Transcript for:
Parliament and the Making of Law - Notes

foreign good evening welcome to sixth seventh and 8th channel of by juice I'm your teacher Ankita and I welcome you all in the class today where we will be discussing about class 8th political science chapter 3 Parliament and making of law so I hope that all of your really very excited for the class today really sorry for the technical glitch right we could not start the class really sorry for the delay everyone very sorry for the delay good evening everyone good evening how are you all yes I'm definitely Audible and visible to each one of you good evening everyone welcome to the class sorry for the delay and here we are with a very very interesting chapter right awesome so I hope that all of you ready for the class yes everyone please make sure you hit the like button for the video please make sure you're sitting with your textbook your notebook your pencil and of course your pain if you want to right so that you can note on all the important points that we will be discussing Charlie without taking much of a time everyone let's get started now in today's class we will discuss about the parliament that's a very interesting topic right till now we were just discussing about our country right we discussed about secularism yes so we we're trying to understand that why we have all of these components right and why Parliament is very very special to our country and why the making of the laws and having laws is really very important okay so let's get started everyone so here we have the topics that we'll be discussing in today's class here we have the breakout of the chapter people and their representatives role of the parliament people in the parliament laws for all unpopular and B controversial also basically this is a breakout of the chapter that we will have and let's get started yes so we all know that India has the largest democracy in the world right because I said a very huge democracy that we have in our country and we're kind of aware about it right of course when we talk about uh what is democracy not ask because it's a very valid question I'm sure you all have discussed it and I've I all are aware about it right so what is democracy it's nothing but a form of government which stands for the people of the people and by the people and for the people so it's basically a government where the people are electing their leader another leader will be working for the people so it's a very big or we can say that it's a very small circle where we know that people will elect someone who they want for the uh for for them to work and of course the leader will be working for them clear everyone will be clear yes see I would uh encourage all of you to ask doubts right answers but please make sure everyone please don't spam subscribe yes Charlie now that we are clear with what is democracy let's understand it why people should decide now if I ask you why you think that people should decide what are your opinions about it I can see many of you are asking some of the questions that we'll be discussing in the upcoming topics please hold your doubts over there I'll answer or your doubts there and we'll answer that question also that's very good Envy Gamers all the best yes everyone are we clear tell me why do you think that people should actually get involved because it's our country because people know what they need absolutely correct right so we have an understanding that why people should be participating into it why people has two or why people should have a Clarity that what they want in their life because eventually the decision that will be made by the government is for the people only for us only for example if uh I if I select a person who does not have the vision for the country I am thinking my country will grow right we will have so much growth we'll have so much of development but the leader that I am selecting is not been you know is not being able to do that job for the country we know that it's a loss of the country in a loss of the individual that is a reason we all know that people should be getting involved and it's a people should be deciding it so in our history in order history they're not in a history textbook in the history of our Indian I would say in the Indian parliamentary laws right in the whole of the system we know that India were ruled by the britishers right and in the 1885 it's a very important information which is mentioned in our textbook that in the 1885 we know that the Indian National Congress demanded that members should be elected by in the legislation so of course they ask you please allow us also to be the we will we also want to participate in the election that are happening but of course they said no but later the government of India Act 1909 allowed some of the elected representatives right to participate after independence of course this constitution of India gave people the power to choose their representatives through the voting so the current situation that we have right over here where people can vote for their leader or can elect their representation uh representative was not there before the independence after a lot of struggle from various freedom fighters from various political parties and the politician we eventually have the system where we can vote for the leader right our leader maybe we we see them they that they will be able to help us in the growth of the country they'll be help us in the you know uplifting the economy of the country and etc etc so I hope that all of you are clear that why people should decide yes everyone I will be digging up your doubts after some time so please make sure right that or if you just wait for your doubts everyone take care I can see benefits like a man I can't understand please help me I will stop at one point and then I'll be able to answer your doubts clear very good not ignoring any one of you not coming here with an agenda of ignoring you first of all so please don't say that right we are here to help you and I'll try my best Charlie now everyone now that we know that we have a very interesting thing in our country which is a universal adult franchise that means that all the citizen above of age 18 have a right to vote regardless of their cars their color their religion and their gender okay so this is a very very important term everyone for one marks they can easily ask you for this question what is universal adult franchise that means that every citizen of a country has a right who is age above 18 okay have a right to vote clear moving further let's understand the people and their representatives right now we know that we vote all of us vote so we know that people will be voting during the election that happens right and they'll be electing their representatives there will be a one group right that there will be a party that will have their leader probably will be voting for that leader or sometimes will vote for the individual people and of course eventually they will go right and be the leader yes we do that the newly formed government makes a laws and the policies so the government that you and I will select right when you and I will select when we when we will go and vote we will be selecting a party that will be representative via leader So eventually what will happen the government that will be there will be actually playing a very important very crucial role in making laws and policies for the country so everyone are we clear up to here yes all of you are we clear up to here yes and here we have this very famous image everyone from a textbook so we have the election commission which is really very important for the proper you know organizing the elections all together to make sure that there's a clear there's no biasedness right and there's proper uh procedures in the you know protocol to be followed in the elections clear everyone yes okay I can see you many plasma y80 so according to the right to the service under the government they believe that after the 18 age right they the citizens have an understanding about what is right and what is wrong in terms of the political welfare so they understand what is good for the society right and that's the reason that they have given yes slide number three what we have what is this we have the largest democracy I don't understand the problem over here everyone are they clear yes everyone I'll be clear with it very good my heck yes okay we'll have class seventh also thank you thank you yes everyone I'll repeat it again all of you please pay attention right please do pay attention over here so what are we discussing we are discussing about this very interesting chapter the parliament right we will be reaching to the parliament but what are we discussing we're just discussing a back story of it during the time of British rule right during the time of British rule we the citizens right have no right to vote that that time there was no voting rights that were given to us we could not vote but of course uh after the you know uh 1909 Act there were few Representatives elected representatives were there right they can actually they were standing in the elections of course that's how we got the entry into that whole process and eventually after the independence of our country we have the elections the person that we will be electing will get elected he will be the leader right we'll see the formation of the government and they will be the one that will be making the laws and policies yes all of you are you clear with it yes very good please write your doubts who made this at British government okay ma'am could you please say everything is I am explaining in Hindi uh I'm explaining in English only don't worry about it yes purple Paradise I can't find a question ma'am please tell the most important chapters all the chapters are important but Jay this chapter is definitely important it has a combination of two chapters so it's important yes ma'am at the first there was the age of 21. yes the marriages was there also but yeah now they have changed ma'am what happened if the 50 of the first parties ah we will study the sport we just wait for some time okay everyone I hope this is clear and we stayed in uh State and uh state and government will discuss yes and please explain why should people decide see we are the people who will be getting affected by it right so we should be the one who should be defining it right that what we need and what we don't need that is the reason we should get involved into it everyone are we clear yes because eventually we will be getting affected by it all of you are you clear that why that why we should be deciding it that okay should we participate in elections which party should be there clear good so we're done with this everyone we have discussed people and the representation now let me ask you a very quick question Who conducts the election in India very easy question for all of us everyone yes very easy peasy question who conducts election in our country very good very good is it a member of Lok Sabha member of rajya Sabha uh Election Commission of India Union Public Service Commission the answer is very easy option Mercy Election Commission of India so they are the body that conduct the elections in our country they want to have a free and fair elections for everybody in every party so they are the responsible party in of our country yes okay now this is done everyone people and their representation remember it everyone this is super super important two important topics we have discussed first is the adult Universal adult franchisee what is the meaning of that that everyone who is at the age above the age of 18 has a right to vote in respective of the cast color gender right nobody can stop them from voting that's one more question super important then comes people and their representation the people that like you and me once you will be 18 you'll be able to vote it's very important for us to vote because you'll be able to select a representative that can actually help in the growth of the country that will actually understand us and take us right as a nation towards a development not in just arms of the military economical political Etc everyone are we clear awesome those of you who have doubts over here I would request all of you to watch it again because I've explained three times already okay Charlie now I'll discuss about the role of the parliament now if we have to say what is a parliament right what is the parliament everyone can anyone tell me what is Parliament what is Parliament right in my background over here we can see a parliament right this is this is a parliament is it a building is it a huge body where we see the formation of the laws what is it is it a government yes is the highest law making body absolutely correct right so what is Parliament everyone the parliament is a representative of people right in a very you know it's not that it's it's when you look at over here we call it this as a parliament right what Waters has it has the people who are the representatives of the People Like Us right when we when I go and vote I'm electing a individual I'm electing a leader that will be going into the Parliament and will be helping in making of the laws and policies so a parliament is a representative or the representation of the people right India has a various several divisions in terms of the constituency right we have separate separate areas all together and from each of these area we will have one elected member okay so everyone let's suppose this is a place we all are living in right and here we have this area okay this area okay so how many areas we have we have we can see that we have four areas all together right from each of these areas we'll have a representative all of you are you clear what is these areas are called as these areas are the small small areas right here we have multiple people here we have so many people who will be electing this as a representative the elected one member okay yes and this particular member eventually will be going through the parliament and will be helping in the making of the laws and policies are we clear yes quick thumbs up everyone quick thumbs up Karthik we'll discuss that we'll discuss that yes I'll answer that question okay Charlie now let's move ahead everyone so we are clear with that we are clear with this thing that we have one elected man from one area that eventually will be representating in the Parliament elected candidate become a member of parliament MPS remember this Member of Parliament is the MPS Cleo we are the voter and we have the elected individual everyone done right now we have this structure please do remember this yes it is I'll I'll explain you Karthik okay so we have Parliament we have President Lok Sabha and rajya Sabha so what is Parliament the parliament is nothing but the people representative place right the people the leaders that are re the leaders which are representing us are a part of the parliament and they will be making the laws and the policies so that is Parliament now in Parliament also we have three different bodies that actually plays a super important role in the law of making and policy making so we have president the first citizen of the country Lok Sabha and rajya Sabha clear there are few terms everyone please do remember now what is MP and everyone can you quickly tell me what is MMP jaldi say what is MP we have just now studied member of Parliament right now what is MLA I'll just help you with the password member of member of very good legislative assembly clear okay not the not madhya Pradesh now everyone remember there's one very important thing let's suppose this is a state or this is an area okay and this is a parliament clear this is a parliament so if the person who is here in the area right let's suppose that this is a state write any state right it's a state now this particular member when it's there in the state elected by the people we call it us we call it as MLA everyone are we clear it is representing their state are we clear everyone yes clear so if this person right it's there in the state we call it as a MLA but in this particular case when we have an individual right who is selected by the people only right but comes in the Lok Sabha right it's been elected from the different parts of the country and come into the Lok Sabha as a member we call it as the MPS Member of Parliament yes mlas are selected for the state yes they are the representation that we have clear all of you I'll be clear yes so they are there in the state so we have sansad in Hindi if you I'm sure if you're listening to the news you will understand that there's a very specific word that we use for the MPS which is a sansad and we have a very strong word for the mlas which is the vidhayak so this is important information everyone please do make sure you take a screenshot very good Charlie next Point everyone the one that I've just explained you will see it over here so we are clear with this let's understand to select the national government how the government is being made so MPS are usually elected once in every five year every five years we have a big elections right in those elections we will be electing our MPS now these MPS will be moving to the lok's bar which has how many seats 545 seats super super important right how many seats we have we have 545 seats out of which two seats are there for the member of Anglo Indian Community 545 seats in total 543 are for everyone whereas two seats are there for the Anglo Indian Community Anglo Indian basically what is the meaning of Bangalore Indian anyone in the class would be able to help me understand it yes they work for the state mla's work for the state meaning of parliament but it's a it's a body right where we have the people Representatives right they're elected by the people and they help in making the laws and the policies special people yes what is the meaning of anglo-indian you do write the answer in the comment section below everyone okay please do read more about the Anglo Indians and write in the comment section no it's not the aren't you it's not like that very good yes right at the Anglo Indians basically belongs to a community which are basically uh one of the parent is britishers or outside the country and they are Indians clear very good how British half Indians interesting Charlie then everyone let's understand this what is the function of the parliament and how we have the selection for it so we know that for the political party right for any of the political party how many seats we have we have total of 5 45 seats right we have how many seats we have the 5 45 seats out of this the government right if a party once to form a government right they should have a can you tell me what is the number of it those of you who have the textbook 272 or 73. yes very good so we all know that the parties who want to form the government they should have approximately of 272 seats right they should have this many number of seats and then only they'll be able to form the government right they should have either two 72 seats or more than it they should be there in the majority right they should be able they should be able to have the majority of the seats in the parliament if they don't have the seeds right probably they will form the government right they will form the government by being friend with the other parties and that type of government is called as the coalition government everyone what we call it as coalition government clear everyone yes let's suppose if you you are here and one of your friend is here both of you both of you are competing right both of you are competing for the monitor your teacher said you know what both of you become the monitor right we have four days you have two two days each so it's a it's a kind of a gut bandhan right both of you are kind of getting the equal thing not exactly the equal things there will be the change in the responsibilities also but when you're coming together right we call it as a coalition government everyone are we clear very good very good so we know that the political party or the government right when they're coming in if if they have the majority or if they have two 72 seats or more seats they will be able to form the government the prime minister of India is a leader of the ruling party of Lok Sabha right the rest of the members who are there are called as the opposition party or the opposition member of the parliament right these opposition party right have all the parties which are not in the majority they sometimes they for example if we have three parties right this party needs two more seats this party will support it and they'll form a government which is the coalition government yes very good very good so this is very important everyone that's how we will be looking into the Lok Sabha and how the uh selection happens of the Lok Sabha then we have rajya Sabha now rajya Sabha has the representatives of the state see Lok Sabha Lok Sabha means right Lok Common People rajya Sabha it has a representation of the state in Parliament okay it has 245 members out of which two 33 are elected by the Legislative Assembly members mlas right mlas Cleo mlas will be electing them and 12 members are actually nominated by the president for the contribution and arts literature Etc so we have some time various rajya Sabha members who are not into the political or they are not into the politics but still as they have the contribution they become a part of the rajya Sabha clear everyone so let me just quickly quickly summarize everyone right so we can say that we have let's just go back what we have right we have Parliament then of course we have President we have um right we have uh Lok Sabha and rajya Sabha for Lok Sabha how many seats we have we have 545 seats out of which four 43 seats are for all the people and two seats are reserved for the Anglo Indians the people who are selected in the Lok Sabha are called as the MPS right they are selected by the Phi they are selected once in five years five years may we have the election and they are selected right and they go to the Lok Sabha then we discussed about the rajya Sabha right rajya Sabha has how many seats can anyone tell me quickly yes how many seats we have 233 seats were there for the common people right yes 13 seats very good very good right 245 the number absolutely correct so 245 seeds are there in the rajya Sabha out of which 12 are given by the president the president will pick these individuals from the different fields of art literature entertainment etc etc clear Lok Sabha right have two major parties we have party who has majority of the votes they should have approximately 272 votes or more votes to form a government the party which are there in the opposite of them which does not have majority of the seats or the votes right seeds they are called as the opposition party clear and sometimes various parties if they want does not have the majority they'll come together and they'll form the government which is called the coalition government clear yes noted noted everyone are we clear all of you quick thumbs up yes easy peasy everyone yes Akash have explained MPS or elected members of the Lok Sabha where mlas are the members that are there that are there in the states okay ma'am what if the Prime Minister hazo again the the majority the party which is then the government right they will elect their leader okay your question clear everyone thumbs up now very quick thumbs up members do that okay Charlie now let's move ahead everyone right let's move ahead okay Charlie now what is the function of the government right what is the function of the government the function the government is to control to guide and to inform the government right now what happens in the parliament is really very important now we see that every Parliament session will have a question session question are where the questions will be asked in the parliament session what happens the laws and the policies are made but before that what will happen there will be lots and lots of discussion the government will tell about what they want to do they will come up with the ideas they'll come up with the loss then of course the other members right who are there in the Lok Sabha we'll discuss about it okay is it good is it bad they will question it they will give the feedbacks they will have lots and lots of discussion and once that is done then only we'll be able to see the law forming everyone are we clear all of you are you clear with this yes because that's how the policies have been made in our country that's a duration that defeat orange have answered your question please stop spamming okay opposition parties are are those party which are opposite to the government governing party okay those party who are opposite to the governing party for example in a state let's suppose we have a party which is the major party right which has the more number of vote the party B becomes the opposition party okay the commoners the common people are not allowed to enter the parliament without any passes any valid information okay yes the ruling party is the one which which uh which are there right which are there in the uh which have majority of the seats yes good so let's quickly read this everyone the parliament have the questionnaire right and this particular questionnaire is important mechanism in which the MPS can share the information about the working of the government by asking questions right the opposition party can question what you are doing right they're gonna they can question the governing rule the governing party what are you doing what's the representation that they have the asking question the government is a crucial task for every MP right they should ask questions they should they should question the government that what are you doing how are you doing is it good is it bad feedbacks have been given right and that's how we know that the policies and the laws are made for the people are benefit right are beneficial for the people for example everyone let's suppose you are there in a parliament right and you say that you know what every student till uh till at least the age of 17 can eat five chocolates every day do you think it's a good rule tell me for example some days hypothetical situation everyone if you become an MP and you say can I you know what I'll pass a rule that every student up to 17 years of age should eat five chocolates a day is it a good rule or bad rule it's a bad rule right yes it's definitely it's very harmful for the people so the laws and policies that are made by the people should be questioned why you are saying this right it's it's not correct there should be the opposition of it there should be the oppose of it so that we can have an understanding right that is the reason sometime in your school also you will have two monitors to keep a check on one right it should not be the case that you know the other monitors favoring the other friends yes everyone are we clear so this is a very very important everyone it's become super super crucial for all of us so with this we can say that when we have everything proper when we have the parliament right when we have the president who election you know who picks up the 30 the 12 important members from different uh streams all together for rajya Sabha we have rajya Sabha members who are there right and of course we have Lok Sabha and of course we have a governing party what happens with all of this has become super easy for a smooth functioning we these are the important pillars right that actually help so everyone are we clear everyone are we clear with this right and all of this write all of this is happening because of the law making ultimately in Parliament in Lok Sabha Raja Sabha what the MPS are discussing they are discussing about the laws and policies for our country for us right they are actually there for example the education commission change for example if this if there's a change in the education policy for country where this discussion will be happening yes where the discussion will be happening yes ma'am is the all people are allowed to stand in the what stand in election and become a leader if not why I'll answer your question very good very good everyone we have the second members over there good so law making is super important all of these people people are working for to make the to make the laws right the process of making laws begins with the introduction of the bill either in the houses of the parliament right Lok Sabha and the Raja Sabha and once it is passed from there there only it become a law or the policies the bill undergo three readings in each houses and it's submitted to the president who will sign on it and hence the law or the policy is made clear everyone so of course in the parliament will have Lok Sabha First Step then rajya Sabha and then the president if this allows then from here to here and this is how the laws and policies are made clear yes please on spam you can search it on the internet you will be able to get the answer not our daily Akash so there are seasons that happens right based upon that will I'm sure you would have seen that uh television also TV also we have this yes and because you know what I already answered your question right yeah you see I know that you asked thousand you go in each and every class and ask that it's good but you should have patience also right you start spamming in the class that's not good I would really encourage you to ask doubts very good but you should not disturb other students right who are there in the class that's not a uh you know it's not a good healthy habit that you're looking for okay good very good Charlie so we are clear that what is law making now let me ask you a question everyone the total members of the the total number of the members of Lok Sabha are what easy peasy everyone please pick the correct answer the total number of the seats or the members that we have in Lok Sabha is 541 245 545 or 233 very good option number c is the correct answer 5 45. very good moving to this moving ahead everyone we are done with the two topics now we'll talk about the people in Parliament now we're talking about the people in the parliament we are talking about us right and the people who are representative of us so Parliament has people from the different backgrounds right the MPS basically they are talking about the MPS the representatives that we are sending right they have a different background they are people from through different parts of the country right we have the reserve seat for the scheduled scheduled cast and schedule tribe people their representation is equally important so they they are there their reserve seats and of course we have the reserve seats for the women also in the parliament right in both the houses clear yes okay if this is important everyone so now I'll stop over here for a doubt boat the the doubt board over here I can see is a very uh interesting question now what's the difference between rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha so Lok Sabha have the MPS which are elected by people right they have leader and they form the government we call the leader as the Prime Minister okay whereas in rajya Sabha right we have one representative of State like we have representatives of the stage not sorry not the one there could be many but these are representatives of the state right definitely seats vary over here we have 245 seats over here and we have two uh two 545 seats here okay that's a major difference now why the presidents elected indirect why is president elected indirectly so can you quickly tell me how the president is selected see indirectly means we are not selecting the president directly right we are not the one who will be voting for the president that is done by the members of the parliament right they are the one that will be selecting the or electing the president clear Supreme Court is a superior court they can rule they are a part right they can rule right yeah very good man opposition party and coalition government Collision party is a government which is formed when there is a joining of the parties okay opposition party is a party which is sitting opposite to the ruling party clear okay the Judiciary in Parliament is something that will be taking care of whether the you know the judge the courts are a part of the Judiciary Parliament okay Charlie okay everyone are we clear let's quickly move back to the last part of it right two small chotos apart everyone and then we're done with this chapter right we have laws of all and popular and you know unpopular and controversial laws so let's talk about the laws for all what is meant by law we know that law is defined as a binding custom of practice of the community we have a law right and this law actually help us in smooth functioning of the community we don't have the laws people can do whatever they want and this is they're definitely not good for the society and hence we have the making of the law Parliament is a body that actually help in making these laws so that there's a smooth functioning of the government of the people and there's a development all together right so when we discuss about the law right we should understand that all people right all person in the Independent India are equal before the laws and laws are being made in such a way that there everyone have the equal opportunity and laws are equal for them and the law cannot be discriminated based upon the religion the caste or the gender of the individual so laws are made so that there's a smooth functioning and laws will never differentiate between the individual based upon the religion caste and their gender so this is a rule of the law important thing these are two important laws which are mentioned everyone in the side boxing right arbitrary law and the seduction Act of 1817. now these two laws were there in the British time but they are not now and what are these laws the question can come they are passed what are what are the Allah you know arbitrary laws these are the laws which are kind of force fit for example let's Suppose there is a rule that all the citizens of the country has to drink from a black water bottle they can drink the water only through a black color water bottle for example if I am drinking the water from a blue color water bottle what will happen the government who's there can actually put me into the jail this is not correct right it's not a fixed law right it's very unfair to the people also right and of course it's a vague law there's nothing very serious about this law that just made the law everyone should have read hair color or everyone should have green hair color then we have another law which is a sedation Act of 1870 this means that any person who's protecting or criticizing the government can be put behind the birds in the British time so these two laws were there at that time and these two was clearly show that they are not favorable for the citizens of the country as Citizens when we have a right to express of express our thoughts right when we have a right to express things it should not be put a pressure on us to follow a thing which we don't want to right and this these type of law which are very vague laws should not be a part of our Parliament everyone clear yes I will answer your doubt everyone I want all of you to stay focused I can see that many of you are asking the doubts either we have done the previous topic or the upcoming topics just have some patience everyone we will answer I'll answer your doubts okay Charlie okay now let's understand how do new lock comes about now this is very interesting super super interesting right that how the laws are formed very good so let's suppose law formation so we know that we have MPS yes or no these MPS are elected by people so these MPS are elected by people right so what happened these MPS sits in the Lok Sabha and this is in the rajya Sabha clear and of course we have the president what happens they will say you know what we want to make these two laws right we will make these two laws altogether then of course if they pass this bill it goes to the rajya Sabha where they will also put a signature and president will also put a signature and that's how the law will be formed now when the discussions are happening in both the Lok Sabha and the Raja Sabha right we will get a chance to be aware about it right we have television we have newspapers we can read through it right and then we will decide whether this law is good for us or not sometime what happens the laws are passed really very quickly sometimes we don't have any information about them sometimes there are various laws which are there in the public and what happens we can express our thoughts about it for example we have a law and we have B law is supported by majority of the members right but a law is not that great for us let's suppose a law is not good for the students so you know what will happen the students Community can come out can protest can express their views can go on television and talk about it can have the debates and can say why this A law is not good for them and if they oppose eventually the Parliament can actually change the law also so everyone are we clear yes all of you are you clear about it that how the laws are made there's an equal participation of the people in directly we as a citizen should be aware about it at what is happening in our surrounding that is a reason I'm sure you must have seen that your parents watches the news and they ask you also right yes all of you are you clear about it and this is just one chapter I think you haven't seen the rationalized textbook everyone now the cbsc class 8th textbook may this unit is this chapter is one chapter there are no two chapters right yes everyone are we clear yes there are exception Akash because of the situation we have some reservation we have some exceptions right because we know that there are people who will not understand see we have women rights why because women have faced so much in their past that they has to be protected and because for them there are special laws similarly for the various schedule tribes and for the cast Unfortunately they have been they they didn't get a chance right they didn't get an opportunity and that is a reason to safeguard their needs to make sure that they have the equal formation right they have equal Foundation that's the reservation that we have okay Charlie are we clear with this everyone this is the same thing which is I've explained I hope that all of you are clear with it yes okay moving ahead everyone we have the example in your textbook right I hope that all of you have read this right this talks about the domestic violence against the women so in this particular comic uh you know uh we have this particular comic this uh you know comic cartoons in your textbook write the talks about the women organization right there are two individual right question who are working for the women welfare and their uh uplifting right and they are being a question there are a lot of people who will come to them and they don't have a law at that particular time so when they started protesting when they started you know raising their voice eventually we saw that in the year 2006. they came and act for the protection of the women from the domestic violence right I'm sure you would have seen in movies you would have heard about it there are various women who suffered from the domestic violence it could be done by the husband by the other family members right it's not that that's women are only suffering there are times when the other members of the family is also suffering maybe I'm sure you would have seen in movies in other places around sometimes the elders are being uh you know the victims over here they they're not treated well by the family members so these laws are there right and we have uh domestic violation uh violence law that people can go and approach it and they can look for the protection clear yes very good so this is important everyone do remember that now again I have just spoken about it at what is the role of the people uh in making the laws if we are aware about it we'll be able to go out and can talk about it whether we agree or not agree if we agree it's well and good if you don't agree we can always express our thoughts because in our country we have the freedom of speech Yes clear everyone so with this we're done with for loss for all and now we have the unpopular controversial laws what happens there are times I was telling you right there are times when people are criticizing some time the laws which are made are legal and government is supporting them but people don't like those laws so they can criticize right they can actually say no to it right because there are laws that could be unfair to one particular section of the community that is the reason people can say you know we don't like this law we will sit on dhar now we will protest and of course if it happens for a for a long period of time the government right will understand that this law is not benefiting the people and they will not pass that law everyone are they clear with this is a very important we have lots and lots of power right the people the citizens of the country who are voting have so much power this is very very crucial okay there everyone with this we are kind of done with the chapter yes everyone I will revise it I will revise it don't worry I will have a quick summary now I'll go really very slow those of you have joined us don't worry I'm going really very slow so this chapter Parliament and the making of the lost the one single chapter first of all it's a one single chapter okay don't get confused it's a two chapter note it's a one single chapter according to the new rationalized textbook that we have then we discuss about what is Parliament it's a body that actually help in forming the laws and there are two there are two house that we have Lok Sabha and the rajya Sabha Lok Sabha members are called as MP and they are elected by the elections which happens once every five years total of 545 seats are there 543 seats are there for the members and there are two seats for the Anglo Indian the party right who have more number of seats forms the government and they will have the leader which is a prime minister of the country then we have rajya Sabha right rajya Sabha the elected members are there for the six years right their turnover right is for six year not five years there are two 45 seats 233 members are normal members whereas 12 right members are elected by the president of the country right and they have a very important functioning altering and reviewing the bills which are passed by the Lok Sabha then of course we discussed about the questionnaire the government the ruling party will be questioned by the opposition party that what you are doing which is what is correct what is incorrect they will be providing them the feedbacks and this is how laws and policies are made this is super important everyone the process of law making start when the law or the bill goes into the each houses and then of course discussion happens discussions happens again and again and goes to the president and when he signs or she signs on it the law or the bill is being passed the parliament has the reservation for the you know for the women for the schedule schedule right this is important then of course we discuss about the rule of the law means the laws are equal for all the individuals they're common the laws are same for the people and that's how they want to protect us right rules are really very important we discuss about two important laws which were there in the British time first the arbitrary law which means that they can pass the law anything which is which will be very unfair to the people those these laws were very vague no nothing that great at all then of course we have the sedation Act of 1870 that allow the government to arrest the individual if they are protesting or they are criticizing against the government we don't have these two laws now everyone we don't have these two laws in our country ending with it that people have a very important role in the law making they have a very important role to select the collect to select the correct leader right who they who can actually represent them their communities their ideas if people are not involved right laws and policies will not be able to help us it is a very very important step for every citizen of the country that once they have the voting right that is after 18 years they should vote they should elect an individual which is capable of making laws and policies for the betterment of the country and for the people and if we feel that we don't like a law or any policies there are we can definitely come in groups we can protest we can debate about it and the government will definitely listen to us clear everyone yes all of you are we clear I know it's a it's a it's a little bit uh I'll not say Lindy chapter it has now the two you know um chapters combined together yes clear yes right that's the revision everyone and now I'll move aside I would love all of you to take a screenshots everyone take a screenshot oh okay then here everyone yes hello yes the class is over yes the class is over everyone now chapter 3 is why do we need a parliament and chapter 4 is understanding law no no no according to the new rationalized textbook right if you will see there's only one chapter now write in the um in the new rationite textbook this is the one that we have okay so please make sure you all of you are following the new textbook okay so everyone thank you so much I know that there will be few doubts that you have you can write in the comment section below please make sure you read the textbook now right and visit this video again for the better understanding right please make sure you read the NCR everyone and if you read the ncrt I'm sure you'll be able to get each and everything please make sure you hit the like button for the video or share with your friends and subscribe to the channel this is a very interesting question what is zero hour yes everyone yes what is zero hour can anyone tell me what is zero hour everyone so basically if we have to uh you know explain in that way it's an R where of course before the session starts right they can uh it's a question yes very good very good yes it's a questionnaire yes before the question are we if they have to raise a concern about some urgent importance discussion right they can actually uh they can actually approach the speaker and they can talk about and there will be a zero r very good the questionnaire starts approximately 12 noon so before that the person can go to the speaker and speak about it if they have some urgent issues to discuss Act of 1840 talks about that that that time the British government has a power to arrest the individual if they are protesting if they if they're criticizing the government clear Sandhya okay interesting okay everyone yes they can ask a question on the issues of the Urgent uh you know public importance okay so everyone with this I'll end the class I can see that many of you have doubts which are beyond our discussion right which are uh which are not exactly a part of our curriculum and I would encourage you and I would encourage you to read more about it talk to your parents about it talk to your teachers about it right because you should have the understanding about these topics because you are the future of the country so please make sure you read about them more you become more aware about these things right and that's really very important okay with this everyone I'll end my class thank you so much for all of you being here with us we'll be meeting really very soon do take care of yourself and keep on learning with by juice bye bye good night everyone