hello everyone and welcome to the second day of the optimize your marketing funnel event uh series hosted by mention i'm joined here with roxanna from socialb who will be presenting uh 20 plus social media content ideas for every stage of the funnel so we're really happy to have socialb join us for this event uh please don't forget to ask any questions you may have for either myself or roxanna in the questions tab uh and feel free to also write in the chat where you're from uh what companies you're working at uh and just to write us anything if you have any feedback for us so without further ado i will pass the microphone over to roxanna and we'll also see you at the end for some questions and answers thank you so so much francesca for uh the award introduction and thank you for joining us today um for registering for the today event and just being uh here with us and you know as francesca was mentioning uh right now i'm i'm with socialb i'm a head of marketing um and you know it it only made sense for me to to share some of the insights we we've got on social media content ideas what works well for uh each stage of the funnel and uh just to give you uh more context on how on what i do at socialb and how it is that i i ended up here um i started out as an intern at social b many many years ago then i went i i was a social media specialist and then slowly i got more and more into marketing and um fast forward to today um i'm overseeing everything that we do on marketing each channel social media email email marketing content and so on and for those of you who never heard of social bee if it sounds familiar to you if you know or use social b just let us know in the chat uh uh with the number uh in which bucket you you fall in um and for those of you who never heard of social beam we had a social media management tool that you can use to plan your content to analyze your profile and just take care of all your profiles from one place and now uh what what are my hopes uh for today what i hope you you will learn is um what content ideas work best for each stage of the funnel i will discuss um two different ways in which marketers usually um view the marketing funnel and then briefly i i will give you some tips on how you can create a solid content mix for your social media profiles and yeah i will have lots of examples for you and hopefully you know just by seeing those examples you will be inspired to to start creating such posts for your feeds as well and if all of this uh sounds good to you i'll just uh go ahead and start with the basics uh which is obviously the the marketing funnel and the various stages of it um and as uh probably the yesterday speakers and today's speakers will uh keep repeating and mentioning uh so marketing funnel is the series of stages that your customers go through from awareness all the way to advocacy now i was mentioning that marketers have different ways to look at the marketing funnel some of them prefer to think of it as the three-step funnel top of the funnel middle of the funnel and bottom of the funnel others prefer to look at it with the five-step funnel awareness consideration conversion engagement and advocacy uh personally i i prefer the five-step funnel because it adds a layer of complexity to what you do and you know it brings engagement and advocacy into the picture which are so important for for every business now uh how how i decided to structure my uh content ideas for each step of the funnel i will give you ideas and then i will give you some examples now um starting with the first stage of the funnel social media content ideas for awareness and here your main goal is to obviously generate brand awareness have complete strangers find out about you know what it is that you do and how can you do that on on social media i have uh four ideas for you here the first one being creating unboxing videos and product tutorials um and i see it uh every day on instagram on tick-tock uh brands that decided to just post a reel with um their box with their packaging and you know some influencers some brands or even themselves the owners just open the box they show you the product um they show you how to use it um and as i was mentioning at the the third idea you can even share a before and after effect so um here i recently i saw um some product for shaving and what they've done is they filmed a video where they actually showed the hand before shaving and you know after shaving and it was just so easy to incorporate a review with the before and after effect then you can also rely on giveaways and contests i know everyone is using them right now and it may seem like an overused initiative but trust me you you can generate brand awareness because if you were to do the math here it's it's simple you you launch the giveaway you have some conditions for people to join and to be considered for a chance to win such as uh posting the your post on their stories tagging someone in the comments and just think if you have 10 people um joining your giveaway those 10 will share their stories their stories let's say on average could have two two hundred views we already generated two thousand views and um brand awareness for yourself even if you know those who see the the stories and the giveaway won't buy from you directly at least they are aware that you exist they are aware that you are on the market and that you have something to to offer now i i want to show you examples from from brands um also for you to see what visuals they used also to see the captions that they used and uh you know the first example is um user so they are using user generated content uh with an influencer that is so happy to use uh the cream um you can even see that they included in the caption um a quick testimonial uh i've been loving the soft feeling um that it gives me so then once again um in the second example you could see a coach that decided to include user-generated content from one of her customers along with uh with the testimonial then once again you could see a brand launching a giveaway they made sure to add the date uh visually in the image to make sure to add the condition on how to enter the giveaway and yeah to make it very very catchy and obvious that it's a it's a giveaway that they are having now uh moving on to to the second stage of the the funnel consideration um once again you you have a main goal for each stage for the second one is attracting new leads and how can you do that on social media or you can easily uh talk about the benefits of your products and services so you know in the first stage you just introduced the product you saw you showed how it works just a brief introduction to your product now um in this stage you can already talk about benefits you can talk about unknown product features um you can share customer success stories um which to some extent um it's an evolved version of the quick testimonial um because at this stage they they do need to to build more trust with you and customer success stories are longer you can give more insights on what they they get to do with you so yeah you can use those at this stage once again uh user generated content works well i guess for for every stage of the funnel because you if you put images of customers owning using your products they're able to to create a reality in their minds where they have your product they use it and you know if i were to to give a simple example with an online clothing store um user generated content works so well because nowadays you you probably have seen so many stores with models that pose a specific way and the customer the end customer is not able to see the way the clothes look like and to see the details of what they might want to purchase so user generated content gives the the real view of how the clothes would look like it's relatable and it can even help you um assist people in deciding what sizes work best for them you could have you know user generated content for size and for example and they can get an idea on how it would look on specific uh body types then once again at this stage you you also want to make sure that they build more and more trust in you and one way to do that is to to talk about your company's values and now just to give you an example here for uh company values um if you see here at the bottom right corner um they decided to to talk about their company values they decided to even add a link in their social media posts to the uh website page where they go into more details about their values what they care for and um i will read it to you just in case you you're not able to see the caption uh properly so what they are saying is we pride ourselves on our commitment to progress in action emphasis on action we recently passed on an office because it didn't offer a breastfeeding space every employee deserves to have their basic needs meet so matt um so this uh helps potential customers understand what you stand for besides you know the the whole business uh values and what you offer with your product who you are as humans as you know as a company culture then another example is here the the first one you can see they wanted to share some awards that they received once again to build trust to have social proof um then the second example they used user generated content uh do not disturb mommy's reading once again it's so relatable uh i am 100 sure that moms can relate to this and you have to make your brand relatable at the end of the day if you want your customers to trust you to want to do business with you and just be be here with you in the long run then another example that i added is for a case study um once again they decided even visually to add uh some quote from their head of finance and also a link where they could read more about um this case study now um moving on to the next stage social media content ideas for conversion um you when you think of content at this stage you can say for sure that people are aware of you people start to to build some trust in you they just need one push i could say um to start doing something and now uh the goal here generate sales and conversions i wanted to to make a clear differentiation between those two because conversions you can have multiple conversion goals even you know if they decide to give you their email address in exchange for a resource that's also conversion if they decide to book a call that's also conversions many a convention many times um what i've seen even you know with social b customers they they try to skip stages and they they try to incentivize people to buy without you know making sure those visitors are nurtured they trust you they understand you and usually it doesn't it doesn't work too too well when you try to just skip stages and um when it happens that you get to this stage uh the the conversion stage you have to make sure to post about your promotions and limited offers on social media um those limited offers most likely uh have a discount code attached um a voucher um [Music] and you know this is mainly for for the sales then you can also think you know what i was mentioning on conversions you can post lead magnets templates guides they can download free consultations that that you offer um and i even want to give you an example with how easy it is these days with low budget low resources to to promote your lead magnets and collect email addresses enter those people into your funnel and nurturing uh them from that point on and my example is on facebook you can launch lead ads on facebook um where you can um collect your email addresses in exchange for resource without you sending them to a specific landing page on your website so this makes it so easy on you you no longer have to create a landing page on your website all you have to do is have the resources have a specific budget for for the ads that you're launching monitor how um how things go what cost you get per click and then see see if this is you know a long term strategy for you then um once again you you can promote your newsletter on social media but here just make sure that you mention the reason why so why should they even join your your newsletter whether you could say that we send you weekly tips we send you specific offers we or you could frame it like be the first one to know everything that's new with my company or something like that make sure you always attach to an action that you want them to take value that they could gain after they um act then um you could promote your blog articles and just send people to your website uh this has just so many so many benefits if you have you know lead magnets in your blogs they can download those enter your funnel also from a sale perspective you uh you get more visitors to your blog maybe they could they share those on their social media profiles and you know google is watching google knows when you know users and visitors find value in your blog articles and they make sure to to rank you higher um on google now to to get to two examples the first one uh being on signing up for a newsletter and you can see the the call to action being short clear added visually as well and in the caption they uh they made sure to give the reason why oh and i will just read it to you so the caption says would you like the best weekly stories delivered straight to your inbox uh yes you do so they gave the the value straight away they make a promise to to deliver those uh things directly in their inbox and you know people to some extent prefer getting you know updates directly in their inbox they it's it's easier for you to miss an update on social media to not see the ads but you know the inbox i guess everyone um checks the inbox nowadays and is such a direct way to to get in touch with your customers then um my second example uh is for a discount code so what they've done here is um they made sure to add the discount as uh as big as they could to give instructions use promo code at checkout to to say how the value what's the value of the discount code and also they decided to add some scarcity in the caption so the first five to claim the discount code will get 20 off so this you know element of the first five to claim could benefit you could benefit the customers as well how how can it benefit you if you're a small business if you simply cannot take on more customers this is so easy you limit the the times when the code can be used and the customers you know they get an incentive they they might be scared that they might not be the first five to to join the first five to use the code and you know they are incentivized to act right now and just give it a try then another example uh for once again a discount code is for a beauty salon once again they made sure to mention the value of the discount they make sure to add a time frame uh when you can use the the discount code and also the options so you could use it for uh different services they they have and you know in the caption once again they tried to add a time element to what they do so they ask you to hurry it's a time limited period book your appointment now so yeah they they added the call to action loud and clear then uh the the last example here is for elite magnet um it's a template that you can download obviously they decided to link to a landing page here where you can download the template but visually speaking they they made sure that you see that it's something that you can download so you can see even here they decided to use the icon for download uh they decided to use uh capital letters for template even add you know the the paper uh here visually so it's just easy for those who see your post to understand easily uh what you want them to do what's in it for for them now uh for um engagement so content ideas for engagement uh what you can do here so what you want to do here is spark engagement and interaction that you know in the end will benefit your posts because the more people engage with it the more people comment share uh like your post the more uh visibility you get you know you you've seen probably nowadays um viral posts and you probably if you take a closer look at them they have lots of comments shares likes people tagging their friends in the comments and so on and what you can do here some content ideas the first one that i have for you is to share a filling the blanks post they are so fun uh you you can see how creative your followers can get and you know they can just see what others comment and you know engage with what everyone else commented and you will see that in the end you have uh 100 comments easily then uh you can create uh polls and quizzes um you can host live q and a's you can launch a challenge um it could be a simple challenge of leaving the comments a picture of you doing this or i've seen lots of brands just saying something like i dare you to add the last picture from your gallery in the comments and yeah it's it's fun it's so interactive it's a challenge people love to be challenged so why not launch a challenge you can also ask for recommendations even you as a business you can ask your customers to recommend something to ask uh you can ask them something directly um it's uh it's they will appreciate you being open transparent being open to their ideas um then you can share a photo and let your audience write the caption i've seen so many i guess memes mostly where you just post the memes and they say i will let you caption this for me leave your comments below and lastly obviously sharing a meme they are so easy to spark engagement because people want to share um memes and they tag others in the comments and you know even to show you an example for for memes um here shopify decided to create a meme with the caption what did you buy online today uh and obviously they decided to brand to meme you can see how easy it is how simple the design is for this so they just use the obviously branded green shopping bag um and it's just such a simple way to make it relatable to to spark conversations and have social media content shared on your feeds then another example is that i curated for you it's still from shopify um so they used fill in the blanks post so when i made my first sale i blank and as you can see um there are so many comments here um made a second as well didn't do it yet obviously so many likes um and yeah it's just a fun way to to hear from your followers then another example from canva um they decided to use a would you rather uh post so they give usually two options it's easy with two options and you can just leave a comment for the post with what options you prefer um and you know it's just a fun way to get people to to act and just make your posts viral my last example is from hubspot decided to use a linkedin poll they are so easy easy to use as you can see it's such you know a low effort uh posts you have a question you have a couple of options that are very very short and as you can see they got a hundred votes and it's it's an easy way to to be conversational with your audience and hear from them also it's a quick way to run a quick survey after all and just get some data on on their preferences habits and whatever it is that you that you want to find out now um moving on to the last stage which is advocacy um with social be i guess such a big part of what we do is so we rely a lot on word of mouth on referrals on our advocates our ambassadors our affiliates oh it's yeah it's a huge channel for us and it it creates the buzz that you need because one person shares with another and you know from there on it's it's almost like you can no longer control the the whole effect of advocacy now um the goal here is obviously to to make sure that those who purchased from you remain loyal and that their loyalty can be translated into repeated purchases into upsells and also that they advocate for for your brand they if i don't know for some reason someone asked them what do you think about them is it a good brand is the product um good is it working their answer to be yes absolutely no no has no hesitation there and what you can do here is uh you can promote your um ambassador program and you probably i don't know if you have limited resources or if your business is small you might not have the budget to to have very complex program and tools to to manage the affiliates commission and so on you can have something very very simple where you can just give monthly rewards to those who who promote the brand um you can use uh branded links that you can track later on how many clicks they got you can use bitly for this um it's it's a great tool that we integrate with as well you can see how many clicks a specific link got you can create a specific landing pages for different partners just so you know which customer came from which uh advocate and yeah you can have a very very simple structure for you for your program and from there on if things go well you can just invest in a tool and someone there are so many agencies that can handle those things for you from communication resources making sure that your ambassadors are successful uh so yeah there are so many opportunities to grow an ambassador program and then promote it on your social media another idea that i have for you is you know advocating for meaningful causes as i was mentioning before uh when people decide to to do business with you they look at the product but they also look at what you stand for how you put yourself out there in the world what you care for um if you know you support any specific causes whether it's something for the environment or something for the society for the community especially if you are a local business or you could just help local causes and just make sure you you share those things on social media and just you know prove that you are there you are active you care and you are more than just you know sales and making profit and uh things like that then which the the next idea which i think is related to to the second one uh you can write about your work ethic um and you know just as a simple example i even saw this on linkedin recently um a partner of ours he just posted um social media posts uh post on uh how they decide to partner with someone what principles they follow what they care for how human they are in their interactions and you know it it really added i would say bonus points to to my interactions with them and you know it helped me create a full image around that person that probably i didn't have before but i had you know missing pieces for it so yeah you can write about your work ethic on social media you can post photos from the office once again you have to humanize your brand you have to put you know real faces next to the brand because people you know they see your logo but they want to see you as well they want to see the person behind everything that's going on in your business whether it's yourself the co-founder uh whether it's someone else from um from the company you you can share photos from the office um and lastly you you can make an appreciation post for your customers uh here i guess you you could either use some national holidays i think uh recently i guess one month ago it was customer appreciation day you you could use you know international national holidays to say thank you or you you don't even need you know a specific holiday to say thank you for everything that your customers do for you you can do it you know once per quarter you can do it at the end of the quarter and just say it's been a great quarter for us uh thank you for being here thank you for being with us and either at the beginning end of quarter totally totally up to you how you want to show your appreciation now to show you some examples as well uh so the first example is actually uh from us from the social b team uh we shared on instagram a picture with our customer success team um we we are a fully remote team but we like to get to the office from time to time and when we we do that we we make sure to put it out there in the world for our customers to see us to because you know we have demo calls they see us they interact with us but it's different when they see a whole department when they see the whole team when they see us in the office um so yeah make sure you use us you use that on your feeds then uh salesforce decided to post on social media a letter to our customers um and they they showed how committed they are to their customers and they they even mentioned how how they one of their values as you can see here so together in all the days and years ahead so they think uh in the recent future and you know years ahead they they will be there for you and they even you know decided to add the link in their bio um with more details on what they they planned to do about kovitz 19 the covet 19 pandemic back then in 2020 so yeah especially you know with covet 19 so many businesses um decided to to just act to to be to show some solidarity to everything that was going on out there and just address their customers that directly through a letter to our customers to articles to to so many so many resources supporting them then another example that i have for you once again about company values um and then from dropbox they decided to post a transparency report for 2020 once again people have to trust you if they will advocate for you you have to be in alignment with them um they have to get you you have to get them and i think that's the the only way to have advocates be transparent help them learn more about you show them that that you are there for them now uh that we covered uh social media content ideas for the five stages of the funnel uh you you may wonder okay there are so many ideas how can i post everything um i have no idea how to make sure that my content is diverse and you know my my best tips for you is to really plan your content in advance um because i will give you just a simple example that our customers love to to share with us many many times um they say you know i i just want to relax in in my weekends i don't want to worry about sharing content or even during the work week they are so busy with so many things and social media can be so overlooked and it's just easy to plan in advance um you can do this whether by using a social media management tool or you can do it directly in on a specific platform most of them have the option for you to schedule content and yeah you can just create so many drafts schedule them and have them share that specific times whenever you you want that then um my my best tip is to organize your posts in content categories based on topics and here um i will give you even an example for social b how how we do things um obviously we we use social b for our feeds and what we've done just to make sure that we cover uh content for every stage of the funnel content for different topics we have different content categories in social b and for example we have a category for activism and inclusivity we have 13 posts here we have one category for celebrity endorsements we have four posts in here we have events in podcasting company spotlight and so so many buckets i would say so for different topics and this helps you get structured in what you do make sure you you have a diverse strategy and you know uh once you structure once once you have structure to what you want to do you can just you know schedule those uh those uh posts for specific days and once again i will give you an example on how we do it at socialb so i showed you before the categories so in each category you have posts and then in um so on each day of the week and weekend you have different categories for example funny content on monday at 11 and then we have something at eight about remote working once again on thursday let's say i have the spark the conversation category and what it is that such social media management tools do um they uh take content from your categories and they share it so on monday they those tools take the first post on funny content next monday they will do the same and they just go on and on and take more and more posts from your categories you can even recycle them uh this is such such a useful idea to to rely on when you want to diversify your content uh you can just recycle things so if you have a blog post one time you could share the blog with a preview um with a short caption and preview of the link next time you could add the link in the caption and just have an image instead or a video um so yeah you can recycle reuse and um transform your your content in any way you see fit and yeah uh one last tip would be to look at analytics because you know with so many content types so many content ideas uh it can get hard for you to track what really works for you and you know seeing your analytics its data its numbers uh you it's impossible to to deny what you see there so numbers are numbers in the end of the day and you can see um what you know content type work best something with a link something with an image um if marketing news performed better as you can see we had more engagement here for marketing news versus promotional content uh so yeah analytics are um such an important uh step in in what you do on social media and now uh i'm coming to to the end of my presentation and uh i will move uh soon with francesca to your questions so make sure you you add them in the chat and ask a question um section uh while i just you know share my my key takeaways with you so the first one what i want you to to think about and maybe start planning is uh covering every stage of the marketing funnel and make sure that throughout the week you have a post for every stage of the funnel so on monday you could decide okay monday it's my advocacy post and yeah probably users will not see i know your full your first post on monday on advocacy but they will see the next one if you are consistent and if you you have it as diverse as possible so which which leads me to to my second point of diversifying your social media content really generates more more engagement and you know content social media content could be different ideas different formats videos links carousels stories you have just so many options on so many so many different platforms and um i guess my my last tip which is my ultimate favorite is to to really automate social media work because it can be overlooked fairly easily and we we all get busy with so many things and it'd be such a shame for you to not be on social media to to not put yourself out there and now uh quickly before the the q a uh if you would like to to use such a tool social media to manage your social media feeds we have a special offer for those of you who joined us today and for those of you who will watch the replay um a 50 discount for three months um with a 40 day free trial you can just go ahead and sign up and use the code dimension 50 at checkout if you would like and now i will go with francesca for the q a and i guess it would be best for me to uh stop my share screening what do you think francesca uh yes we can we can remove the share screening and then we can just have our faces so you can see us all again uh thank you so much for the presentation i loved uh all of those examples i was really actionable i hope everyone found it as engaging as and as good as i did we have quite a few questions already in the chat but if you think of any more please feel free to write them in the questions tab uh we're going to start answering in order of the most upvoted questions so the first question we have is on what social media platforms should i focus nowadays what do you think roxanna oh yeah there are so many social media platforms out there and you know every every now and then i see more and more social media platforms popping up so my advice would be to to consider your industry first of all so for some brands pinterest could work so so well so if you're in the design and visual space pinterest could be could be an option for you if you want and if you have the resources to create viral content sure go on instagram go on tik tok uh post across those two platforms as real sticks as tick tocks um so it depends on on your industry and what you want to achieve what resources you have for content but you know generally i guess what i've seen so far every company has a facebook account a facebook page um an instagram account and linkedin so i would say those three would be like must-have and from there on you can expand on how much you can handle in the end yes i think that's very good advice i think something to consider as well is where your audience uh are found uh so think about the demographics of those platforms uh tiktok and instagram are catering to more of a younger audience uh linkedin is more for professionals so yeah think about who you're trying to reach with your social media content as well and uh that can answer your your question there um okay uh so yeah related to my comments uh we have a question from karahi so what is it about the b2b aspect in social media content does it differ in any way i would say yes but with one mention in the end you have to stay human whether you are in the b2b b2c you have to have that human aspect to to to your business to your company obviously content ideas for b2b have to be focused on trust mostly because you know usually in the b2b space the pricing is different you know the the time lag before they buy is longer so they need to be nurtured more you have to show maybe more reviews more case studies they they have to trust you to to make a decision in b2c it may be easier because obviously the pricing may be lower uh people might be more inclined to buy more to purchase as you can see in b2c it's easier to purchase especially if we talk about e-commerce so i would say in the b2b just focus on showing the business a bit more your services what you can do um and yeah build some trust and social proof in the end yeah i think uh one piece of advice i would like to offer as well since we are also b2b company doing the same on social media is to kind of differentiate between uh the person who is going to be purchasing the b2b service or or b2b tool as well as the users so they may not be the same person you have to think about the messaging that's going to be targeted at the person who's gonna buy the tool so thinking more about the benefits for the business uh the benefits um yeah how is this gonna generate more revenue how is that gonna help the company's goals versus as well the user so if you want to talk about the extra features that make it easy for the user to integrate into their jobs and to make their jobs easier so this can sometimes overlap your user and your buyer might be the same person but that's not always the case so you have to kind of think about both elements with b2b social media content yeah even in our case we have just so many agencies that have you know some intern trying to to buy a social media tool and at the same time we have to think okay our content needs to resonate with the intern that's looking for a solution for you know the higher management but also to some extent to show the benefits that the intern will show to higher management to convince them to use the tool to try to provide the budget for for it exactly completely agree um okay so the next most popular question we have is how can i create videos for social media with limited budgets that's a good question that we get so much lately and let me just i have even a link for you so what i'm using right now one second so what what i'm about to say is that uh it is easier to create video content you don't have to have a whole team filming for you there are so many stock videos that you can use there are for free so no there is no copyright copywriting attached to it and i will just give an example in the chat for one tool that i'm using it's called lumen5 i will just add this in the chat so what what they do is they provide you with the audio so you have so a library with so many audio content that you can use and you also have a library for video content and you can just uh with limited i would say skills for editing videos you can just have something very uh pleasing pleasant visually and just edit i truly recommend the tool just give it a try they have different uh templates as well for i don't know stories for reels for feed so content for for your feeds so yeah make sure you check out the tool and see if that works for you yeah i also think that these days videos don't have to be professionally produced um i think back in the day when video marketing was starting to be a thing everyone was really obsessed with having this kind of clean aesthetic something super professional filmed with the camera but you know these days like the camera on iphones on on microsoft phones android phones sony they are such good quality and you can even get started with some very like limited equipment um you know just kind of be creative and even directly on social media themselves like instagram now have you know the reels and you can easily make some small edits here and there uh and sometimes people really resonate with this i would say lo-fi approach to uh to creating videos because it's very relatable like everyone can do it yeah it's a very quick and easy way to get started i think so you don't always have to overthink the the video creation process yeah and there are so many trends out there if you were to spend a few minutes on instagram and just scroll through some reels you will easily spot a few trends that keep repeating themselves and with the same audio the same format for you know adding the text to the video how they film it so it's just easy to notice those patterns and try to create your own because you know it's already out there it's a trend so you know if you if you catch the the wave people might also discover you if they go to that specific audio they will see so many reels that use that specific audio and you you definitely increase your visibility like that yeah totally agree um the next question is again from karahi we have many questions uh from this person uh so is there any tools you would suggest for social media management uh yeah it may sound biased here uh but obviously for for us we use social b and uh yeah also mention has uh the the whole social media management range that you can use but in the end what i would recommend here because there are so many social media tools out there you have to see and do some research and see if their features uh work for you so if you are an agency you might need features for collaboration for giving feedback perhaps social media management has them or doesn't so you have to see what features you want and then start comparing there are so many for example g2 captera you can compare reviews you can compare their features you can go on their websites and just compare features because in the end and pricing as well because pricing is also a factor when deciding what tool to use but yeah just you have to compare features and pricing and see we see what works for you yeah completely agree and also many tools including mention come with free trials so always take advantage of the free trial at the beginning and uh you know use the tool as if you were going to be using it in in a real setting um you don't just use it just to check it out maybe you do one post use it as if you were going to be using it permanently i think it's the best way to really test the the various features and the limitations and you you don't really know these things until you're using it um in yeah in like a realistic setting so uh always take advantage of the free trials um so including mentions free trial if you uh would be interested at mentioning.com yeah and most stores they even have a 30 day money back guarantee they have webinars where you can just have someone walk you through the tool and you can see someone adding the content how it works so i think it's it's it's about research and seeing what what works for you yeah totally agree and um another question from kara hai so we asked is there a structure to follow for instagram feed depending on the funnel stages and how would you do it um i wouldn't say there is a structure uh per each stage i guess what what counts for your instagram is obviously to to work on your grid so if you could choose many options for your grid um it could be you know one column where the posts are with someone with a person then the next column you could have something uh simple design with some colors and then the third one videos for example so i wouldn't say there is a specific structure for you to follow depending on on your final stages and just make sure you don't over share in a short amount of time post for the same stage and just try to have one post for awareness one post for an advocacy one post for engagement just um try to think of it in a natural way how would you like to see it and in the end how does your feed look like because people will discover your profile and most likely they will not um go at each specific post to read the caption to see okay what what stage is this what's this post they will probably just get an overall feeling of your feed and then decide if they will follow you if they will go into details for for each pose so just make sure you have an overall um beautiful grid and yeah no no specific structure here yeah i think there are lots of apps out there as well that help you to plan and visualize your grid so if you already have say uh one month or two two months worth of content that's prepared and ready to go you can like drag and drop and see how it's going to appear on the feed um i can't think of any to mine but if you just type in google you know instagram grid planner um these tools are usually free to use as well it just helps to visualize things um i know there are some people that say you know there are set percentages of content that you should be posting for awareness and a certain percentage for a consideration a certain percentage for um like product focus decision based uh content i would say do what works best for your brand because not every audience not every brand is the same um and also you know a good technique to find out what proportion works for your audience is also by asking your audience um like asking what kind of content they're interested in because you may be surprised that a large percentage of your audience actually follow you because they want product updates and they do want to hear about uh you know new uh new products coming out or new features on your services um so really engage with your audience first and see what it is they're expecting from you uh before you know defining oh i should dedicate i don't know 10 of my posts to bottom of funnel content that would be my uh my advice here as well yeah totally agree yep okay i think we have uh time very quickly for one more question um i think we have one more minute left on the session uh however i can see we do have some more questions uh down the list i will share these with roxanna we can get back to you via email directly to your questions uh but the last one that i am gonna pick is uh one from um one from chloe because this one is quite different so in terms of instagram would you recommend a clean aesthetically pleasing feed or more of a messy feed with very content oh that's a good question personally i can appreciate both and i think many many people will will agree with this even nowadays there is such a trend with messy feeds and um that in the end you know there is beauty in chaos i would say and you can choose even something very clean and even something messy if in the end the messiness looks good if that uh if that makes sense yeah i agree it's um and again it also depends on your audience um and yeah like the industry if you're really in like a design industry where aesthetic is really important to your customers then yeah like a clean aesthetic feed uh really really can work and also your personal preference what you think looks best um put yourself in your customers shoes and think how would they like this do you like this that's always a good idea but yes i will be sharing these questions at the end with roxanna so hopefully she will be able to get back to you um in the next couple of days uh directly via email and thank you so much for joining i hope that you'll be able to make it to some of our future sessions uh in about 30 minutes time actually mentioned we'll be having our session about social listening for each stage of the funnel uh hosted by our marketing director anna so please don't miss this it's gonna be a great presentation and hopefully get to see you later on in the day and have a great day and see you soon thank you so much everyone have a good day morning evening depending on where you're at thank you so much bye bye