Ultra Broly is often regarded as the worst ultra ever released and so in order to fix that they gave him an ultra Platinum equipment unfortunately I only have this guy at five stars so basically this is how powerful Ultra Broly will be if you only manage to pull one copy here's the setup here's the equips so let's go so since we're missing out on a whopping 60% damage inflicted from his Platinum equipment I just had to give him two Zen Buffs and hopefully that makes up for it okay no yellow units to worry about what I want to do with this Broly is definitely see if I can get that U vanish rest vanish removal Tech with him because if you use the green card and fill up his gauge at the same time you remove the Oppo that's a lot of damage by the way that's a lot of damage we are not going to ignore that damage oh you're you might be dead drop combo that was a bit too much that was a bit too much ah do I want to stick around here no he actually swapped he actually swapped can I switch here damn oh that's a green that's a green that's a green uh okay okay wait so yeah when you when you're close to filling up his gauge and then you use a green card you're able to lock him in and remove the vanish right so that's like a perfect opportunity to use please don't die please don't die perfect opportunity to go for like an ultimate or a rush so and they can't really Dodge nice oh okay okay we are going to drop here yeah it's too obvious it's too obvious let's swap here let's swap back here um nothing there nothing there okay well let's just use this he's going to swap he doesn't swap he doesn't swap I don't think the green card will kill at this or fill up fill up at this point yo let me win this please come on come on come on come on there's no way you have a rush you didn't do anything you didn't do anything where did you pull this rush out of there's a blue card what you didn't do anything how is this possible what the [ __ ] okay whatever man whatever at least thank God I decided to throw in Revival Pyon last second thank God I did because this would have been [ __ ] annoying holy [ __ ] I didn't get to pop his man either life is miserable right now okay we have a green card I'm going to save that going to save that we have our dragon balls in hand here so that's something tackle doesn't tackle but we get a PV there instead psych don't strike thank you thank you thank you thank you what the [ __ ] was that I didn't want to drop there that's annoying that's annoying tap okay whatever whatever let me use the vanish first oh nothing there cool oh quick I saw the quick SCP I saw it tackle he destroyed my cards that was my dragon ball that was my [ __ ] Dragon Ball back up here full screen full screen okay so we need to start popping these gauges because he does get um damage when he pops the gauge so when we start doing that right uh I can't really switch out either blue card am I dead to this blue card it's going to do a lot of damage though I know that full screen again ah man don't don't Dash forward why did I Rush okay well I I clicked my rush I could have canceled the that works that works that works I could have canceled my rush but I didn't mind going off there and this is perfect he actually swapped over to go you're out of here get the [ __ ] out of my face you [ __ ] okay now I need to let Ultra Broly do something yo I'm pretty sure I mentioned this when I showcased Ultra Broly like a couple days ago but I love the voice lines from Vic on that it's so crazy I love it cool go right away here oh he actually vanished like that it's not ideal we let me see if I can get a cover change real quick there's that okay okay give me a cover change this he doesn't get cover all here oh wait I'm I'm stupid I'm stupid I'm stupid I'm stupid he got covered all there he got covered all there I'm stupid are you going to go for the blue card it's probably going to kill Pon right now or a GOI at this point it's probably going to kill you're not killing [ __ ] you're not killing [ __ ] do this oh you are dead you're dead cuz you're not catching me here I clicked my strike C that's tough isn't it that's tough well he is neutral defensively at least so when I get the chance I will swap out to okay we're swapping out we're going to use the ultimate here I want to see how much damage the ultimate's going to do I want to see how much damage the ultimate don't switch to Broly okay good good good I could drop [Music] combo yeah [ __ ] right yeah [ __ ] right [ __ ] had another Rush this [ __ ] had another Rush what get out of here get out of here oh my God Taco [ __ ] die to this blue card and we're we're good if you die to this blue card we're good that's what I [ __ ] like oh my God I haven't seen that blue beerus in a solid minute I didn't get his intro either in the last match so might as well get that in so like I was I don't think I said this but I tried to get that second copy of Broly I tried so much I did like two or three rotations and I just couldn't get it okay well that's a nice way to start this match so I I just couldn't get it and I'm like yo [ __ ] that there's no point of summoning for this bastard I'm literally never going to use him I shouldn't I shouldn't have probably let Broly take that huh you going to swap he didn't swap okay okay I mean [ __ ] we take that I guess we take those we take those pop this green pop this green so yeah there's Lally no point of me uh actually damn that fill up a lot of his gauge uh what are you doing hello what are you doing let's swap here let's swap here Swap this green while we're at it as well and let's just let's just combo wait beerus has a Something cover change what cover change does he have doesn't matter doesn't matter oh [ __ ] destroys cards he destroys cards thank you thank you Pon drop combo oh that goes crazy do you draw a card you don't draw a card you bastard Broly a man well there goes the Gage there goes you should have waited oh you're dumb you should have waited till you pop the gauge to transform or Does Broly lock main he might lock main he might lock M are you going to swap though he does he does he does he does he does he does back up back up back up tap there it destroys my green I would have you know Lov to use that green but it's it's fine please let me win this one please okay good good good dog I forgot what [ __ ] cover change that beerus has does he have any cover change I'm pretty sure it's a strike cover change right I'm sure I'm pretty sure it's a strike cover change do I Rush here do I want to rush I'm tempted to just rush honestly let's get rid of someone I don't care I don't [ __ ] care yeah beerus that's fine that's fine please don't guess this please blast damage going crazy okay yo he destroyed the blue c in hand I was going to pick blue also and he he he destroyed it when when cover change into beers okay that's up that's gone I really like this Broly's blue card by the way not to mention it's Amplified by The Voice lines okay cool side step caught him the side step caught him in the side step all right let's use a green do I use both of them n we're not we're not going to use both of them we are not going to use both of them he draws a green card are you [ __ ] joking see there's another one ooh I see it I see it I see it he didn't SI up he might SI up twice here watch this yo I might die holy [ __ ] that was close that was [ __ ] close thanks for the blast [ __ ] thanks for the blast car [ __ ] okay switch over oh you're cooked you're cooked get out of here you're just just just leave just leave I know you're going to Forfeit he doesn't forfeit damn damn I really hate this ultimate by the way it's so [ __ ] ugly it's so [ __ ] ugly okay nice back up where's my side step blue car you're dead you're dead Broly packing up everybody I am unbeatable you definitely are no yellows here but he still got Gogeta there he started off with VB is this what we're doing now is this what we're doing now we're going to swap here W nice waste of V's [ __ ] removal okay okay man okay okay whatever you say whatever you say you're not beating ah that hurts that hurts I could have swapped over the pon there I could have swapped over the Pyon you really thought you still had cover get the [ __ ] out of my face thank you very much let's do this we didn't get anything there let's pop a green let's pop a green back up Taps overt he wants a strike I know you want a strike I know you want a strike you had type advantage man you had type advantage why did you cover change I can't go over to Broly because he has cover now but it's fine we can take the damage we can take the damage tap there P there okay okay yeah that's some damage I like to see that's the damage I like to see we're going to use this we're going to use this oh wait does this fill up my gauge it does cool oh my out of all the cards you really have to the blue card man I mean the Green Card come on come on come on let's let's not be annoying now let's not be annoying now tackle he's using the ultimate right away cool okay yeah I'm going to stand around here I got my vantage back [ __ ] tab there what oh I can rush but I ain't going to I ain't going to you know not going to switch over to Vegeta that's for sure oh I'm locked oh you have a oh you still have this [ __ ] okay that's fine please don't guess this please oh I don't even think it kills I don't even think this kills wait how much damage are you doing it's cutting it close it's cutting it close oh he's dead he's dead he's dead get this [ __ ] out of my face thank you okay who's switching in I think it's UVB I got vanish back oh I got vanish back nah tap a crap crap crap crap crap crap crap that's not ideal I can't lie let's go strike I mean at the very least we got rid of Gogeta so the yellow unit is not as important but you know it's still Gogeta blue right I would have loved to use him but this just means that Broly is going to have to carry so he already uses ultimate with you I'm going to tackle because I don't think he oh he gets vanished back he gets vanished back that was a drop cool over yo watch this watch this watch this watch this watch this watch this watch this can he he's dead oh no no no no no no no no no wait wait he doesn't get vanage he didn't get a blue card he has to use the blue no he's done he's done he's done eat this eat this eat this nah get out of my face now Broly please faint Broly please faint please please please please just kill him instead just [ __ ] kill him instead okay he went for a strike okay oh that felt good that felt you have no ultimate you have no anything a you didn't die oh you're so done Vegito Vegito just pack it up that's good damage that's good damage look at the key recovery oh my God Broly is on demon time right now and you're dead you little world green card into the ultimate I'm glad I got that into the video because that was [ __ ] nice looks like another team from Broly to just obliterate now I'm still trying to one shot Gogeta you know but I'm glad I got the one shot on Vegito it's unfortunate but you know it had to be someone and I think just maybe this is going to do a lot of damage just maybe oh you're going to eat it you're going to eat it uh holy [ __ ] man a you're so lucky okay well we're forced to eat these damage two green cards I would really love to use these green cards I would really love to use these green cards if you would allow me the chance to use these [ __ ] green cards please know what you're going on still you have a blue please yo blast through this blast card okay just destroy everything I have instead but that's good that's good that's good nah nah nah back up we did the same we're doing the same thing over and over again what nice backup that was a good backup I can't lie we're going to save the gauge oh man oh man full screen or what nothing we're just going to do this tough well it doesn't matter it doesn't matter do I use the mainwood Pyon let's do this first though I mean [ __ ] well blade I guess I [ __ ] guess drop combo but that doesn't work on me buddy that doesn't work on me buddy let's go for this oh no I removed this gauge but he swapped out oh my God e ah okay well we have to fill up the gauge again we have to fill up the gauge again now if I okay that's fine yeah I had a feeling oh you're just cooked you're just cooked eat this ultimate you can switch out but anyone is dead to this ultimate you're out of here you're out of here now me go what do you think you're doing you're not doing [ __ ] to Broly if you don't kill it doesn't matter you're going to kill you're going to kill cool I want to rush someone I want to rush someone so badly I go for Taps I go for Taps here cool give me my advantage oh not my vanish but I meant my unique gauge what are the chances he just goes for a [ __ ] full screen strike card what are the chances of that happening we're going to match a blastard if he does I yo I knew he was going to do it too oh [ __ ] okay well Pon you can definitely eat these hits do I have a cover chain still left with um Broly I think I do I think I do so I guess we're just stuck in this combo for now until he replenishes or his cover expires I think I still have one cover change left I think I still have one cover change left he's going to go for the ultimate yeah what did it lock in that's fine that's fine oh he's not going to go for the ultimate unless he does unless he does you think goj blue lives the ultimate that's fine with me I'm I'm surprised he didn't just go for the ultimate to get like the anti- revive that's perfectly fine with me that is perfectly fine with me when are you going to run out of your cover now though thank you I didn't want to go for the blast but it worked out it worked out it worked out it worked out okay good good good good good oh he's going to do that full screen incoming or what we take those we take those someone is dead someone is dead he swapped he swapped we'll go green we'll go green Broly's damage is nasty oh my God oh my God oh thank God I go for a blue and this is only five stars missing out on 60% damage he can do even more he can do even more which is even crazier do I still have main do I still have main I think I do I don't I didn't use it I didn't use it we're going to use it now we're going to use it now I used it no I used it I used it Taco we'll do this you're dead if I win this Ah that's I'm not winning that that is nasty and you're dead no uni gauge for you [ __ ] bro yo Ultra bro Broly man he is doing a lot of damage