Ultra Broly's Performance and Strategies

Aug 22, 2024

Ultra Broly Overview

  • Ultra Broly is often considered one of the worst Ultra characters released.
  • To improve him, a special Platinum equipment was introduced.
  • The power of Ultra Broly at five stars is discussed, focusing on performance with limited resources.

Equipment Setup

  • Platinum Equipment: Provides a significant boost (60% damage increase).
  • Zen Buffs: Two Zen Buffs were applied to compensate for the lack of full Platinum equipment.

Gameplay Strategies

  • Vanishing and Gauge Management:
    • Using the green card helps fill his gauge while also removing the opponent's vanish.
    • This combo can lead to powerful attacks, such as ultimates or rush attacks.
  • Damage Potential:
    • Ultra Broly's damage output can be substantial when played effectively.
    • The importance of careful timing and positioning was emphasized to maximize damage.

Match Highlights

  • Match Dynamics:
    • The player experiences struggles with opponent's unexpected rush attacks and card destruction.
    • Ultra Broly's voice lines add to the gameplay experience.
  • Strategic Plays:
    • The player showcases tactical decision-making, including when to swap characters and when to use green cards.
    • Various interactions with opponents were highlighted, such as countering attacks and using gauge management effectively.

Key Moments

  • Ultimate Attacks:
    • Critical use of ultimate attacks demonstrated strong damage capabilities.
    • Several moments where Broly dealt significant damage or eliminated opponents were noted.
  • Unexpected Opponent Moves:
    • The player had to adapt to the opponent's strategies, including cover changes and unexpected rushes.
    • Key moments include opponents making risky moves that were capitalized on by Ultra Broly.


  • Despite being at five stars and missing out on 60% damage, Ultra Broly shows impressive capabilities with the right setup and strategy.
  • The combination of tactical play, knowledge of card mechanics, and timing can lead to significant victories, showcasing Broly's potential even at lower star ratings.