Counseling Exam Preparation Boot Camp

Jun 18, 2024

Counseling Exam Preparation Boot Camp


  • Howard Rosenthal's 47-minute super review for counseling exam preparation.
  • Created in 2002 but still highly relevant today.
  • Focuses on key material rapidly to gauge if studies are on the right track.
  • Meant as the final step in exam preparation.

Human Growth and Development

  • Nature vs. Nurture: Genetics and environment.
  • Developmental Theorists:
    • Biological/Physical: Genetic inheritance.
    • Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic: Freud, Jung, Adler, Erikson.
    • Freud's 5-stage Model (Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Genital).
    • ID, Ego, Superego: Pleasure principle, moral standards, balance.
  • Freud's Life and Death Instincts: Eros vs. Thanatos.
  • Abraham Maslow: Hierarchy of needs.
  • Jean Piaget: Stages of cognitive development.
  • William Perry, Lawrence Kohlberg, Carol Gilligan: Cognitive and moral development models.
  • Daniel Levinson: Mid-life crisis.
  • Albert Bandura: Social learning theory.
  • Robert Havighurst: Development stages and tasks.

Social and Cultural Foundations

  • Culture: Habits, customs, art, religion, science, politics.
  • Types of Culture: Universal, National, Regional, Ecological, Macro, Micro.
  • Race and Ethnocentrism: Genetic characteristics and superiority.
  • Emic vs. Etic: Cultural understanding approaches.
  • Autoplastic vs. Alloplastic: Changing self vs. changing environment.
  • Paralanguage: Tone, loudness, inflection, speed, silence.
  • Low and High Context Communication: Verbal explanations vs. nonverbal understanding.
  • Guard against stereotyping.
  • Anglo-Conformity Theory: Assimilation into dominant culture.

Multicultural Counseling Tips:

  1. Native Americans: Few words, spirituality, advice in story form, see in-home.
  2. African Americans: Concrete skills, short-term counseling, behavioral modalities.
  3. Asian Americans: Low voice, assertiveness training, focus on insight and existential issues.
  4. Hispanic/Latino: Benefit from catharsis, psychodrama, family discussions.

Counseling Relationship and Theories

  • Freudian Psychoanalysis: Personality and therapy, Insight through catharsis and ab reaction methods.
    • Defense Mechanisms: Repression, displacement, projection, reaction formation, sublimation, rationalization, identification, denial.
  • Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT):
    • Albert Ellis: Self-talk, irrational thinking.
    • ABC Theory of Personality: Activating event, Belief system, Emotional consequence, Dispute irrational belief, New consequence.
  • Transactional Analysis (TA):
    • Eric Berne: Parent, Adult, Child ego states, Life scripts, Games, Crossed transactions.
  • Person-Centered Therapy:
    • Carl Rogers: Empathy, unconditional positive regard, genuineness, reflection, open-ended questions.
  • Reality Therapy:
    • William Glasser: Choice Theory, Eight steps, No excuses or punishment.
  • Behavior Modification: Based on B.F. Skinner, reinforcement, punishment, extinction, shaping, systematic desensitization.
  • Gestalt Therapy:
    • Frederick Perls: Whole, unfinished business, present moment awareness, exercises, empty chair technique.
  • Eclectic Approach: Combining strategies from different schools.
  • Family Counseling:
    • System pathology, Circular causality.
    • Nathan Ackerman (psychoanalytic), Virginia Satir (communication patterns), Carl Whitaker (creative), Murray Bowen (triangulation), Salvador Minuchin (structural changes), Jay Haley and Chloe Madanes (strategic).

Group Counseling

  • Irvin Yalom's 11 Therapeutic Factors: Altruism, universality, hope, catharsis, cohesion, imitative behavior, family reenactment, imparting information, interpersonal learning, socialization techniques, existential factors.
  • Group Dynamics and Processes: Initial stage, transition conflict, working stage, termination.
  • Group Leadership Styles: Autocratic, laissez-faire, democratic, speculative, charismatic.
  • Types of Groups: Guidance, counseling, group therapy, training groups, structured groups, self-help/support groups.

Lifestyle and Career Counseling

  • Trait Factor Theory: Frank Parsons, matching traits to occupations.
  • Anne Roe: Needs approach based on childhood experiences.
  • Ginzberg's Developmental Theory: Fantasy, tentative, realistic periods.
  • Donald Super: Self-concept in career choice, life rainbow.
  • John Holland: Six personality types, assessment tools.
  • Krumboltz's Social Learning Theory: Genetic factors, environment, learning experiences, problem-solving skills.
  • Computer Assisted Career Guidance (CACG): Siggy, discover, screening, orientation, follow-up.
  • DOT and OOH: Job trends, salaries, hidden job market.


  • Terminology: Raw scores, range, measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode), skewness, standard deviation.
  • Validity and Reliability: Test accuracy and consistency.
  • Aptitude vs. Achievement Tests: Potential vs. current performance.
  • Types of Tests: Power vs. speed, projective tests.
  • Regression to the Mean: Scores normalizing over time.

Research and Evaluation

  • Correlation: Association, not causation.
  • Experimental Design: Random/systematic sampling, IV and DV, control groups, hypothesis testing, type 1 and 2 errors.
  • Statistics: Descriptive vs. inferential.

Professional Orientation and Ethics

  • Scope of Practice: Limit practice to areas of training.
  • Duty to Warn: Based on Tarasoff case, warn appropriate parties of threats.
  • Dual Relationships: Avoid significant additional relationships with clients.
  • Privileged Communication: Legal protection on confidential communications.
  • Ethical Guidelines: Sexual relationships, multiple submissions, referral fees, confidentiality protections, internet counseling.