I actually believe that you're hearing this message for a reason you see if your manifestations are not happening right now or things are manifesting but something feels off in your life or you're able to manifest some things but not everything and life is not going the way that you expect it to or the way that you want it to Chances Are you are possessed now hear me out when I say this I I'm not saying this like drastically to get your attention be like oh my gosh I'm possessed no actually the possession that you're probably thinking of right now is not what I'm talking about eny what I'm talking about here is let's take the word possession let's go back to First principles when we say the word possession what does that mean you can look this up on Google right now but when we say the word possession it simply means to have control over something now let me ask you a question your mind do you have full control over it yes or no now if you say yes I know that if you're watching this probably you want to say yes but the reality is not quite think about this when you're driving on the motorway okay if you drive or you're driving home are you always 100% there are you always 100% present are you always there 100% making every turn or do you find that sometimes or maybe more often times your Consciousness is clicking out like you're thinking about something else and you ever had that you're driving somewhere driving somewhere then all of a sudden before you know it you're at the place that you was driving to whether it be home or work and you're bit like whoo how did I get here so fast you're you the consciousness of you wasn't in control that whole time so my question is who was who was in control who was possessing the vehicle in that moment well you might say you're subconscious you're unconscious this is getting closer to the truth now think about this let me ask you this are you in control of what you say are you are you actually in control of what you say you may want to say yes but you ever had moments where maybe you're at work or maybe you your friends or maybe with your you're with friends that you haven't seen in years some old friends and you say stuff that you don't even really believe anymore or you say stuff that you don't really even normally speak like anymore but you find yourself saying it because it's almost like you're going back into this old energy or you're going back into this energy that you used to be you ever had that it could be with old friends it could even be with friends that you have now it could be with family members it could be with anybody you say something and it's a bit like whoa why did I say that or whoa why was I so jokey or whoa why was I so serious or whoa why did you ever had that well see this is the reality we think that we are in control of what we're saying what we're thinking our mind our vocal cords even our body you know a big identify I used to train a lot of people in in speaker training as soon as they go on stage or somewhere that invokes more nerves you'll start to see these unconscious things come through like maybe they're they're speaking but then they start scratching themselves very often cuz they're a bit nervous or maybe they start uh standing on foot to foot or maybe they start swaying or maybe they start walking across the stage all of the these things they have no clue that they're doing but signal some nervousness signal something else this is all unconscious so what I'm speaking about here is the reality is you think that you want something in life while you actually do want something but the reality is there's another part of you that has been either you want to say conditioned or if you want to say possessed controlled to the point where you can think that you want something but when the reality comes to you either saying something doing something seeing some um feeling something being something the energy behind it is different let me give you the quickest example before I go into the solutions on how you can unpossess yourself or deoss yourself or allow you that you watching this who knows what they want or feels like there is more for them in life what that person actually came here to manifest came here to live so the thing the last thing I want to say before I I get into the three points is spoiler there's three points coming up so to put it simply it's like this you know uh I assume if you're watching this video you meditate or do some manifestation ritual or do different things to enhance your manifestation Powers but let's just take even for example a manifestation meditation you can be in the for example in the morning meditating on your manifestation feeling the energy behind it channeling the universe feeling amazing knowing that everything's going to work out knowing that you are abundant knowing that you have the love of your life knowing that you have the best relationship whatever you want to manifest after that 5 minute 10 minute 15 minute 20 minute 30 minute whatever many minute it is after those minutes you open your eyes and you go about into your day for majority of people and you think about this for you is this for you where after those 20 minutes let's say for example of meditating or manifesting when you go back into your reality and you carry on about your day is it the case where you carry that energy all the way throughout the day probably not usually it's within 1 minute boom you're back into the unconscious you're back into the lack of presence to the point where the energy that you was feeling in that meditation felt amazing whether you have that manifestation yet or not but that is the energy that you need to embody and you know this this is why you're doing different manifestation techniques but the problem is for the other 23 hours and 40 minutes in the day when you're not doing that what is your energy your energy is possessed not by the version of you that you want to be or the version of you that you need to be to attain that version of you that you want to be you are possessed by the old version of You by the conditioned version of you condition not just being mind but even condition energy in the day when you drive to work how you how have you conditioned yourself to feel are you thinking in future worrying about different things or are you grounded in the present moment feeling that same feeling you was feeling in the manifestation meditation when you're at work if somebody speaks to you and says something to you that annoys you are you embodying the feelings that you know you know in that manifestation meditation or whatever you're doing that manifestation ritual how you would feel there or are you embodying something where it's like this person pisses you off or this person makes you feel a certain way or this person unconsciously brings out certain characteristics where you say certain things or snap not just at work but even at home you got to think about this and even for example if you have kids as well how is it your unconscious energy that energy when you're around your kids you know what I mean so this around parents this goes for everything most of the time for 90% to 95% to 99% of the time your energy is possessed by the old version of you the version of you where your manifestations happen a different way than you want so how can we do this where we don't allow that other version of us to come through whether it's an old version of us whether it's a traumatized version of us or even something that we consciously know we wouldn't be acting like if we were actually in that dream life or that actual character of who we actually want to be so the way that we can do this the three ways that I want to share with you right now one of them as well the last one I got from a Himalayan Yogi and this was very crucial for clearing energy okay but before we get into that one the very first thing we can do one day when I was connecting to my higher self and receiving different answers and different int intuitive messages one thing that I received was showing me that's so simple that presence is the answer to all of your challenges I don't mean the type of presence think about it listen I don't mean the type of presence where you're okay I'm present I see the trees over there I'm in the moment I'm feeling the air around my nostrils I'm feeling what I'm touching now that presence is beautiful and that presence brings you out of worrying about the future or the past and all these different thoughts what I'm talking about though is the type of presence when you are actually in your body so right now when you're watching this video bring your presence not from thinking about the words that I'm saying right now bring your presence you can be hearing it but bring your presence not allowing it to go into different directions bring it right here right now you can start by okay feeling okay I feel what I'm I feel like I'm holding the phone in my hand or I feel like I've got the laptop on my lap or I feel like even though disclaimer don't put the laptop on your lap because of the uh frequencies the heat energy it's not the most optimal for it to be on your lap so if it's on your lap right now put a pillow underneath or do something else so it's not directly on your lap Health tip one1 so you can do that come into the moment but bring your energy into how you're feeling let's say in your heart are you feeling the energy that you feel let's say at the end of a manifestation meditation or are you feeling something different if you're feeling something different you can change that right now feel that like right now what I'm doing is I'm triggering in my heart center to feel the energy of whatever I'm manifesting is already here that energy where it just feels like man it's so cool that I've got this or my life is so cool just feel that energy feel that buzz can you do that right now it might take a few seconds of breathing deeply bringing your attention mention here and just feeling that manifestation whether it's a dream partner whether it's abundance whatever it is feel what it would feel like to have that in this moment and then drop that thing of what you're thinking about the money the partner and just feel that feeling why I want you to do is for the duration of this video hold that feeling if you're not used to this it will be easier said than done but if you practice this here with me this will become your reality and think about it everybody says you don't attract what you want you attract what you are this is what you are this energy that you are feeling right now and if you're not feeling it right now pause the video close your eyes tap into that energy hold that energy throughout the duration of this video trust me this will make a big difference presence is the answer this type of presence where you're feeling this energy shifts your whole timeline shifts your whole reality how because you are your energetic frequency is something completely different now so behind the scenes not just what you're physically seeing behind the scenes different things are manifesting different things are unfolding that's one thing another situation in how presence assist is think about it if somebody who normally triggers you at work at home family you know that that typical family member who you can think on your mind right now who when they say something is just like what the f and it gu to you if that person says something and you are possessed by the old version of you the unconscious version of you the way you will react will be very different to if you are in control you have unpossessed yourself and you are in control of your body your mind your spirit your energy when that person says something you can then laugh about it you can then be like this is just them you can then say something that is you know that you know that sometimes you can be in an argument with someone then only after the argument you remember ah if I said that thing it would have been so perfect it would have fit in right there you know that one of those things where you could just think that if I said that thing it would have worked perfectly it would have ended the argument now you can have access to that level of Genius that level of level of knowledge that level of intuition in this moment to the point where these things don't TR you and doesn't change your energy this happens with in so many different ways right you bring this presence this grounded presence of awareness into your heart Senter awareness into your body the way that you act the way that you react or respond will be very different the energy that you're caring for your day will be very different so the very simple way to do this is bring your awareness into this moment feel that energy in Your Heart Center of whatever manifestations you are manifesting right now F the energy as if you already have them this is not rocket science the main rocket science that I'm sharing here is how you can take that energy not just in your meditations not just in 20 minutes in the day but throughout your whole day then you continue to remember anything you do when you're washing the plates you're feeling that feeling when you are watching this video you're feeling that feeling when you are going about your day speaking to people you're feeling that feeling and now you might be thinking but Josh but how how do you do this when you're watching TV or how do you do this when you're when you're speaking to someone because this distracts you know true but what you can do a simple practice you can do is even when I'm speaking right now listen out for the pauses in the pauses allow that to be an anchor back into you so you can hear what I'm saying understand it but as soon as the pauses come boom you're back boom you're back this is one very simple but effective way to bring that presence back bring that energy back to take control of you the second thing that I wanted to share so now we've got the presence now we've got that understand understanding or that feeling that in understanding of that energy not just in 20 minutes in the day but throughout the day now the second thing is all to do with at night when you are just before you go to bed you can do your manifestation ritual whatever you want to do you can light your candles I don't know your your ritual right me personally I just sit down I do some uh facia Maneuvers I do some uh basically stretches for those of you who don't know fascia but actually you should know what fascia is because this will directly impact your manifestation and intuition if you're not sure about this I will link a video at the end of this video and um where I basically discuss three toxic habits I quit to heal my nervous system I cover it in there so I do that I also meditate I also connect to my higher self and do different things as well but basically settle the energy one of the last things that you want to do at night is go back through your day and evaluate two things what went well and to be improved what went well in the sense of what went well where I was able to actually carry that energy that vibrational frequency throughout the day when I was washing the dishes or I remembered when I I was speaking to my friend I remembered when I was at work I remembered maybe I'm not saying it was the easiest but over time this will become easier and easier and easier in the sense of remembering it and in the sense of actually doing it and in the sense of actually feeling that feeling to the maximum you can cuz probably right now you can feel the feeling but it's not as Amplified as in a meditation over time it will become more and more Amplified even now I'll be honest with you when I was just recording this video up until a few minutes ago I had forgotten I had forgotten that feeling it was just when I said that first point I was like oh my gosh I'm not even doing myself I just remembered it so for everyone it's not if you're not like some Himalayan Yogi in the top of some Mountain somewhere probably this will be a thing where it's constant learning and I'll be honest with myself it's constant learning for me right I'm not claiming to be perfect at this doing this 100% throughout the day but whenever I remember I do it because I know that when I do it it affects my frequency on a whole different level it affects everything so that's that next thing is evaluate what went well when were the moments that I was able to do it maybe you find that throughout your days you're able to do it when you're by yourself when you're by yourself it's so easy but when you speak to people then you lose it this will come into the to be improved if every day you evaluate this is the problem most people don't evaluate their days at the end of the day and that's I'm not saying this to be super picky but think about it if you go a whole month and only really evaluate what went well in your month or what could be improved like occasionally maybe once or twice a month versus you doing it every single day you know how fast you will exponentially unpossess yourself and exponentially increase your vibrational frequency and exponentially receive the things that you want to manifest words don't even do it justice so if you at the end of the day you evalue what went well to be improved the to be improved don't kick yourself for it just be like okay I noticed that whenever I'm speaking to people I tend to lose it whenever I'm driving the car I tend to lose that presence or whenever I drive um or do something else or play video games or watch Netflix I tend to lose it how can tomorrow I bring that into my what went well you can just focus on one of these to be improved in the next day and just focus on that focus on that until eventually you improve it whether it's the next day whether it's day after or the day after so that is the second thing after you grounding that presence realizing that this will transform your life then evaluate at the end of your night it's what went well to be improved finally the final point to this this is what I actually a technique that I received from a Himalayan Yogi was this is now to clear the energetic field because now what you've noticed we're talking a bit about the the spirit okay and bringing ground that energy into the physical we're also talking about mentally evaluating what went well to be improved and then evaluate not only evaluating it but embodying it the next day the third thing now is what you can do uh the Himalayan Yogi that recommended this to me recommended that I did this for a occasionally it was even a 7-Day period and sometimes it was even a 21-day period I'm going to recommend you do this for 21 days what it was was at night you put him Himalayan pink salt this is going to sound so esoteric but trust me on this Himalayan pink salt on your bed when you wake up when you get out of bed you wake up put it on throughout the whole day leave it there you can make your bed but pull it underneath then at night you can take off the salt and go to bed the reason why this is powerful is cuz if you do this for 7 Days 21 days I'm recommending 21 days if it's your first time the Himalayan pink salt is very cleansing you can feel this this is why people have salt lamps in their bedroom so anyway you do this it will cleanse your energy field especially throughout the day in that place and also at night it will cleanse your bed it will cleanse your energy you'll notice a difference all I will say is don't look have any expectations just do the practice and notice what you notice after 21 days so this is way if you notice on the three levels in this video of giving you one for the Mind One to ground something into the body that presence and also the mind is the evaluation and then also the final thing is for the energy okay you do those three things you will possess dep possess yourself to the point where you will start to bring that control back in your life the energy will not be on the unconscious you will have physical presence throughout your day and then be evaluating the things that went well and to be improved like I said I'm going to link right now to a video that will help you to basically what I recommend three toxic habits I quit to heal my nervous system because this will also help to regulate your nervous system so you're not constantly in fight or flight because your fight if you're in fight or flight this will make it where it's very tough to be present very tough to be grounded in the moment so make sure to check this video out other than that if you got any value from this video hit the like button if you want to see more videos like this on your feed hit subscribe if you're new here sending you much love and I'll see you in the next one