welcome or implementing the OBE using cameo software the beginning the zeroth step is to complete the course leg course or playlist under will be a course all a list will be available if you click the course outlay list the subjects name will be appearing the subjects name will be appearing only for the course coordinators now I am showing the example alternative is a subject I am choosing this turn there is a subject now I am showing how to enter the inputs for it program name program ECE effective date this is first clear paper so we have to choose June 2019 those are 19 drag lessons for 2017 ready lessons we have to choose it as 2017 or 2018 relation we have to choose 2013 drag lessons though substance will be included so category up the subject engineering science whatever the category we can type here course code the subject name and subject code we request Tiffany this subject is for credit subject practical 2 hours lecture 3 hours you have to enter all these details already these details are entered the obtained of the pre ample for this subject under here we can copy the pre ample and we can paste here similarly we can copy and paste the syllabus next we can copy and paste the text books next we can copy and paste the reference books finally we can copy and paste that tons of mail then after completing preamble syllabus textbook reference and concept map the next step is or the given subject we have to define the course outcomes Co one course or come is defined the course outcome is written and in cognitive learning domain the course outcome level we have to mention here as far as the course outcome then this course or come is mapped a bit for example p1 T or to po3 with the level strong medium and strong according to this example the subject as for the course outcome we have to map the course will come with all program outcomes wherever mapping is there proper levels this course or come on is map only with zero one two three with strong map po2 with middle map on P or three with sternal expected attainment we expect students we expect 60% it's what time being we fix it as 50 and 60 we will change it later it is not a problem similarly course or come to them course or comes level and mapping it is only example here in this example we are not may apply completely we have to map completely with the program outcomes so we can go any number of course or comes if you want to add another course or come we can do add course or come after completing the course outcomes the next step is we have to define the assessment pattern we can have ca1 ca2 ca3 this is the formative assessment for first years so ca1 we are given the market we have given twenty percentage understand the first nature play analyzed to get so the marks picked up for ca1 ca2 ca3 and formative assessment we can defend it as per our subject assessment the questions we can choose if you have created the question papers already using the question Bank this is a separate step that will be performed using as a smell if we want any comments any header/footer we can include we submit the course outlay so we can see what we have created for the subject our on devices using print you know we have created as a pre ample creative cost if any also comes and it's blooms level mapping syllabus textbook reference book concert now we can really whatever you have