and keep on top of it, less cases will move to close and eventually that case closed report number will come right down.
So that's why it's important that we build this into our daily routine. And the best way of doing that, in my opinion, is to. to break it up into small manageable pieces rather than sort of having a target of you know calling all clients over three days by Friday it should become something that we review daily so we're making you know one or two calls per day and that way it's manageable it's not a big task to do at the end of the week just to hit a deadline so what we need is for everyone to sort of be on board with this and to be sort of checking that report daily the one to seven report um anything over three days we should be calling out to the client and if the documents aren't in we should be asking them to obviously send the documents to us um in addition to that it's a really good opportunity to sort of strengthen that relationship with the estate agents let's call the estate agents as well um and say look you know mr so-and-so's um you know we've got the file set up is if another three days and if he hasn't passed his AML then it will automatically close down this is what we need can you assist in getting that back in and letting them do some of the legwork for you as well but that's also going to build the trust with the with the referring agents so in terms of numbers last week we were on we started the week on 165 cases combined across all of those reports we had a big focus and a concentrated effort, especially on Friday afternoon.
And today we have 139 cases overall. So there's a reduction, but it's still far too high. We've put a lot of time and resource into it. We've had title checkers helping and supporting with the chasers and with the checking of the documents themselves. And that's going to continue into this week as well.
but what we need to do is to get to a point where that case closed report is the numbers right down and also the one to seven says nothing over over three days so like i say um in terms of the daily tasks let's um check the reports every day anything that's over three days put the calls out to the client to chase the documentation and if we can't get the documentation we're speaking to the estate agents as well if the documentation is in we're checking as promptly as possible So we pass that and the intention is that we make live and pass as many as we can or log an exception. And there'll also be a redo on that report on the case closed report, because I think on just on Friday alone on the calls that we made out for a couple of hours, we had five cases that were made live and passed just off the back of that. So that's, you know, five cases is a lot in the in the grand scheme of things that we turned into an active case and we can't progress.
So really. It's all about the outcome focus calls that we're making on these cases and doing it daily and sort of breaking it down into small manageable pieces. And if we do it as a collective, then we'll see those numbers reduce.
And as a result, we'll see our active caseloads increase as well. I will send an email out which will detail exactly what we need to do step by step, because I think it's important that we also use the shared spreadsheet just so we can keep on track of who's doing what. I'll look to get those updated on a daily basis with any new cases that have been added in there as well. But the outcome focus calls are really essential in this and that's what we need to be making.
And whilst we're doing that, we should also be sort of, you know, asking or chasing for any additional documents that we might need. Let's not limit it purely to AML. So, for example, if on a purchase, if we need the searches payment. If we're making the call out to the client chasing the AML, let's chase for the searches payment as well. I will hand over to Jess to actually run through those additional calls.
But when I send out the step-by-step instruction of what we need to do with the AML chases, we'll also have a little checklist in there as well. So when you are making the calls, you can have a look to see, have we got this in? Do I need to also chase a client for that?
Or have we already got that in? it makes sense to make one you know um one call that sort of covers all basis rather than multiple calls at the same time so um jess are you okay hello through the the calls yeah yeah so we're just trying to make the most of the calls that being made out really if we've got the extra help um to do it and if we're all sort of focusing on it make it a call that counts so like when you look at your file for file reviews in general like if you're doing an sheet or something you would look to see okay is it leasehold has management pack been paid for or you know have the search payment been made is the mortgage offering so it's just making sure that you combine the call with the AML just also ask oh I can see that you haven't made your search payment can you get can you log into portal and do that today please because obviously in that first seven days we all know that there's a lot for a client to do and they do have their welcome call and they do have this follow-up call but you know they're just human so they can forget things if you are doing a follow-up call just make sure it encompasses everything that you might need from that client um If it's an ABS file, for example, on a sale, likely your client will have inquiries to respond to by now as well. So if the client hasn't responded to inquiries, you could just say, just chasing you for that last, you know, proof of address document. I can also see we sent you some questions on the 6th of whatever it was, September.
That was too long ago, but you know what I mean? Can you get those back to us as well by the end of the day? How are you getting on with them?
Do you need to book in? And if they do say, oh, yeah, I really need a bit of help with that with the fee earner. If you're a touch, you could do in that call. You can always say, yeah, that's absolutely fine.
Just booking a call for this afternoon. She's probably got slots free and just book them in. So just to sort of push the case along and just make sure it's a call that sort of encompasses everything as well.
Just making sure once while you've got them on the phone, it makes sense to ask them about everything. Yeah, that's brilliant. Thank you, Jess.
And I think I think really the key thing is, is the quality of the calls as well. We can cover so much more in a call than we do in an email. So when we're going through the reports, if we've seen that the client has been emailed and not called, then, you know, let's make that call and let's make that call count as well.
I think that's the important thing. Don't forget the calls to the estate agents because that's that's going to help us out massively. But has anyone got any questions? OK, cool.
Well, like I say, I'm going to send an email with the step-by-step instructions and how we're going to sort of manage it so it's sort of visible to everyone. So that will come out shortly. We've got a little checklist in place for the additional items that we should be discussing with the clients when we make these calls. But yeah, if you can sort of get cracking with those calls and try and factor those into your daily routines, that would be fantastic. I did do the checklist off the back of what was just...
came to my mind about what we sort of ask clients if you think of anything extra that actually actually i asked these to clients at the start as well just um just like send it around as a like a prompt for anyone else if i've forgotten anything perfect okay yes yes sorry i just want to double check just because you've got I don't know if I've missed it, but I know you're going to send out the email, so I'll wait for them to come out. But who's making these calls? Is it TC's, Fianna's, Assistant?
Is it just whoever jumps on it first? It is going to be it's going to be a collective effort with AML this week. So title checkers will be helping and supporting, but the overall responsibility will be with the Fianna's. So this is why I'm trying to get some centralised spreadsheets so we know who is doing what and we're not duplicating the work.
So that will all be contained in the guidance that I'll send out shortly. But yeah, it's going to be a collective. So title checkers will be tasked with making those calls out.
That should be part of your daily routine anyway. So, you know, if you pick up a file, check the central spreadsheet. If it's been allocated, then those calls are going to be made out. Or there will be a note to say when that last call was made on those files as well. So we know, you know.
if the call was in in the last 24 hours were okay if it wasn't then we should be putting a call another call out yeah cool awesome well thank you guys i'll uh i'll let you get to it so and i know there's a lot to be done but thank you for your time thank you thank you bye thanks bye