hey there guys in this video I've got a really cool video for you on how to monetize a make automation now I should say that there are a billion ways that we could monetize a AI automation through make and I'm going to look at some different specific trainings lessons and how we can get it off the ground but today I just want to give you a concept an idea some principles to get your brain waves firing then after that if you've got a cool idea you could probably start to monetize it and I'll show you some really cool things so in this video I want to show you let's pick a random example so one thing a lot of people always want is to get jobs right specifically how do I get a job that I want in a location that I want and a price point I want so one really cool easy way that you could launch a business that you could sell is if we use a scraper okay so check this out right you'll seen from the other videos we can use something called like appify so what you could potentially do and I'll show you exactly how you could do this right so come over here to store on the left hand side if I typed in LinkedIn scraper so let's just say argument sake we wanted to create a business in which we allowed people access to you know the ultimate job search engine or we were going to automate something the what doesn't really matter it's more about the key is you have your automation underneath and on top you've got either a website so we could embed something in a website but looks like hey wow it's your cool magical website in a magical box or if you've got a client let's say that we've got an AI automation agency and we say look all you ever do is interact with this table and that that fires off all these incredible things so I'm picking this as an example but you could substitute this with any one of the hundreds of automations that we've covered we thought about this is just to give you a frame of reference of the kind of thing you can do and then we'll go into more detail later on so look I type in LinkedIn scrap and that there's a lot of things you could use here okay so some of them cost money like this is $29 per month if I just went for one that was like free for argument sake I got all pricing models I go on paper usage and then you see this one to appear free LinkedIn job scrip of course if I click on that this is a really cool easy one okay so look job query engineer location leads let's just say that I want it to be think an engineer is fine leads is okay let's say you and these are things that you can specify like on-site remote work hybrid so you could have a website or or field that explains this we're going to build this in air table I've just Ed this as a random example so you could add for example keyword type is it remote is it at home is it hybrid whatever it is we come back over so we just say I want to do remote work uh I don't want to work on site who does that it is 2024 after all contract type again fulltime parttime temporary contract we could build it out here so for example if I insert right I could add a uh contract type okay and then let's just say I went down I chose single select excuse me multiple select yeah and then I come down add an option so it could be for example fulltime boom it could be part time contractor boom and essentially what to do is pass this over to a client or business they could enter all these fields and they could say well I'm looking for a full-time role in then let's say the next one is location right so let's just call it location and then we have a little pen because you know what we're like guys we're nothing without our emojis we're nothing with that a little bit of flowing energy single line TCH cool and let's say location is leads so imagine you could say hey cool I built this cool automation databas they don't need to know what's happening in the front we used to describe it as a magic box like even when you launch a business even if but it looks like it's automatic and Magic behind the scenes you got 50 people running around going crazy that actually doesn't matter they don't need to know what's happening behind scenes you could build an air table you could build it in Knack or different softwares give them this they F out the information and then this fires your automation to the background which as we know we can connect air table to make super super easily by just coming here going for air table watch records We sync that up to this and then we use that data to launch an appify agent okay so like look appify come over run an actor and then we just basically select the thing that we're building here so like I come back over now to this I again I choose fulltime uh I come down I need full time perfect cool come off that a little bit time bu to any authentic authentication cookie proxy country we want United Kingdom although however it is not allowing us to do that okay so if you want more proxy to this one You' need to upgrade but you kind of like get the idea right so I've got that for example Max results let's say give me 10 results and then I just hit save and start okay now this is going to run the background now imagine okay again this is just a LinkedIn scrapable but you could imagine any of these Technologies you've got like even people in AI don't know half as stuff is possible but essentially what we're doing is we're taking an idea I mean every automation I cover on our group that I giveway to all you guys as part of being part of this incredible Community almost every single one of them could be an incredible business and you know they're configurable and they're doing a ways that you could 15 people go watch the video and get 500 ideas so any one of these ideas that you've got you can turn into direct consumer business like I come back over now this is running all the things in the background we're going to get an output soon and once it's finished its whole you know running in it's complete we'll be able to see all the different items that we've got here so this one here if I preview in a different tab so it's not found any results for what I chose for right I was pretty specific so look if I come back over now to input okay save input let's go over to this part here all right cool if I get rid of job location let's just call it leads uh let's get rid of the remote work and let's get rid of fulltime okay in fact let's just select all of them okay cool then contract type let's go for every single one of them Cy contract sweet anytime into full that's cool prce country save and start the SK for this one I touched this one ear and did have some it had like five or six results which is quite cool so I'll see what the guys come back comes back with but essentially that's the whole premise of this guys and then what we would do is we'd have this run actor so essentially we give this to a client here at this um uh this data set okay then all you say is like you enter this data that data and it could be LinkedIn but it could be something internal it could be a birthday reminder for someone of the employees it could be hey I want to request you know any internal process ever you give them this secure table and how do I do that well look I come over here to share I can invite by email and create a link I can share publicly I can even do if I want to um if I create invite link any email address create link check this out I can copy that if I come over to a different browser for example I type that in and then they be prompted and they land here and now they can see this thing here and then ultimately once they you can basically get started like cool now I want part time and then again it watches and then they can have a submit button at the right and when it's done that all fires off so it's a way that you can actually link your incredible AI automations to some of the kind of interface there are a million ways we could do this there's a more complex ways on websites which we can do in a very straightforward way but I just want to give you an idea and a sense of you know some of the opportunities is possible this the air table way is best for businesses I mean is it as consumer friendly most consumers will probably want to work on a website and we can I can show you how to do that but ultimately it's going to be something you could share with businesses that would be incredible so I come back to this let's check out the output we got and here we go guys preview a new tab check this out company company look at these different companies down here CHR recruitment SB Road talk ID we've got a link to the job we've got the location we've got the title mechanical engineer Junior engineer Junior project engineer blah blah blah all this sort of stuff again is it about this free LinkedIn job scraper no it isn't right there's like prob ones that paid that are way better it's just idea you can grab that data right so then in the actual automations itself like if I click on this for example watch an actor look let go find LinkedIn if we can find it LinkedIn jobs corre boom perfect okay that's cool input Json what would we do well we'd come back go to Json and you can see all this stuff here all this stuff is parameters that you can change do you know what I mean so if I come to the input side there you go look all these are parameters that you can change so for example leads we change to something else contract type proxy lots of different stuff we basically copy the we copy this over we come back here we input the Json right and let's say that we're looking at that table okay so come down let's go to which one is it let's have a look internet scraper now check this out I've got so many now it's getting out of it's getting out of control guys it's out of control I go on internet scraper I go on keywords here this loads up trigger field last modifi time come down Limit label field look and if I just say let's just say I put you now in reality what would we do well we would have a submission button okay so look insert right and we'll call this one multiple select submit little smiley face this guy goes in here come down and then let's edit the actual options that we've got let's have a look submit and deny people say why have why have deny if submit will send it off it's it's about user experience and control it's the same reason why buttons on trains don't actually have anything um and make no difference at all in terms of how quick the doors open we like to have a sense of control that yes we can deny or submit and it's just it's just a psychological thing and just cuz it doesn't make sense psychologically doesn't matter like basically you want it to it's just a good little hat I little psycho hat cuz I found okay deny cool and essentially what would happen is once I come here and I say yep submit deny submit it Powers through deny it doesn't we come to our integration URL blah blah blah hit okay we would add a filter in here setup filter approval if submit contain PS case insensitive approve sweet now check this out run this one once what's we found look leads fulltime cool this one we've got here contracti part-time blah blah blah hadn't hasn't pulled that through yet cuz we haven't done that one yet let's run this one again nothing's happened let's go to the data set let's say we want to change this one to submit and we come back over here run this one once unlock there you go submit cool and that's it guys that's cool how cool is that then essentially the actor would run and then we'd have a second scenario that would pull that data down if appify is new to you um I'd recommending go over and watch this video in the community to show you how to do this so how to make 50 posts by scripting any video in this video here in this video in this video in this video uh it's not this video let me find one that's got applify in it for you so you can check I believe it is there you go okay in this one here I show you how to set up appify in detail so you can go ahead watch that watch how appify Works how we run an actor how we pull the data down and you'll be able to run and get started with this automation pretty quickly essentially be two parts of automation air table someone says some stuff we grab it we get the we then grab the data we then use that data to create something unique for appify appify will then run and then in a separate scenario we grab the data to and then we output it somewhere so what could it be well let's just say that you know you speak to a business and I say look Jack look like you know you the hir and unite together right so look what we want is we want our Engineers out on the field to be able to fill in a form really easily to say spoken to a customer you know she's happy with this she's happy with that blah blah blah we said no problem look send in the air table or better still we could even do it in an email or we could do it an email and pass out the information there's so many ways we could do it and simplify it but we would say all you ever need to do is fill out this form customer name what upsell did they want how much they are they agreeing to pay for it when did they want it what's the phone number but what's that email and all they ever do is fill the air table and and almost by Magic guys except for it isn't Magic cuz you and I I'm going my coughing isn't Magic CU you and I know exactly how to do it that would go off then we'd build a make scenario like this that would watch the records run our actors run all of our automations then we send out emails to the customers with unique messages we can build specific stuff based on that individual client and the data for the business for who we're representing and we could fire from million automations so this is all guys just one example of how you could build an externally facing application in this case it's a table um to help support with different businesses so I hope you found this video helpful I will see you in the next training