you know our consciousness expresses itself in six ways in six modes first is Ichcha Shakti that's desire many type of desires arise in the mind when desires are fulfilled another desires come so one after another desires keep coming and then we get caught up in the whole cycle and small small desires and big desire doesn't matter a desire is one of the mode correct? and then knowledge you want to know you get to know about it you know about this you know about that and you read books and you acquire knowledge the second is knowing, you made a mistake you came to know about the mistake afterwards when an action is finished then the knowledge of the action comes to you this is the power of knowing knowledge Gyan Shakti then the third mode is Kriya Shakti activity this is part of life there are activities happening all the time some or other activity you keep doing and every action is part of the Kriya Shakti and then the fourth is Shanta Shanta means ability to become still and quiet everybody has this ability we need to simply develop that and then there is what is called Vimarsh Vimarsh means understanding it is not knowledge but this is judging knowledge you get it then you judge whether it is right or wrong good or bad the judging inside you analysis and judgment that is also a power and then the final one is Prakash means presence just light so in Yagnas all these six powers are finding its fulfillment see we don't understand what is happening but the energy is high and then you are high correct? it is not something you think and you talk and you cannot even express it in words can you express? no you cannot express in words you cannot it is beyond your logical understanding you're sitting you don't understand what the chantings are going on and ceremonies are happening but it has created the wonderful energy you just feel the energy beyond your thinking that is called Prakash presence experiencing the presence and very little knowledge or very little awareness about this is there in the world we always say live in the present moment present moment is so deep and vast that it invokes the presence there to experience presence you have to say the whole world doesn't exist the world is not real the world real means hanging on to the past or trying to hold on to the future design the future when can you be in the presence totally? when you let go of the other things what are the things? Ichcha let go of the desire desire is not now it is in the future always it puts you in the future but when you know your desire is going to get fulfilled or it is fulfilled it's done what comes up is presence that is bliss and similarly all your questions have gone Vimarsh the only thing you have to Vimarsh is this whole thing is a dream it doesn't matter that discrimination only one judgment that can take you to the self that is this whole thing is not there nothing is there what the scientist have said today after so many years the scientist say the world doesn't exist oh my dear this is what I've been saying for so many time and your intellect is going chewing it chewing it why this? why that? why that? you want explanation for everything the world cannot be captured by your explanation or your little intellect and your intellect that little intellect is making you miserable because it turns itself into ego if that same intellect gets into this mode it's all nothing so that Vimarsh either it gets you into that world questioning everything and you become miserable or you do only one question that is what is reality? and that takes you to the silence because there is no answer who am I? that is also Vimarsh who am I? all this doesn't exist then the whole world is Maya illusion it's everything is changing nothing is permanent then the presence comes Prakash and how do you experience the Prakash? is through this knowledge this understanding Vimarsh well it's not working for me I'm not intelligent then come and sit in the Yagya come and sit in the presence of the Master and he is not going to answer your question what is happening? without your knowledge the intellect is shutting itself down and the Prakash or the presence is coming up that is why its said you know Sankalp you take a Sankalp you take a desire a wish and then you leave the wish you drop it say this is my wish okay I drop the wish knowing that it will be taken care this or something better than that will be done that is so beautifully structured in this whole thing afterwards you know say [Sanskrit words] means I got in touch with something which is not my nature which is not very big it's a small things every time you make a Sankalp then the pandit say [Sanskrit words] at the end of the Sankalp he says oh I got into small things now I am washing my hands off every Sankalp you do drop it and you wash your hands and say I'm free from it because you are much bigger than the desires we hold on to when we are holding on to our desire we are not in the infinity we are in the smallness but it is necessary so you do it and then you become aware I am much bigger than this see in life every little thing has a meaning even a needle a safety pin has its value right? you have to tie something a safety pin is necessary a button in your shirt has a place too right? just imagine someone is riding a motor bike and then all the buttons are gone the shirt is going on the face they will get into accident little things have a lot have a significance you know small things do have significance in life so significance of insignificant things is what one should be aware and recognize that divine is not sitting somewhere up it's permeating everything so recognizing it's all permeating you honour and then you move on to the Shanta the serenity quiet state of the being then the presence so remember six six modes of our mind intellect and ego the consciousness has three these three forms as six modes desire power of desire power to act power to know knowledge and then power to discriminate or judging discriminating agreeing accepting all that holding on to accepting and then Prakash presence so that is what is created in Shanta the quietness serenity Prakash very few reach to these last two stages if you are stuck in desire too much you will be miserable if you are stuck in too much of knowledge of you know everything which you need not know at some point of time then also it can or if you don't know you'll become miserable then action no action or too much action or improper action all will or others action can all lead you into misery these four then serenity if you don't know how to become quiet you can become miserable it's a catch 22 if you know how to become quiet then you have you can overcome misery if you don't know how to become quiet you become even more miserable and if you don't act when you have to act you become too quiet then also you become miserable then Vimarsh Vimarsh is when you are always judging others judging yourself and you try to correct yourself correct others it's not going to work if you want to shoot your rocket up you want to go into space if you keep filling your all your shortcomings it's like filling the pits it's never going to end got it? it's never going to end for if you try to fill your shortcomings or desires I want this I do this blah blah blah why this? why that? blah blah blah isn't it? then the presence Prakash doesn't come at all the logic the Vimarsh should be used only to see nothing this is all nothing or everything happens by some karma I don't know what it is then what happens? immediately serenity dawns you become quiet and then you get entry the pass word into another dimension and here direct password that's what you got 2 days 3 days 4 days all being ecstatic and completely in high energy presence right? so your very presence should bring smiles in others and that's what you take from here what is the takeaway? from Yagna you go you don't have to talk to somebody and convince them anything your presence is making others happy